
If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

author:Lao Xu's medical science

Text: Dr. Xu

Edited by Chi You

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"Do you often feel tired and lose your appetite when you wake up in the morning?"

Dr. Li's words echoed in Zhao Dabao's ears, causing him to stop and think in front of the vegetable section of the supermarket.

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

Today's supermarket is very lively, and it seems that everyone is vying to buy the spinach that is advertised as "organic".

Zhao Dabao scratched his head, looked at the shopping list in his hand in confusion, and thought to himself, maybe he should also buy some healthy food.

Zhao Dabao is a middle school history teacher who is usually busy with work, often working overtime to prepare for classes until late at night.

Although he thought he was healthy in his 40s, Dr. Lee's reminder made him pay attention to his physical condition.

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

Zhao Dabao decided to take the opportunity of shopping to chat with the people around him about health.

In the process of selecting vegetables, Zhao Dabao and a neighbor, Aunt Wang, who was shopping for the same spinach, struck up a conversation.

Aunt Wang is a warm-hearted person, and as soon as she heard that Zhao Dabao had health concerns, she enthusiastically shared some of her views.

"You know what? A lot of people are neglecting liver health these days.

If you have 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

The liver is not good, and I always feel tired and have no appetite in the morning, most of which is due to liver function problems. ”

Zhao Dabao was shocked in his heart, isn't this exactly how he feels recently?

He became more and more concerned about his physical condition. “

The word "cirrhosis" ringed in his mind repeatedly, and he remembered that Dr. Lee had also mentioned that if he often felt tired and lost his appetite in the morning, it could be an early warning of cirrhosis.

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

In order to have a deeper understanding of the situation, Zhao Dabao decided to consult Dr. Li again and learn more about the relevant medical knowledge through the doctor.

Dr. Lee, an experienced liver specialist, told Zhao that the early stages of cirrhosis are often not taken seriously because its symptoms are not obvious, and symptoms such as morning fatigue and loss of appetite can easily be mistaken for just ordinary lifestyle problems.

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

"Many patients are surprised when they are diagnosed with cirrhosis because they do not have a significant history of alcohol or significant pain. ”

Dr Lee explained that the liver is a silent organ, and even if the damage is severe, it may not feel much.

He also added that risk factors for cirrhosis include long-term alcohol abuse, obesity, diabetes, and certain genetic factors.

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

Zhao Dabao was deeply worried after hearing this, and he recalled that although he did not drink heavily, he had increased his weight in the past few years due to the pressure of work, frequent social gatherings, irregular diets, and an irregular diet.

He realized that he might be at high risk.

Dr. Li advised Zhao Dabao to have a comprehensive liver function test and adjust his lifestyle based on the results.

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

He also mentioned some specific data showing that more than half of people with cirrhosis in China are unaware of their condition before they are diagnosed.

These data have made Zhao Dabao more aware of the importance of early detection and treatment.

In the weeks that followed, Zhao Dabao followed his doctor's advice and adjusted his eating habits, reducing his intake of greasy and high-calorie foods and increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits.

At the same time, he also began to stick to light physical activities such as brisk walking and swimming every day.

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

A few months later, Zhao's physical examination showed that his liver function had improved, and although it had not fully returned to normal, there had been significant progress.

He is glad that he made timely lifestyle adjustments and is determined to continue this healthy lifestyle.

At the end of the story, ask a question:

"If the symptoms of early cirrhosis are so inconspicuous, how can we effectively raise public awareness and early diagnosis?"

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

This question is directly related to Zhao Dabao's experience and what he learned from Dr. Li.

For a detailed analysis of this issue, we need to take into account that the early symptoms of cirrhosis are indeed subtle, which requires us not only to sensitize the healthcare system to such symptoms, but also to increase people's awareness of self-monitoring through public health education.

If there are 2 discomforts in the morning, or the "alarm sound" of liver cirrhosis, it is a pity that too many people do not take it seriously

For example, regular information about cirrhosis and its early symptoms can be disseminated to the public through media campaigns, health talks, etc., and regular liver function tests can be encouraged, especially for those with high-risk factors.

Through these measures, the early diagnosis rate can be effectively improved, thereby reducing the health risks due to cirrhosis.

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