
Touching the melon, this "sunset red" cash withdrawal gang was defeated in three days

author:Brown sugar ginseng

Title: Revealing the secret! The elderly have become "big coffees" in Internet fraud, and the police have cracked the inside story of the "Sunset Red" cash withdrawal gang on the third day!


"Don't think that online fraud is only the preserve of young people, and now even the elderly are starting to play badly!" - Internet golden sentence

Do you think that Internet fraud can only happen among young people? Wrong! Beside you, there is a group of retired uncles and aunts who have quietly become the "big names" of Internet fraud! Let's uncover this seemingly absurd story and see what kind of secret is behind it!

First, the hunter attacked

Touching the melon, this "sunset red" cash withdrawal gang was defeated in three days

In the quiet night, the Dangyang City Public Security Bureau received a case about running points to withdraw cash. At first, it was just a 50,000 yuan deal, but the truth is far more confusing than it seems. The police embark on a journey of hunters across the web to track down the man behind the scenes.

Second, the elderly group

The investigation found that among the members of this cash-out gang were retired old people! They disguised their young hearts with their old appearances and became new players in Internet fraud. Moreover, there is an old man in this crime, which is really shocking!

3. Face the truth

The criminals caught by the police tried to deny their crimes, but in the face of overwhelming evidence, they had to admit what they had done. It turned out that they just wanted to make some "easy money", but they didn't expect that this step would attract the pursuit of the police. Now, they can only face their crimes and be judged by the law.

Touching the melon, this "sunset red" cash withdrawal gang was defeated in three days

Fourth, the betrayal of partners

After an investigation, the police zeroed in on another member of the criminal gang. How did this member join this gang? It turned out that he also joined the gang for "easy money", and they actively searched for fraudulent information on the Internet, and then connected with the criminal gang to plan fraudulent activities together.

5. Reflections and Appeals

Although this criminal gang was successfully destroyed, this case is still thought-provoking. Why are more and more elderly people involved in the whirlpool of Internet fraud? Are they forced by life, or is there a problem with their own moral bottom line? Let us think together, call on more people to pay attention to this problem, and work together to make our society more harmonious and beautiful!

Closing sentence:

Touching the melon, this "sunset red" cash withdrawal gang was defeated in three days

"In this world full of temptations and traps, we need more justice, more care, let us work together to build a better world!"