
A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?

author:Sharp-eyed life

Uncle Li suffers from high blood pressure, and every time he takes a lot of medicine, he feels very troubled.

Recently, he heard that onion juice can naturally lower blood pressure and even outperform medicine, so he decided to give it a try.

He stopped taking blood pressure medication for a long time and insisted on drinking onion juice every day.

Two months have passed, but Uncle Li's body has undergone unexpected changes. He began to get dizzy frequently, and even fainted at home at one point.

A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?

After being sent to the hospital, his blood pressure was as high as 180/110, and he was diagnosed with a cerebral hemorrhage, which had a lot to do with the discontinuation of the drug.

Uncle Li was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes full of remorse: "I don't believe in those home remedies anymore." ”

With the increase in health awareness, more and more people are turning to natural remedies to improve their health. Can onions, a kitchen regular, really be a good antidote to blood pressure?

A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?


Onion, a daily vegetable, has many miraculous folk legends, one of which is to lower blood pressure.

Onions contain ingredients such as quercetone and anthocyanins, which are excellent in antioxidant properties, which can effectively fight free radicals and play a certain protective role in the blood vessel wall.

In addition, components such as soluble fiber and sulfur in onions also help to improve the intestinal environment and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis.

A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?

In particular, the extract prostaglandin A from onions, this substance has the effect of dilating blood vessels.

However, it is important to note that the amount of prostaglandins in onions is actually very limited.

In fact, each gram of prostaglandin A needs to be extracted from 6,000 grams of onions, which is almost impossible to achieve in a daily diet.

What's more, most of the current research on the antihypertensive effect of onions has been carried out in animal experiments, and the results cannot be directly extrapolated to humans.

Although studies have shown that a standard daily dose of onion juice can cause a slight drop in blood pressure after three months, this does not mean that onions can replace blood pressure medications.

A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?

Blindly stopping the drug or relying solely on onions to treat high blood pressure can pose serious health risks.

Long-term unstable blood pressure will increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and may even lead to serious consequences such as stroke and heart failure.


Hypertension has become an increasingly common health problem in today's society.

In addition to genetic factors, dietary habits play an important role in the occurrence and progression of hypertension.

01. High-fat foods

Long-term excessive intake of high-fat foods such as nuts and fried foods will lead to an increase in blood lipids, an increased risk of arteriosclerosis and plaque formation, which in turn will reduce the elasticity of blood vessels and increase blood pressure.

A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?

02. High-salt food

High-salt foods are also one of the "banes" of high blood pressure, because excessive salt intake can lead to water and sodium retention in the body, increasing blood volume and peripheral vascular resistance, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

03. High-sugar foods

High-sugar foods should not be ignored either, as they can cause an increase in blood sugar, stimulate increased insulin secretion, and then damage vascular endothelial cells, causing damage to vascular function and ultimately leading to an increase in blood pressure.

A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?

To prevent and control high blood pressure, we should minimize our intake of foods high in fat, salt, and sugar. Instead, choose foods that are low in fat, salt, and sugar, and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables to maintain a balanced diet.


In addition to paying attention to our eating habits, there are other ways to help us stabilize our blood pressure.

01. Increase protein diversity

First, increasing protein diversity is an effective strategy.

Studies have shown that a variety of protein intake can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat more high-quality protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs, and legumes in your daily diet, and pay attention to controlling the intake of processed red meat and high-fat foods.

A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?

02. Keep exercising

Consistent exercise also has clear benefits for lowering blood pressure.

Proper exercise can help lower blood pressure levels by strengthening heart function, improving blood vessel elasticity, and promoting blood circulation.

However, it is best to consult a doctor before starting exercise to understand the appropriate exercise method and intensity for you, and pay attention to the body's response to avoid the discomfort and risk caused by excessive exercise.

03. Control your weight

A 63-year-old man insisted on drinking onion juice every day to lower blood pressure, how did he do after 2 months?

Weight control is also one of the important measures to prevent and control hypertension, and overweight and obesity are one of the important risk factors for hypertension.

Maintaining an appropriate weight can help lower blood pressure levels, so it is recommended to control the BMI between 18.5~23.9 and pay attention to controlling the waist circumference below 90cm for men and 85cm for women.

Blind reliance on home remedies and discontinuation of medication are very harmful to patients with high blood pressure. Let us cherish our bodies, use scientific methods to protect our health, stay away from blindness and prejudice, and move towards a better life.