
More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

author:Möngke talks about health

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On an ordinary afternoon, a 51-year-old uncle, Xu Jiang, sat on a bench in the hospital, his forehead covered with fine beads of sweat.

It's not just because of the summer heat, it's more about the anxiety and panic that comes from within. It was a seemingly ordinary, but extraordinary day, because Xu Jiang had just learned that he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer.

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

Xu Jiang, an ordinary small town barber, has been diligent all his life, working from 9 to 5. His life is simple and orderly, and the only pleasure in life may be to get together with friends, however, this seemingly innocuous little pleasure has unwittingly become a hidden health hazard.

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

This uncle has a not-so-good habit - he loves to eat barbecue, and the frequency is amazing. Eat at least 10 times a week. He always smiled and said to his children: "What is this, what can you do with a barbecue, happiness is the most important thing." The children tried every means to dissuade them, but Xu Jiang always didn't care.

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

Until that day, the severe pain in his stomach could no longer be ignored and he was forced to come to the hospital for a check-up, but the result was like a bolt from the blue - advanced stomach cancer. The moment they learned of the diagnosis, Xu Jiang's children all burst into tears, their hearts full of regret and self-blame, why didn't they stop their father's bad eating habits more resolutely.

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

"Did you know that frequent intake of hot, fried, and smoked foods is one of the risk factors for stomach cancer? Moreover, the incidence rate of people who consume such foods for a long time is several times higher than that of the general population.

Doctor: "Stomach cancer is often difficult to detect in the early stages, because the symptoms are usually not obvious in the early stages. However, if it can be detected early, the success rate of treatment will be much higher than that of later detection. Many people neglect to eat a healthy diet, which leads to a silent worsening of the disease. ”

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

In the following time, the doctor and Xu Jiang had a long discussion in detail, not only about the treatment plan, but also about the change of lifestyle. In easy-to-understand language, the doctor explained to Xu Jiang the importance of a healthy diet and how to make adjustments in daily life to improve the quality of life as much as possible.

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

A few months later, Xu Jiang's condition improved. While he can no longer enjoy a barbecue as much as he used to, he has found a new joy in life – spending time with his family and enjoying enjoying the fresh air and warm sunshine. Although his life has changed drastically, Xu Jiang feels that he has become healthier and happier.

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

Then again, this change is a little late, but it's better than not changing at all. Xu Jiang began to think about why he was so obsessed with barbecue before? It turned out that this was not only the enjoyment of taste, but also a habit, a way of living with friends. Now he understands that health really comes first.

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

At this time, we might as well talk about those habits that seem harmless but are actually potentially harmful to the body. For example, drinking sugary drinks, staying up late excessively, being sedentary, etc., these seemingly small things actually have a great impact on our body.

Did you know that long-term high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages may not only lead to obesity, but also increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease?

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

Speaking of this, Xu Jiang realized that although it is difficult to change his living habits, as long as he has determination and action, he will definitely be able to slowly get better. He began to encourage the people around him to also pay attention to their lifestyle, try to eat a reasonable diet, exercise moderately, and stay away from bad habits.

A few months have passed, and Xu Jiang's physical condition has improved significantly.

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

In this process, Xu Jiang also had doubts, he asked the doctor: "I have changed my living habits, my condition has improved, does this mean that I don't have to worry about the recurrence of stomach cancer at all?"

The doctor gave a professional and detailed answer: "There is no doubt that changing lifestyle habits can greatly reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease. But we also need to be aware that the treatment and recovery of any disease requires a long-term and continuous process. ”

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going

"Even if the condition improves, there is no guarantee that there will be no recurrence. Therefore, regular check-ups are actually very necessary and should not be neglected. ”

What do you think about what we can do to prevent stomach cancer?

More than 10 times a week, the 51-year-old uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and his children cried: they didn't listen to the persuasion every day, and they kept going