
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them

author:Motivated little Ah Xing
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them
The six beds that husband and wife sleep in are exquisite, no matter how busy they are, they have to look at them and collect them

At noon in summer, the sun shines like a waterfall, and the sycamore leaves in the courtyard gently sway in the breeze, sprinkling the mottled shadows of the trees. Ah Xing sat on a wicker chair under the tree, holding a yellowed ancient book in his hand, his brows furrowed, as if he was looking for something. His wife, Xiaofang, was drying the freshly washed sheets on the side, and the two exchanged a few words of homely work from time to time.

"Ah Xing, what do you think of the color of this sheet? I think it fits our bed perfectly. Xiao Fang pointed to the pale blue sheet in her hand and asked with a smile.

Ah Xing raised his head, glanced at the sheets, lowered his head and continued to flip through the ancient books in his hand, and replied absentmindedly: "Well, it's okay to look at, just like it." ”

Seeing him like this, Xiao Fang couldn't help but be a little curious, walked up to him and asked, "What are you looking at?" ”

Ah Xing raised his head, and his eyes flashed with a strange light: "I'm reading an ancient book of feng shui about the bed where husband and wife sleep, which mentions the six major exquisitenesses, saying that it is about the feelings of husband and wife and the harmony of the family. ”

After hearing this, Xiao Fang couldn't help but laugh dumbly: "Oh, Ah Xing, do you really believe in these? These are all superstitions." ”

Ah Xing shook his head and said seriously: "It can't be said to be superstition, Feng Shui is also an ancient science, and some truths are still worth exploring." For example, I think these six major stresses are very reasonable. ”

Seeing this, Xiao Fang also became interested, sat next to Ah Xing, and listened to him talk about the six major exquisitenesses. Ah Xing quoted scriptures, from the position, direction, and material of the bed, to the color of the sheets, and the decoration of the bedside, all of which were explained in detail. Xiaofang listened with relish, nodding yes from time to time.

The more the two talked, the more speculative they became, as if opening the door to a new world. Ah Xing mentioned that the position of the bed should avoid facing the door directly, which is not conducive to the stability of the couple's relationship, it is best not to hang a mirror at the head of the bed, so as not to attract bad spirits, and the color of the bed sheet should be warm and pastel to help create a warm atmosphere.

After hearing this, Xiao Fang couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that these seemingly trivial things are still so exquisite. It seems that we will really need to pay more attention in the future. ”

Ah Xing nodded and agreed: "Yes, although these particulars seem trivial, they are actually related to all aspects of our lives. As long as we treat it with our hearts, we can make the family more harmonious and the relationship between husband and wife deeper. ”

The two of them continued to discuss these exquisitenesses, laughing knowingly from time to time. The sunlight in the courtyard gradually softened, and the breeze blew through, bringing a hint of coolness. Ah Xing and Xiao Fang seemed to have forgotten the passage of time and immersed themselves in this topic full of wisdom and warmth.

Suddenly, Ah Xing stopped talking, and his eyes fell on the light blue sheet in Xiao Fang's hand. He smiled and said, "Do you know? The color of this sheet is very much in line with the emphasis of Feng Shui. Pale blue is a cool color that brings a sense of tranquility and serenity and helps us sleep. ”

After hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Xiao Fang's eyes: "Really? Then I'll hurry up and change it, so that our bed will also be stained with the joy of Feng Shui." ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of anticipation and hope for the future. They understand that these seemingly small exquisiteness actually contain profound wisdom and philosophy. As long as they treat every detail of life with their hearts, they can make the family more harmonious and happy.

With the linens replaced, the whole bedroom seems to be given a new lease of life. Ah Xing and Xiao Fang lay on the bed, feeling the tranquility and serenity. Their hearts are filled with gratitude and satisfaction for making their lives better.

As night fell, the moonlight sprinkled the courtyard like water. Ah Xing and Xiao Fang lay on the warm bed, snuggled up to each other and fell asleep. They know that in this wise and warm family, they will spend every happy night together.

This story is based on the conversation between Ah Xing and Xiao Fang in the courtyard at noon in summer, and through their discussion and experience, we are shown the wisdom and charm of the six exquisite beds where couples sleep. It teaches us that every detail in life can affect our emotional and family harmony, and that as long as we treat it with our hearts, we can make life better.

At the same time, this story also provokes us to pay attention to and think about the details of life. We may not be able to change the overall environment of our lives, but we can start from the small things around us and manage our families and emotions with our hearts. These seemingly trivial exquisitenesses actually contain profound wisdom and philosophy, which can bring us inner satisfaction and happiness.

Finally, let's take the story of Ah Xing and Xiaofang as a lesson, cherish every detail around us, and manage our own life and family with our hearts. I believe that as long as we treat every detail of life with our hearts, we will be able to create our own happiness and beauty.

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