
China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

author:Popular Science Bear


China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

There are 56 ethnic groups in our country, each of which has its own characteristics, like our Han people, who generally have black hair and yellow skin, which are almost the same.

There are also Mongolians, Hui people, etc., they all have their own unique appearance characteristics of the region, such as Taxian on the Xinjiang side, and some white people.

They are not as yellow-skinned and black-haired as us, they are fair-skinned, their facial features are very three-dimensional, and they are all beautiful women when they walk on the street, and everyone can't help but look back.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

These people look very similar to Europeans and are called Tajiks.

This nation has a very strange "rule".

Like now, they are all free to fall in love, and they can marry foreigners, which belongs to the freedom of marriage, but in them, they are not allowed to intermarry with foreigners.

This makes many people puzzled, why is there such a rule?

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

1. What is the Tajik ethnic group?

The Tajiks belong to the Indo-Mediterranean type of the Europa race, and the language they speak is Tajik, which is the majority ethnic group of Tajikistan, accounting for 80% of the total population.

They believe in Islam, many of them are Sunni, and some belong to Shia, and the totem of their tribe is the eagle, what is the meaning of this?

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

The eagle will look more fierce and stern, and his eyes will be more vicious, and when he flies above, it is like helping border guards patrol.

When there is danger, the alarm is immediately sounded, and this totem is also a symbol of their people's perseverance and courageous spirit.

And their dressing, the Tajik dress basically relies on cotton clothes and jackets, and does not wear shorts and suspenders like our side in summer, their clothes are very similar throughout the year.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

And in addition to clothing, they also wear hats, which they wear almost all year round.

For men, it is common to wear a tomak hat, which has a thin pattern and lace on it, and the lower edge of the hat is rolled.

This hat is worn not only by adults but also by teenagers, especially when it is cold, and its lower edge can be lowered to protect the ears and cheeks to prevent the face from freezing.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

Men generally wear pullover shirts, with a smock on the outside, that is, a long coat with an embroidered belt around the waist, and when the weather is cold, a coat is wrapped outside.

Women generally wear a kuleta hat, which is made of white cloth at the top and around the perimeter.

It is also embroidered with women's favorite patterns, the colors are very gorgeous, and the hat has a thick curtain on the top, which is used to cover the back of the woman's head and ears.

For dressing, women usually wear dresses with pants underneath, a vest over the skirt in the summer, and a cotton tunic over the outside in the winter.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

Unlike men, older women tend to wear green dresses, while younger ones wear red or yellow dresses.

No matter what color the skirt is, a colorful apron will be tied around the waist.

In addition to dressing, there are also their festival customs, and their ethnic group generally celebrates the three major festivals of Eid al-Adha, Rouzi and Shengji.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

2. The reasons why the Takji do not intermarry with foreigners

The Tajik ethnic group has always had a very good relationship within the ethnic group, like a complete family, helping each other and living in harmony.

In their people, greeting people is not a wave or a verbal greeting, as we do, but a kiss, whether male or female, with a kiss.

The men of their clan are tall and the women are slim, and now some people think, then if they fall in love, they must be very eye-catching when they stand together!

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

True, but when it comes to falling in love and getting married, the Tajiks are different from most ethnic groups, where they do not allow intermarriage with foreigners.

Because the Tajiks need to maintain the purity of their ethnic blood, they do not allow their own people to marry and have children with other people, and in this way, they will become more and more impure in the future.

And they stipulate that a man can only marry one woman in his life, and this woman must be from his own clan, and some people will question, there are so many people in that clan, what if there is no suitable one?

They also have their own traditions, because they have grown up together since childhood, and many close relatives know each other, and their close relatives are also allowed to marry.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

Therefore, many men marry women who are related to them.

Some people think that they are a little hasty in doing this? Actually, no, people there value marriage very much.

