
Retrospective: A top oncologist who died of cancer a year later is a thought-provoking reflection on his deathbed

author:Dr. Pang popularizes health


1. Luo Jiangang.Patrol on the 8,000-mile border defense line -- Retired experts from the General Hospital of Beijing Military Region practice the "spirit of Huayiwei"[J].Renren Health,2012,(14):44.)

China Health Industry,2009,6(11):39.DOI:10.16659/j.cnki.1672-5654.2009.11.025.

3. Luo Jiangang, Liu Lixia, Feng Fei.Treat patients like Hua Yiwei[N].People's Liberation Army Daily,2009-05-23(002).

Hua Yiwei is an outstanding oncologist, he can be called a medical scientist, born in a medical family, he inherited the mantle of the family, not only has a strong interest in medicine since childhood, but also graduated from Peking Union Medical College with excellent grades, embarked on the position of general clinical work.

Hua Yiwei has a very deep research in gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, thyroid, breast, pediatric general surgery and portal hypertension, his most valuable is to study and reflect on cancer treatment according to his own situation after suffering from cancer, even when he is dying, he is also thinking about the patient, remembering to remind the world, do not do excessive treatment, dedication is written throughout his life, he is also worthy of every doctor to learn, but also worthy of all Chinese remember.

Retrospective: A top oncologist who died of cancer a year later is a thought-provoking reflection on his deathbed

On July 25, 2005, Hua Yiwei began to feel some discomfort in his stomach, so he went to have a gastrogram, which showed that the peristalsis of the stomach was very slow, Hua Yiwei knew that he had a big problem with his stomach, but there was a goiter removal operation waiting for him in the afternoon, so he did not plan to rest, but just told his colleagues not to overcharge him anymore, and his colleagues saw that his situation was wrong, and hurriedly asked him if he needed to be replaced for surgery, Hua Yiwei refused.

On the operating table, Hua Yiwei began to feel bloated and nauseous, but how could he show abnormality with a scalpel in his hand, his eyes were calm, his movements were extreme and precise, meticulously removed the patient's mass, and after the excision, he also gritted his teeth and insisted on suturing it himself, although the abdomen had begun to turn over, but his complexion did not change in the slightest, and at three o'clock in the afternoon after the operation, he also checked the patient's condition with a smile and returned home after explaining the precautions.

When he got home, he finally couldn't hold it anymore, Hua Yiwei curled up on the sofa with his stomach in his hands, this day was also the last day of Hua Yiwei's 56 years of medical practice, because Hua Yiwei was diagnosed with stomach cancer after that, and urgently began to be hospitalized, and he had dealt with cancer for most of his life, in fact, Hua Yiwei knew very well what cancer would be.

Retrospective: A top oncologist who died of cancer a year later is a thought-provoking reflection on his deathbed

Very early, Hua Yiwei will feel stomach discomfort, accompanied by a dull pain, sometimes there will be a feeling of stomach distention, and even sometimes vomit and lodging, but there is no vomiting blood or black stool, so Hua Yiwei considers that he is old, his physical functions will decline in all aspects, and it is not a strange thing to have chronic stomach diseases, so every time he feels unwell, he will take acid-stopping drugs such as metoclopram by himself, and he does not consider cancer.

Unexpectedly, such a good doctor caused himself to suffer from cancer because of negligence, as if God gave Hua Yiwei irony, and when Hua Yiwei felt that something was wrong, the examination found that he had reached the advanced stage of gastric cancer, and there were value-added lesions in the antrum area, and a small amount of fluid and undigested food residues could be seen.

At the same time, various laboratory examinations showed that Hua Yiwei also had a series of complications such as electrolyte disorders, hypoproteinemia, pyloric obstruction, etc., at this time, Hua Yiwei's physical health was already very poor, and the attending doctor couldn't believe that Hua Yiwei used such a body to complete the thyroid mass removal operation, and couldn't help but secretly admire this old-timer.

Retrospective: A top oncologist who died of cancer a year later is a thought-provoking reflection on his deathbed

First of all, Hua Yiwei must not be able to eat recently, so as not to cause further blockage of food or stimulate the stomach, but also to achieve the purpose of decompression of the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time use intravenous infusion to supplement nutrition and correct the electrolytes that have been disordered.

