
Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

author:Galvin Press

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Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

As a well-known collector in Beijing, Ma Weidu's love and cherishment of cultural relics and art is beyond doubt. His mansion is filled with antiques and works of art that could rival a small museum.

In order to ensure the normal order of life at home, Ma Weidu specially hired a nanny from the Chinese mainland - Ms. A Huang, who came from the countryside.

At first, Ma Weidu was very pleased with Ah Huang's positive attitude towards work and quick reaction speed, and praised her work ability and efficiency. However, in the blink of an eye, Ma Weidu was horrified to find that the daily necessities and ingredients at home began to "disappear" inexplicably.

Although there was only a small amount of green onions, ginger, garlic and some opened condiments at first, Ma Weidu didn't care. But it didn't take long for more and more food and household items to be lost, and the variety became more and more abundant, even his beloved jar of aged peanuts was gone.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

In the face of questioning, Ah Huang not only did not have any intention of repenting, but confidently expressed his financial constraints and asked for a salary increase. Seeing Ah Huang's indifferent and unapologetic expression, Ma Weidu completely lost his patience, became angry, and immediately fired her.

Another extremely distressing incident of babysitting also occurred. When a hostess was away on a trip, she arranged a half-month vacation for Ah Fen, the nanny at home.

Who would have thought that when she returned with joy, she was horrified to find that all her belongings had been looted.

Looking back at Ma Weidu's life experience, his ups and downs seem to have doomed him to eventually become the premier collector tycoon in Beijing.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

As a young man, Ma Weidu had a rebellious personality, often leading his partners to participate in fights, and indulged in a debauched life of smoking and drinking. He should have gone on to high school for further study, but in the "queue fever" in the 60s of the last century, he resolutely embarked on the road to the Heilongjiang Production and Construction Corps.

In that remote cold region, Ma Weidu spent several years of poor but challenging intellectual youth life. After enduring so many hard days, he finally understood the law of survival, which shaped his perseverance and tenacious character.

Times have changed, and at the end of the 70s, Ma Weidu returned to the familiar land of Beijing. Once with a literary dream, he tried to depict a colorful life with brushstrokes. In the 80s, with the east wind of reform and opening up, Ma Weidu, a natural businessman, woke up, and he was determined to realize his self-worth by buying and selling antiques.

Starting from scratch all the way, at first Ma Weidu just set up an inconspicuous stall in the thrift market, carefully selecting all kinds of simple and elegant utensils to try their hand at the knife. Since antiques were still a despised thing in people's minds at the time, most people were reluctant to get involved in them.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

But Ma Weidu had a discerning eye and foresaw a great future for antiques.

With his extraordinary vision and determination, Ma Weidu worked day and night to develop the stall into the country's leading private museum in just 10 years.

A large number of cultural relics he collected were later auctioned for tens of millions of yuan! In Ma Weidu's own words, at that time, he "could harvest countless treasures as soon as he stretched out his hand."

Most of the people who joined the antiques industry during the same period were either in debt or in prison. Only Ma Weidu is proud of the rivers and lakes with the strength of one person and becomes the ultimate winner.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

All this is thanks to his sharp eye for appreciation, although his education is only limited to junior high school, but in the field of ancient furniture and porcelain, Ma Weidu is famous, known as "the old cannon of the capital" with "eyes like a torch".

The Ah Huang incident has triggered people's deep thinking about the current situation of the domestic nanny industry. Obviously, nannies like Ah Huang who have serious professional ethics deficiencies are not unique, but reflect serious loopholes in the management of the industry.

In addition to such "small cases" as embezzlement of employers' property, there are also shocking acts of extremists. For example, Ms. He Tiandai, who was dubbed the "Chinese bully nanny," poisoned nine elderly people in just six months! In another "nanny arson case" that occurred in Hangzhou, the nanny Mo Huanjing not only stole the property of her employer's home, but also set fire to her employer's home.