For modern society, divorce is not a strange thing, but divorce there is a great shame, and women will not be able to raise their heads for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, in that nation, even if the husband and wife live unsatisfactory and unsuitable, they will be born, old, sick and die, and will not divorce easily.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

In them, the family is a large group, and a family all live together and are almost never separated.

Almost all problems with children are controlled by parents, from buying things to getting married and having children.

Although they all live together, the relationship between the families is generally very good, the people there are kinder, love their families, and live in harmony with each other.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

3. The tradition of guarding the frontier

Tajiks (Tajik County) are located in the border area of the mainland, their economy is not very developed, and they are on the border, and the security problem is not very good.

Many Tajik people live in harsh environments, such as the snowy plateau, where they have long been reclaiming the border and serving as a major task of border defense.

Historically, the Takji people had close ties to the Central Dynasty, and this ethnic group repeatedly guarded the border to prevent invaders from entering.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

In 1860, the Kokand Khanate near the Pamirs at that time had many times against the Selkul region.

The heroes of the Tajiks led their people to the battlefield to drive out the invaders and ensure the security of our country.

Until the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Takji people still maintained their tradition of guarding the frontier, and they have always been selflessly dedicated to the country and ensuring the security of our country and people.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

Fourth, the future development of the Takji people

In December 1949, the five-star red flag was planted on the Pamirs, and the Tajik people began a new life.

From 1954 to 2004, the autonomous county held a total of nine people's congresses, and more than 80 percent of the Tajik delegates attended each congress.

In the 80s and 90s, our country vigorously developed the western region, supported some minority nationalities with relatively small populations, and actively promoted the economic development of the Tajik nationality areas.

Previously, the Tajiks did not even have professional factories, but now they have factories for machine manufacturing, water, electricity, furs, etc.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

In the past, they needed to light oil lamps and candles every night to light it, but now it is suitable for us, there is electricity, and the lights can be turned on to illuminate.

In the past, the tools of Tajik agricultural production were very backward, and it took a lot of time every year to collect only a small amount of grain, which was extremely inefficient.

However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, agricultural production technology has been greatly improved, and many peasants have begun to open up wasteland and expand the area of farmland, which has led to an increase in grain output year by year.

In addition to these, there is also their transportation, which is also very inconvenient, and everyone needs to walk wherever they go.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

The key is still far away, and some even have to ride a camel for half a month to get there, at that time, there are few tractors in their entire area, and they are very backward.

However, in 1958, our country built a road, which made a snowy country with icebergs and snow have the sound of cars passing by.

As I mentioned earlier, their economy is relatively backward, and almost all of the grain, meat, milk, etc., they produce by themselves, and they will not exchange them, nor will they exchange them, nor will they exchange them.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Tajiks established many shops on the Pamirs. For example, shopping malls and shops have made everyone's lives more convenient.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

In general, with the continuous development and support of our country, the Tajik people have made great progress in education, health, telecommunications, and so on.

Nowadays, their tourism industry has also begun to rise gradually, I believe everyone has seen this sentence on the Internet, hard seat direct to Lhasa.

In 2020, the Pamir tourist area passed the audit and became the third 5A-level scenic spot in our country.

Almost all of this scenic area is in Tajik, and it is a great place to escape the heat in the summer.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?


Tajiks are outstanding in appearance, have a unique style of dressing, lifestyle, etc., they look like foreigners, although many people will say that they are foreigners, they will answer without hesitation, they are Chinese, they have a heart to China, love China.

In addition to these, when many people hear that Tajiks do not intermarry with foreign peoples, they may feel that they are backward in their thinking and do not marry freely like us.

China's white settlement: Ta County, where there are so many beautiful women, why are women not allowed to intermarry with foreigners?

But their purpose is to make their national blood more pure, a nation has a national customs and culture, and we should respect them.

I hope that the future development of their nation will be better and better, the economy and culture will become more and more developed, the people's life will be happier and happier, and everyone can also go to Tajik for sightseeing!

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