
"Poor counties are rich and supportive": revealing how a county that eats relief can feed a huge team of "officials".

author:Positive energy small fish z

"Do you know? In that little-known small county in the Wumeng Mountains, there is actually a 'miracle of officialdom'. As soon as these words come out, you must be full of curiosity, right? Don't worry, let me take you to uncover the mystery of this "miracle".

This county seems to be unremarkable, even a little poor, and it has to rely on the relief of its superiors every year. However, what is jaw-dropping is that the government of this county actually spends nearly 500 million yuan a year to pay the salaries of temporary employees! Yes, you heard it right, it's 500 million! This can't help but make people want to ask: What is going on in this county?

"Poor counties are rich and supportive": revealing how a county that eats relief can feed a huge team of "officials".

Let's start by going back in time to the history of this county. The county is located in the remote Wumeng Mountains, and its economic development has been relatively lagging behind. However, this has not stopped the county from continuing to expand in the number of financial supporters. Behind the regular workers, there are 1.8 temporary workers, which is a shocking number. And the wages of these temporary workers have brought a heavy burden to the already not wealthy county-level finances.

Why does this county hire so many temporary workers, you might ask? Don't they know that it puts a strain on the finances? The reasons behind this are complex and varied. On the one hand, due to the limited number of formal staff, the hiring of temporary workers has become a stopgap measure in order to meet the growing demand for public services. On the other hand, it also reflects the irregularity and arbitrariness of some local governments in personnel management.

"Poor counties are rich and supportive": revealing how a county that eats relief can feed a huge team of "officials".

In 2022, the county's general public budget revenue was only 702 million yuan, an insignificant increase of 0.85% over the previous year. Of this limited revenue, tax revenue accounted for only 414 million yuan. At the same time, the subsidy income from the higher level is as high as 4.23 billion yuan. It can be seen that the financial situation of this county is not optimistic, and it can even be said that it is quite embarrassing.

However, it is in this financial situation that the county has to spend huge sums of money to pay the salaries of temporary employees. This raises questions about the county's financial management. Is this spending structure reasonable, should it be optimized, and how?

"Poor counties are rich and supportive": revealing how a county that eats relief can feed a huge team of "officials".

Actually, this problem is not unique. In many economically underdeveloped areas, there is a similar phenomenon of "poor financial wealth supporting people". Behind this is the dilemma and challenge of local governments in terms of financial management and staffing.

Of course, we can't generalize, each region has its own special circumstances and needs. However, how to rationally allocate limited financial resources to ensure the effective supply of public services without putting too much burden on the finances is a problem that every local government needs to seriously consider and solve.

"Poor counties are rich and supportive": revealing how a county that eats relief can feed a huge team of "officials".

Back in this small county in the Wumeng Mountains, their approach may have its own special considerations and pains. However, that doesn't mean we can turn a blind eye to it or take it for granted. Rather, we should see the general problems of local government in fiscal management and staffing, and the far-reaching implications of these problems.

So, when you hear this story of "the rich people in the poor county", don't just use it as an after-dinner conversation. It is more important to think deeply about the reasons behind it and the solutions. Because this is not only a county problem, but also a common problem faced by many local governments. As citizens, we have the responsibility and obligation to pay attention to and think about these issues, and contribute to the development of our communities and countries.

"Poor counties are rich and supportive": revealing how a county that eats relief can feed a huge team of "officials".

Finally, I would like to ask: Do you think this county's approach is reasonable? Do you have any good suggestions to help them optimize their financial management and staffing? Feel free to leave your views and opinions in the comment area, and let's explore and solve this problem together. Because only when each of us participates in it can we jointly promote the progress and development of society.