
The boyfriend asks "what are you doing", and the woman replies like this, making him miss you even more

author:Marriage counselor Liu Jie

Text: Marriage counselor Liu Jie

When we talk about love, we talk about one word: falling in love.

It can be seen that love needs to be talked about, and it needs to be communicated anytime and anywhere. How to express to each other and how to respond to each other often affects the relationship between two people.

When your boyfriend sends you a "what are you doing", a reply with high emotional intelligence can not only enhance the intimacy of each other, but also show your personality and charm.

So, how do you respond to your boyfriend's "what are you doing"?


Honest and specific answers

The most direct response is to tell him what you are doing at the moment.

But this way of answering is not simply telling him "I'm eating" or "I'm watching TV", but can add some details to make the response more vivid.

For example, you could say, "I'm cooking dinner, and today I tried a new dish, beef stew with tomato, and I'll give you a taste and see how good I can be." ”

Such an answer not only tells him what you are doing, but also shows your virtue and trust in his taste, and also provides a topic for the rest of the conversation.

The boyfriend asks "what are you doing", and the woman replies like this, making him miss you even more


Humorous response

If you have a more cheerful and lively personality, you can also try some interesting answers to make the conversation more interesting.

For example, you can respond with some humor: "I'm thinking about a major life event, what flavor of ice cream should I have at night?"

Or: "I'm talking to aliens about the future of Earth." ”

Such an answer will arouse his curiosity and may also make him smile and make your conversation more enjoyable.


Warm and romantic response

If you're looking to create a warm and romantic atmosphere, try some emotionally charged answers.

For example, you can affectionately say to him, "I'm thinking about you, what about you?" or, "I'm listening to a song that feels like it's being sung to us." ”

This kind of answer can directly express your thoughts and love for him, and enhance the intimacy between you.

The boyfriend asks "what are you doing", and the woman replies like this, making him miss you even more


Share moods and feelings

In addition to telling him what you are doing, you can also share your mood at the moment and let him into your heart.

For example, you can say to him in a somewhat coquettish tone: "I'm a little tired from work today, but the thought of being able to eat with you in the evening makes it all worth it." ”

This kind of answer can make him feel your true emotions and dependence on him, and make his heart warm.


Rhetorical questions lead the conversation

Sometimes, in the face of "what are you doing" from a man, a rhetorical question is the best answer.

For example, you might ask him, "Guess what?" or "What do you think I'm doing?"

Such an answer will spark his curiosity and make the conversation more interesting and interesting.

The boyfriend asks "what are you doing", and the woman replies like this, making him miss you even more


Let's look at a few specific examples:

Example 1:

Boyfriend: "What are you doing?"

You: "I'm reading a book, do you want to come along?"

Tell him what you're doing, invite him, and increase the interaction with each other.

Example 2:

Boyfriend: "What are you doing?"

You: "I'm thinking about you, thinking about the places we've walked through." ”

It is not only full of romance and memories, but also allows him to feel that you cherish and care about this relationship.

Example 3:

Boyfriend: "What are you doing?"

You: "I just finished watching a movie, and the ending is so touching! What do you think?"

By sharing your experience and asking him what he thinks, you can spark more discussion and increase mutual understanding and empathy.

In general, when your boyfriend asks "what are you doing", a response with high emotional intelligence should contain elements such as sincerity, humor, warmth, and sharing.

Such an answer will not only make him feel your intentions, but also add more spice to the conversation between you.

Remember, love requires the joint efforts and management of both parties, try more and respond with your heart, and you can make your relationship continue to heat up.