
A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Can eating healthy really make people ten years younger?" was the first sentence Liang Dandong heard when he met his old friend Zhong Shan in the park.

Zhong Shan's face did not have many traces of age, and he almost did not look old compared to five years ago, which surprised Liang Dandong.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

Liang Dandong, a busy software engineer with a long time of computer exposure and irregular life, recently worries about his health because of chest pain.

Zhong Shan smiled and introduced his diet secrets to Liang Dandong.

Liang Dandong nervously recalled his lunch - greasy fast food, suspected of being one of the "culprits".

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

Zhong Shan suggested going to a nearby café to continue chatting, and Liang Dandong readily agreed.

At the café, Zhongshan shared three bad eating habits he avoided and gave a thorough explanation.

The first habit is an over-reliance on processed foods.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

Zhongshan explained in detail how the high levels of salt, sugar and trans fats often found in these foods can affect cardiovascular health.

He cites a study that showed that people who consume processed foods for a long time have a 36 percent higher incidence of heart disease than those who eat fresh ingredients regularly.

The second bad habit is an irrational diet, especially an excessive intake of animal fats.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

Zhong Shan said that excessive intake of animal fats can increase LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood, which is directly related to various cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

He mentioned a meta-analysis of heart health, which looked at the eating habits and health of 500,000 people.

The results showed that those who consumed red meat more than twice a week had a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

Finally, Zhongshan highlighted the importance of ignoring fruits and vegetables as the third bad habit.

He explains that the antioxidants and fibre in fruits and vegetables are effective in scavenging free radicals in the body and protecting the heart from damage.

Zhongshan even mentions a study that confirmed that people who consumed at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day had a 30% lower incidence of heart disease than those who consumed less than two servings a day.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

During the chat, Zhong Shan also mentioned the stories of several case patients.

One of them, a middle-aged man who used to be a meat-eater, experienced a significant drop in cholesterol levels and improved heart function after changing his eating habits.

Liang Dandong was deeply inspired and decided to re-evaluate his eating habits.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

He began to think about how to incorporate Zhongshan's advice into his own life, and he also wondered if such a shift would actually bring the health benefits he was hoping for.

A few months later, Liang Dandong felt a significant improvement in his physical strength and relief from his chest pain.

He realized that although it takes time and effort to change his eating habits, the rewards of health are priceless.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

From this story, we can see that even small lifestyle changes can lead to significant health benefits.

However, this begs the question: how can we effectively balance nutrition and time in the face of the fast-paced lifestyle of modern people?

In the fast-paced life, many people tend to ignore the balance and health of their diet, especially those who are in the workplace.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

The ideal solution should be to look for food options that both satisfy hunger pangs quickly and provide the necessary nutrients.

Some fast and healthy food and beverage services have already appeared in the market, such as subscription-based healthy meal boxes,

These boxes often include a variety of vegetables, high-quality protein, and whole grains, which are not only convenient and fast, but also meet the criteria for a healthy diet.

A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed

In addition, simple pre-meal preparation and recipe planning can also significantly reduce cooking time without sacrificing the nutritional value of the food.

In these ways, we can effectively integrate healthy eating into the fast pace of life while maintaining quality of life and productivity.

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A 56-year-old man had angina pectoris, and lunch was the "culprit"? Doctor: 3 eating habits to be changed