These outrageous cases reflect that the nanny industry in mainland China has been negligent in management, the entry threshold is too low, and there is a lack of effective supervision and professional quality training.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

Many people engaged in this industry lack professional ethics and weak legal awareness, and are easily deceived by the temptation of confused interests, thus embarking on the road of no return to breaking the law and committing crimes.

The famous host Dou Wentao publicly said that now he and most people who have been in contact with foreign nannies have completely given up the idea of hiring domestic nannies again.

The experience of the well-known host Li Xiang also proves this. A nanny in her family once embezzled a valuable bird's nest without permission, and pretended to say that it was given to her by the hostess, and finally Li Xiang found out on the spot and deducted her salary.

As a special personal service job, the duties of a nanny are related to the well-being of the whole family. If you can't adhere to even the most basic professional ethics, you will lose the basic qualifications for this job.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

The overall quality of the domestic nanny team needs to be improved urgently, and the negligence of industry management must be fundamentally rectified, otherwise this chaos will only intensify.

In contrast, the Filipino maids admired by Ma Weidu have demonstrated extremely high professional ethics and professional ability.

Secondly, the Philippine government attaches great importance to the development of the domestic service industry. As early as the 70s of the last century, the Philippine government focused on supporting the export of domestic labor as a national strategic pillar industry.

To this end, the Philippine government has set up a special vocational training course for women who intend to go abroad, and provides them with systematic and rigorous skills training, covering many comprehensive skills such as cooking, baby care, and foreign languages.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

This kind of pre-employment training has laid a solid professional foundation for Filipino domestic servants.

Most importantly, as a professional domestic servant, Filipino maids have won unanimous praise from international employers for their high professional ethics, dedication and diligence.

For example, in places like Hong Kong, wealthy families have hired Filipino maids with professional backgrounds such as nurses and teachers, not only to obtain quality services, but also to highlight their social status.

It can be seen that Filipino maids have become a status symbol and a fashion trend.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

It is also clear that in some developing countries and regions, these Filipino domestic servants are often abused by their employers and become "modern slaves".

It is precisely because of the fear of human rights violations that more and more Filipino domestic servants have turned to developed countries such as China, which are relatively safe and stable, in search of a way out.

As an expert in the antique industry, Ma Weidu has long seen the huge gap between the nanny industry at home and abroad. Due to the painful experience of being embezzled by a nanny, he decided to stay away from the domestic nanny employment market and focus on high-quality domestic resources abroad such as the Philippines.

So, how should the nanny industry in mainland China be reformed and improved? In fact, we can learn from some mature practices in the world.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

It can be led by the government to establish a nanny professional qualification certification system. For applicants who want to engage in this industry, a strict comprehensive quality assessment is adopted, and only those who pass the assessment can officially enter the practice.

At the same time, it is necessary to increase the background review of each nanny, and make a comprehensive register to ensure that they have no serious crime or misconduct records.

Strengthen the supervision of nanny intermediaries. At present, intermediaries in this industry are rampant, and some intermediaries have illegal behaviors such as fraud and exaggeration, malicious extortion, etc., which must be seriously investigated and dealt with and their business behavior must be standardized.

Improve the labor contract system for nannies. Clarify the rights and obligations of both employers and nannies, and make the labor relationship between both parties registered and legalized, so as to prevent labor disputes.

Ma Weidu: Even if Hong Kong wants 200,000 Filipino maids, it will not accept mainland nannies, and the reason is obvious

The government can also formulate uniform industry wage standards and reward and punishment mechanisms.

Finally, vocational training should be vigorously promoted. Systematic skills and ethics training courses for practitioners, as in the Philippines, to improve the professionalism of the industry as a whole are a key part of improving the quality of services.

Only by doing all this can we truly make the nanny service industry in the mainland tend to be rational and standardized, so as to become a strong support for family life, give full play to its due convenience and intimacy, and win the trust and praise of employers, and the industry itself will also benefit.

The reason why Ma Weidu favors Filipino maids is because of their excellent professionalism. We will wait for the nanny industry in mainland China to become professional, and we will no longer have to pay a high price to hire a foreign maid like Ma Weidu.

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