
How to teach children to express emotions and needs in words?

author:A Mom's Parenting Handicraft Class

Take the baby to the supermarket, the baby suddenly does not go, and his eyes are staring in one direction. Continuing to pull your baby will cause your child to cry.

When there is a conflict with a child, the child will only hold back tears in a muffled voice, and will not squeak no matter how he asks.

The building blocks that I had managed to build collapsed, and the child cried.

Just after telling a story, ask the baby what the story says? The baby wants to say and stops, and then shakes his head, "I don't know".

In the process of raising children, have you encountered any of the above things?

How to teach children to express emotions and needs in words?

Parents who raise their children themselves will guess their children's thoughts and know what their children want to do when they see their children's eyes and movements. If parents act more than they say, and gradually the child knows that he can achieve his goals without speaking, and the brain will also think less about "how to say". But such a "trouble-free" exchange will not be too long-term.

When children go to kindergarten and have their own small group, when the time spent with parents and children gradually decreases, when children's habits change with the environment, parents can no longer immediately guess the children's wishes and needs, when children are anxious about what to do, but parents guess a lot and may not guess correctly, they realize the urgency of accurately "teaching babies to express themselves".

How to teach children to express emotions and needs in words?

But at this time, the baby is already in the irritability of "can't express his own thoughts", "doesn't know how to express his thoughts", "can't express clearly", and "doesn't want to think about how to express it". Such a situation usually occurs between 1 and a half years old ~ 3 years old, and it is best to teach the baby to learn to control his emotions before the age of 3.

On the verge of a baby's emotional breakdown, how can parents teach their babies to express their emotions and needs?

1. Calm emotions/empathy

When the baby is already crying and venting his emotions, the parents' preaching is ineffective. At this time, the baby is in an emotional vortex and cannot think about the words of the parents. At this time, in fact, the mother's arms are the most effective "good medicine".

Hug the baby, pat the back, and comfort softly, "Mom feels that the baby is so sad" and "Mom is by your side".

This is the process of teaching the baby to control his emotions, and the mother tries a few more times, and the baby's emotions will be comforted faster and faster. The test is effective!

How to teach children to express emotions and needs in words?

2. Define your needs

When the baby is emotionally comforted and no longer crying, you can hear what the mother says. You can communicate with the baby in this way, "The mother just felt that the baby is so sad/sad/angry because ...... Is it?"

When communicating with the baby, try to say short sentences, too long sentences, the baby's thinking at about 2 years old can't keep up, and he can't turn a corner.

If the baby doesn't respond, mom can wait.

If the baby doesn't understand, mom can repeat it again. Or put it more simply, until the baby understands what the mother is saying.

How to teach children to express emotions and needs in words?

3. Teach how to speak/guide expression

When the baby understands the mother's meaning, we need to teach the baby to express his needs. Like what:

  • The toy collapsed - can you help me build it? (Let's build it together)
  • Seeing a toy I like – I like this toy, can I buy it? (yes, or can't)
  • Conflict with a child - he ...... (Hit me/Grab my things/Stain my clothes)......
  • Want to join the kids – can I play with you?

When your baby has a problem, we guide your baby to express it like this. This teaches the baby to learn to face problems and express his needs. Of course, this process requires the participation of parents and the work together with the baby until the baby can complete it independently, and then slowly withdraw.

How to teach children to express emotions and needs in words?

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It's okay to cry when you're sad, but you can't vent bad emotions with emotional language. Emotional management and learning to express one's needs clearly are compulsory courses in the growth of babies.

I'm Mom A, sharing parenting moments.