
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat



"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat

1. Poria five-finger peach pork bone soup!

"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat

2. Yam walnut black bean pork rib soup!

"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat

3. Desmodium wheat winter pork rib soup!

"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat
"Medicine is not as good as food" It is recommended to drink these 3 soups often, which is a natural choice, and the spirit is good for dispelling dampness and clearing heat