
The more ruthless punishment regulations of the national table tennis women's team have been released again, and no one, including Sun Yingsha, can afford to lose


Recently, the national table tennis women's team has issued a series of new punishment regulations, which has made all the players, including Sun Yingsha, feel unprecedented pressure. The rules are not only strict, but also very specific, so that every member of the team understands that in the upcoming World Cup in Macau and other tournaments, losing will mean a heavy price.

The more ruthless punishment regulations of the national table tennis women's team have been released again, and no one, including Sun Yingsha, can afford to lose

It is reported that the new regulations stipulate that if the players of the national table tennis women's team fail to qualify in the group round-robin stage, they will directly deduct up to 3,000 points. It's not a small amount and it's a huge blow for any player. To make matters worse, if you lose in the group round-robin stage and knockout stage against players from outside the association, you will be deducted 3,000 points for each loss, and up to 6,000 points for two losses. These points deductions are cumulative, meaning that in the event of a loss, the points will be rapidly reduced, with a profound impact on the player's ranking and future matches.

The more ruthless punishment regulations of the national table tennis women's team have been released again, and no one, including Sun Yingsha, can afford to lose

Such punishment regulations have undoubtedly brought huge pressure to the national table tennis women's team, and also made the players more aware that every game must not be careless. Sun Yingsha, as the leader of the national table tennis women's team, is naturally the focus of these regulations. She has said that such punishment regulations have allowed her to focus more on the game and dare not relax in the slightest.

The more ruthless punishment regulations of the national table tennis women's team have been released again, and no one, including Sun Yingsha, can afford to lose

Netizens are also talking about this. Some people think that such penalties are too harsh and may put too much psychological pressure on players. But some people believe that this is the key to the competitiveness of the national table tennis women's team, and only by letting the players understand the cost of losing can they go all out in the game.

However, some fans are worried about whether such penalties will affect the players' Olympic selection points. After all, the only selection for the women's team at the Olympics is the World Cup and the Saudi Arabia Station. If a large number of points are deducted because of the loss, it is indeed unknown who will qualify for the Olympic singles.

The more ruthless punishment regulations of the national table tennis women's team have been released again, and no one, including Sun Yingsha, can afford to lose

In general, the new punishment regulations of the national table tennis women's team have undoubtedly brought greater challenges and pressure to the players. But this is also the style of the national table tennis women's team all along, only through rigorous training and competitions, can we cultivate better players. We look forward to the upcoming Macau World Cup and other competitions, the national table tennis women's team can show more outstanding performance and win glory for the country!

Do you think the new punishment regulations of the national table tennis women's team are too strict, and how do you think such regulations will affect the players' games? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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