The doctor gave a solution with countless clinical experiences, which is also the treatment plan that many patients with advanced gastric cancer will do - total gastrectomy, after the entire stomach is removed, it can minimize the risk of cancer cell spread, although it can effectively reduce the metastasis of cancer cells, but total gastrectomy is not only to remove the entire stomach, he needs the esophagus to be directly connected to the small intestine, so the cardia also needs to be removed.

The cardia is effective in preventing food and acid reflux, but after this area is removed, patients often experience bile or intestinal fluid reflux, which can be very painful. After the operation, Hua Yiwei also tasted this pain, there is often a fiery pain in the chest, and the smell of digestive matter and digestive juice mixed will also rush upward, very uncomfortable, Hua Yiwei neither dare to lie flat for fear of causing food regurgitation, and dare not stand upright because of the severe pain, so he often stacks the two pillows together and half-lies down to relieve the discomfort.

Retrospective: A top oncologist who died of cancer a year later is a thought-provoking reflection on his deathbed

At this time, Hua Yiwei also needs to undergo chemotherapy treatment, when the chemical drugs are injected into the body, the abdominal cavity will always burn a strong sense of heat and pain, and the recovery period after chemotherapy is even more difficult, the continuous pain in the abdomen makes Hua Yiwei often frown, and the body is full of various catheters connected to instruments or infusion needles so that Hua Yiwei's limbs are not easy to find a piece of intact skin, and his limbs are numb and stiff.

At this time, Hua Yiwei empathized with the feelings of stomach cancer patients, and at the same time, he began to doubt his previous treatment methods, he wondered if his previous treatment plan was too cruel, and he asked himself: gastrectomy is so painful, so under what circumstances should it be used?

In January 2006, Hua Yiwei underwent a second major operation because of chemotherapy and gastrectomy surgery, but the operation did not have very optimistic results, Hua Yiwei's abdominal cavity was infected with multiple organs, and his life was in danger.

Retrospective: A top oncologist who died of cancer a year later is a thought-provoking reflection on his deathbed

Hua Yiwei has been treated with three major surgeries, in fact, the operation has made Hua Yiwei's body extremely weak, but he is not thinking about himself, but treating himself as a living teaching material, teaching experience to clinicians, he found that almost all complications appeared after his operation, at this time he not only did not feel sad, but also called Director Ding Yehua, telling him that he could donate his body, hoping that the autopsy would inspire future generations, Ding Yehua shouted tears and agreed.

On August 12, 2006, Hua Yiwei passed away, and at the end of his life, Hua Yiwei still stressed to the doctors next to him that cancer must not be overtreated! Before Hua Yiwei died, he left two valuable experiences to the young doctors, and these two valuable experiences also saved tens of thousands of patients!

First of all, medical staff should not only work hard to cure the disease, but also protect the overall well-being of patients, with their own experience, Hua Yiwei thought that his treatment methods were too cruel, although the tumor tissue was removed, but did not consider the consequences of the patient's loss of the entire stomach, when he experienced everything, Hua Yiwei understood the consequences of not being able to see cancer and choose a one-size-fits-all approach.

Retrospective: A top oncologist who died of cancer a year later is a thought-provoking reflection on his deathbed

He hopes that in the patient's survival time and quality of life, the doctor can give the most favorable choice according to the patient's own situation, and can not perform total gastrectomy, then do not carry out, and use conservative treatment to ensure the survival time while taking care of the quality of life.

Second, he told the medical staff that it is necessary to help patients establish regular physical examinations, healthy living and reasonable diet, Hua Yiwei knows that his cancer is caused by his own negligence, if he pays attention to it in the early stage, then the cancer cells can be removed through a small operation, and it is easy to be cured. However, due to his own negligence, he finally had advanced gastric cancer, and it was useless to perform a total gastrectomy.

Therefore, on the one hand, he hopes that medical staff can help people establish the awareness of regular physical examination, which can detect abnormalities in the early stage of cancer and eliminate the danger in time, on the other hand, he also emphasized that when patients have some abnormalities, doctors should not be negligent, and should carefully investigate various causes of abnormalities after hasty treatment, so as not to delay the treatment time.

Retrospective: A top oncologist who died of cancer a year later is a thought-provoking reflection on his deathbed

And Hua Yiwei also emphasized the importance of body and mind, he believes that excessive reliance on drugs is also unreliable, will make yourself physically and mentally exhausted, not to mention, it will also lead to dependence on drugs, but also lead to a decrease in the efficacy of drugs after increasing the dosage, and the body produces drug resistance, he believes that people should take their minds at ease, so that the body is in a comfortable state, and it can also have a double effect on the treatment.