
If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

author:The sea of stars of dreams


Evolution and creationism have always been controversial topics, and neither theory can fully explain the origin of life and the existence of the universe to a certain extent.

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

So if God created everything, then how did God come about?

This is also an unanswerable proposition, after all, there is never a final answer to the question of "chicken or egg". But from an evolutionary point of view, what is certain is that chickens come before eggs.

First, there is a high probability of evolution

Scientifically, the universe and all things have their own natural laws, such as the Big Bang theory, which is not only a theory, but a scientific law summarized by later generations after a lot of observation and research.

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe originated from a singularity, in which matter and energy are concentrated to the extreme, and the volume and density are infinitely high, and the infinite height of energy makes the singularity the initial state of infinite space.

Eventually, an unbearable pressure ceiling is reached here, and it explodes in an instant at a certain moment, thus giving birth to the birth of the universe, a singularity that picks up the soil of the universe just like Nuwa made people out of the earth.

Some people will ask, how did the singularity come about?

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

According to the available observations and research conclusions, the age of the universe is about 13.8 billion years.

Although this time is only a short time for the universe, it is a long time for the starting point of human research.

Some aspects of the expansion can be traced back to a long, long time ago, with a photon cosmic radiation that transmits the most primitive information between the universes, and a pattern similar to the law of change at the beginning of the Big Bang.

According to our measurements of this photonic cosmic radiation signal, the initial period of the universe was unusually hot, so hot that it was capable of forming Planck temperatures.

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

The cosmic conditions of this period can be said to be extremely special, and it can be said that it is the smallest scale of time and space.

In this particular period, all matter and energy are in an infinitely high state, so where the singularity is formed? Maybe going back too long and too long, this question is beyond the scope of human cognition.

However, what science can explain is that the singularity is an inevitable product of the evolution of the universe, which does not mean that other theories are simply able to explain "how the universe came to be".

2. Creation from nothingness

Like the singularity, people are wondering where God came from.

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

According to creationism, the creation of the universe comes from God, and the omnipotent God created everything, including human beings, who depend most on survival.

However, there is no ultimate answer to the analogy to the question "chicken or egg", but from the perspective of evolution, it is likely that the chicken came before the egg.

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

Like the theory of evolution and the Big Bang idea of creation, this is certainly a product of science, after all, it is impossible for matter and energy to converge at one point to infinitely large and infinitely small.

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

This also shows that the singularity of the universe is an inevitable product, although the singularity itself is infinitely large and infinitely small, but after all, the singularity also comes from matter and energy, and it is a mythical story that cannot be related to nothingness.

The author thinks

To a certain extent, there is a high probability that science is well-founded, it is a scientific view that can be agreed upon by people under the constraints of certain scientific laws and laws, and this singularity certainly does not come from the miracle of "not knowing", after all, it is ultimately a problem that can be scientifically proven.

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

Although science is to use formulas and laws to explain the problem as much as possible, it is not absolutely correct, after all, evolution and creationism have unsolved topics, there is no ultimate answer to the question of eggs, and the singularity is inseparable from the former "don't know", just like many scientists, they use the most rigorous mathematics to answer all questions, and there are many questions that have been explained unclearly.

If God created everything, then how did God come to be?

And in my opinion, in evolution and creationism, one thing is certain, that is, they coexist, whether from a scientific point of view, or from folklore, this is one of the people's explanations of the unknown world, and no matter what kind of religion, the wise men of the predecessors will use science and life and mythology to explain the problem, which is like two people looking at an object, one standing on the front and one looking at the back, and the end result is different.