
The results of the South Korean election were announced, Yoon Suk-yeol failed to save himself, Park Geun-hye left the mountain, and the Chinese side was specially invited


Yoon Suk-yeol suffered a "Waterloo", South Korean politics ushered in a reshuffle, Yoon Suk-yeol invited the Chinese side to visit South Korea, will China-Japan-South Korea relations ease?

According to a number of media reports such as China Youth Network, as of 9:45 local time on April 11, the vote rate of the 22nd National Assembly election in South Korea has reached 99.9%, judging from the results, among the 300 seats in the South Korean National Assembly, the opposition Democratic Party and the Democratic Union Party won a total of 175 seats, the ruling National Power Party and its satellite parties won 108 seats, the Motherland Reform Party occupied 12 seats, the Reform and Innovation Party occupied 3 seats, and the New Future Party and the Progressive Party each occupied 1 seat. The result was a fiasco for the Yoon Suk-yeol administration, which risked impeachment by the opposition if the ruling party won less than 100 seats, and even then, Yoon's party lost its decisive advantage in the South Korean parliament.

The results of the South Korean election were announced, Yoon Suk-yeol failed to save himself, Park Geun-hye left the mountain, and the Chinese side was specially invited

According to South Korean law, the National Assembly is the highest authority in South Korea, with legislative power, approval of the national budget, foreign policy, declaration of war and impeachment of the president, the ruling party's seats in the South Korean National Assembly are lower than those of the opposition parties, which means that Yoon Suk-yeol will face challenges in many fields such as financial power, legislation, and diplomacy in the future, becoming a de facto "lame president".

The results of this election are not surprising, after Yoon Suk-yeol came to power, he blindly turned to the United States, confronted China in the fields of science and technology, geography and economy and trade, not only joined the United States' "Chip Quadripartite Alliance", but also invited representatives of the Taiwan region to participate in the so-called "Summit for Democracy". Semiconductors and other fields suffered heavy losses, and just a day before South Korea's parliamentary election, Yoon also ordered the South Korean coast guard to take tough measures against Chinese "cross-border" fishing vessels.

The results of the South Korean election were announced, Yoon Suk-yeol failed to save himself, Park Geun-hye left the mountain, and the Chinese side was specially invited

Before the South Korean parliamentary election, the leader of the ruling party personally visited former South Korean President Park Geun-hye, hoping that he would go out to increase the support of the ruling party, and then Park Geun-hye dragged her 72-year-old body to the polling station to vote, to a certain extent, but the result still could not turn the tide, which shows that the South Korean people's resentment against the Yoon Suk-yeol administration has been difficult to quell。

The results of the South Korean election were announced, Yoon Suk-yeol failed to save himself, Park Geun-hye left the mountain, and the Chinese side was specially invited

South Korea's ruling party's defeat in the parliamentary election triggered a series of chain reactions, and a number of senior officials in the Yoon Suk-yeol government have resigned en masse, Yoon Suk-yeol said that he will humbly accept public opinion for governance reform, and it is foreseeable that in this kind of "small and large" political situation, Yoon Suk-yeol's future governance will be more difficult, and it will be difficult to implement reforms such as medical reform and tax reduction policies.

On the occasion of the South Korean parliamentary election, China received a special invitation, China, Japan and South Korea will hold a summit in Seoul, South Korea on May 26, which is the first trilateral summit since 2019, but the improvement of relations between China, Japan and South Korea is still not optimistic, on April 10, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited the United States and held talks with Biden, the two sides signed 70 security cooperation agreements, and made China the "biggest challenge" On the South Korean side, Yoon Suk-yeol's invitation to China to the summit may not be to improve relations between China and South Korea, but most likely for the Korean Peninsula issue, asking China to use its influence on North Korea to cool down the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

The results of the South Korean election were announced, Yoon Suk-yeol failed to save himself, Park Geun-hye left the mountain, and the Chinese side was specially invited

China, Japan, and South Korea are neighbors that cannot be moved, and the beggar-thy-neighbor behavior of Japan and South Korea to lure wolves into the house is not only not beneficial to their own countries, but also to regional peace and stability.

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