
The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer

author:Baiyun Obo released

The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer
The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer

The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer

- Make the sense of gain more colorful, the background warmer - "As I sue"

Things that benefit the people will be prosperous. If I am complaining, I am here. It is the Supreme People's Court's requirements for court officers and police officers to do a good job in judicial adjudication work with the awareness of "as I am suing", to consider problems from the perspective of the parties, and to further improve the accuracy, speed, and temperature of case handling. In order to fulfill this requirement, the People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area combined with the mass education and practice activities of "feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party's words, and following the party", and effectively implemented the theme of "fairness and efficiency" in all aspects of the whole process of serving and guaranteeing the overall development of the mining area, insisted on empathy in the work, consciously and actively stood in the perspective of the parties, and strived to do a good job in the homework of accepting the judgment and ending the lawsuit in every trial link, so as to effectively enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer

Optimize litigation services to respond to emergencies

"The judge is worried about affecting my work, so he contacts me after work every time, which touches me so much, I am willing to believe that court mediation will give me justice", a dispute over the right to body, health and life caused by trivial disputes between friends was successfully resolved in the Baiyun Obo Mining Area People's Court. Previously, the defendant and the defendant had been close friends, but they had a big fight over a trivial matter, resulting in multiple traumatic injuries and a "perforated nasal septum" for the plaintiff. The presiding judge organized both parties to conduct a pre-litigation appraisal in advance, but due to the medical level and the parties' materials, it was difficult to find out the cause of the "nasal septum perforation". The presiding judge spared no effort to understand the situation through the parties and their relatives many times, and learned that the two were close friends and the plaintiff took his work seriously, so he contacted the plaintiff after work every time to analyze the interests of the plaintiff and resolve the knot. After repeated patient communication, explaining the law and reasoning to the plaintiff and explaining the legal consequences, and guiding the plaintiff and defendant to review the past friendship, the two parties gradually let go of the mustard in their hearts, reached a mediation agreement, and fulfilled the payment obligation on the spot.

Focusing on how to make the judiciary for the people effective from the subtleties and implement the "such as I am suing" into specific actions, the Baiyun Obo Mining District People's Court has built a litigation service center integrating the "hall network line station", and intensively integrated the litigation service function through various channels such as the litigation service hall, the litigation service network, and the "I do practical things for the masses" service post, providing high-quality litigation services for the masses, and striving to let the masses "walk into a hall and clear affairs in one stop".

At the same time, uphold the awareness of "as I am suing", always pay attention to the judicial needs of the people, complete the preliminary mediation, evidence fixation, determination of the focus of disputes, legal guidance and other work before the filing of litigation cases, increase the intensity of mediation and dispute resolution, pay attention to the unity of case quality, efficiency and effectiveness, truly turn the people's difficult matters into their own family affairs, and handle every people's livelihood case with the awareness of "as I am suing".

Listen attentively to your demands, patiently explain the law, and be reasonable

Recently, the People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area has solved a pre-litigation appraisal case of infringement with patient, enthusiastic and careful pre-litigation services, allowing the parties to "petition" to "letter the law". Previously, the 60-year-old plaintiff, Aunt Wang, had been hospitalized for a long time and had a lot of advance expenses, and failed to reach a compensation agreement through private negotiations with the defendant many times. On the day of mediation, the plaintiff, Aunt Wang, was agitated because she had been waiting for the defendant for a long time. After understanding the situation, the leaders of the Baiyun Obo Mining Area People's Court listened to the demands of Aunt Wang, her son and the lawyer for the first time, learned about the specific situation of the relevant matters in detail, patiently and meticulously explained the law from Aunt Wang's point of view, and gradually opened Aunt Wang's heart knot, eliminated dissatisfaction in her heart, and let the relevant appraisal work proceed smoothly.

Confucius said, "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "If I am suing" is not a slogan, it requires every court officer and police officer to understand it with their hearts, shorten the distance between the parties and the court with their own actions, enhance the parties' belief in the law, let the parties feel the temperature of good law and good governance in the subtleties, and solve the "legal knot" into a "heart knot" in empathy and resonance.

In recent years, the People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area has adhered to the purpose of justice for the people, revised and improved the "Implementation Rules of the People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area and the District Federation of Trade Unions on the Docking of Labor Dispute Litigation and Mediation" and the "Norms for the Work of Law-related and Litigation-related Petitions of the People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area" Do a good job of doing practical and good things for the people, so that the masses will have a more satisfying sense of justice and a warmer background.

Strengthen the governance of the source of enforcement and improve the efficiency of enforcement

Recently, after the Executive Bureau of the People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area executed and filed a case involving people's livelihood in a dispute over the responsibility of the victim of a labor service provider with a target of more than 10 yuan, it quickly used compulsory means such as online investigation and control and the "temperature" enforcement measures of explaining the law and reasoning, and successfully persuaded the person subject to enforcement to take the initiative to remit all the enforcement funds of the case to the special account for the court's enforcement of the case in only 4 days, and interpreted the power and value of the rule of law and maintained social fairness and justice with the speed, professionalism and practical action of enforcement.

The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer

It is difficult to find the person subject to enforcement, it is difficult to find clues about the property, it is difficult to realize the property of the enforcement, the cycle is long, and the case is executed but the enforcement is not completed...... Problems that arise in the implementation of the work are often the people's anxieties, difficulties, and hopes.

The actual enforcement rate of the first enforcement case was 68.29%, the average enforcement time was 28.26 days, and the time to conclude the case was only 39.3 days...... The Executive Bureau of the People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area adheres to the principle of "grasping the front end and curing the disease before it happens", does in-depth and practical governance and active enforcement, handles special and urgent cases involving the people's livelihood, and is good at going deep into the households, fields, and face-to-face to do the work of the parties, promoting the conclusion of the case, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the winning parties, and effectively strengthening the bottom line of people's livelihood.

The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer

Jurisprudence is nothing more than human feelings, and the judicial process is not only a process of seeking truth from facts, but also a process of understanding and respect, tolerance and healing. The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area will continue to firmly establish the awareness of "as I am suing", handle every case with heart and affection, fully release the judicial temperature, and strive to meet the new expectations and new requirements of the people for judicial work, so that the judicial warmth can be touched, felt and directly reached the hearts of the people.

Contributed by: District People's Court

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Xin

Editor: Wu Xiaoya

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Lei

Editor: Tian Xinyu


The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer
The People's Court of Baiyun Obo Mining Area "sues as I am" makes the sense of justice more satisfying and the background warmer

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