
Ignite your dopamine!The 36th Patriotic Health Month "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight" in Shinan District was launched


On April 12, in order to vigorously promote the Healthy Shinan Action and continue to improve the health level of residents, according to the requirements of the notice of the 36th Patriotic Health Month of the National, Provincial, Municipal and District Patriotic Health Offices, the Office of the Patriotic Health Campaign Committee of Shinan District, Qingdao City, together with the Hong Kong Middle Road Sub-district Office and the Qingdao Branch of Amway (China) Commodity Co., Ltd., held the launching ceremony of the 36th Patriotic Health Month "Healthy Town and Healthy Weight" in Shinan District in Sunshine Department Store.

Ignite your dopamine!The 36th Patriotic Health Month "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight" in Shinan District was launched

At the beginning of the event, four resident representatives of the Hong Kong Middle Road Sub-district Office demonstrated the traditional Chinese fitness project Baduanjin, which made the audience deeply feel the physical and mental pleasure brought by a healthy lifestyle through the performance, and further activated the pleasurable neural mechanism of dopamine secretion in the body, so that people can enjoy the joy of life while pursuing health.

Ignite your dopamine!The 36th Patriotic Health Month "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight" in Shinan District was launched

Li Xia, Deputy Director of Qingdao City Agglomeration of Amway (China) Commodity Co., Ltd., said in her speech that she will promote the company to continue to practice the corporate vision of "helping people live a healthier and better life", strive to become a "comprehensive health promoter", and contribute to the construction of a healthy China.

Ma Xuan, a member of the Clinical Nutrition Professional Committee of Shandong Nutrition Society, a member of Qingdao Nutrition Society, and a teacher from the Nutrition Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao Medical College, brought the case sharing of "Nutritious Three Meals for a Long Time and Enjoying Thinness", teaching health concepts and health knowledge, and continuously improving the health literacy level of residents.

Ignite your dopamine!The 36th Patriotic Health Month "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight" in Shinan District was launched

Chen Xiangfu, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the office of Hong Kong Middle Road Street, introduced that the patriotic health campaign is a public health activity with the participation of the whole people, co-construction and sharing, and this year's street focuses on the theme of "Healthy Town and Healthy Weight", aiming to further improve the physical fitness of community residents and strengthen the popularization of healthy lifestyles. In the future, the street will continue to hold a series of colorful activities, including health lectures, nutritious diet guidance and various sports and fitness activities, etc., I hope that everyone can actively sign up to participate in the joint creation of a good atmosphere of "everyone pays attention to health and every family participates in fitness".

Ignite your dopamine!The 36th Patriotic Health Month "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight" in Shinan District was launched

Ji Cuijuan, deputy director of the Shinan District Health Bureau, said that establishing a correct concept of life and improving the overall health level is a major event that benefits thousands of households. We call on everyone to take active action and participate extensively, integrate a green, civilized and healthy lifestyle into daily life, strive to be the builder of livable Shinan and the guardian of environmental sanitation, normalize and consolidate the achievements of the creation of a national sanitary city in Shinan District, and jointly build a healthy Shinan and share a better life.

Ignite your dopamine!The 36th Patriotic Health Month "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight" in Shinan District was launched

At the event site, the Shinan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Minjiang Road Community Health Service Center brought healthy life publicity materials and intervention tools to the residents, and the family doctor team provided health education consulting services on the spot to enhance the health awareness of residents and advocate the concept of health. Amway has created scenes such as the Slim Gym, the Slim Garden, the Three-Meal Nutrition Supermarket, and the Slim Trendy Store, allowing participants to understand the importance of weight management to their health more intuitively through fat burning games, combined with photo check-in, weight management wish cards, on-site interaction, etc., and encourage everyone to go outdoors and exercise together.

Ignite your dopamine!The 36th Patriotic Health Month "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight" in Shinan District was launched

Shinan District will take the 36th Patriotic Health Month as an opportunity to continue to promote the concept of "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight", so that every resident can participate in this change of healthy life, burn the dopamine in their hearts, and jointly shape a vibrant, healthy and progressive humanistic city. Shinan District will lead all residents to devote themselves to the activity of "Healthy Town, Healthy Weight" with more enthusiasm and more pragmatic actions, so that health will become the main theme of residents' lives, so that every moment will be full of vitality and every day will be filled with the joy of health.

Source: Popular Daily