
The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

author:Huan Huan said the royal family

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

Harry returned to the royal family two months ago to visit King Charles, who was suffering from cancer, but was closed in front of his brother William. The Prince of Wales said that he had not met with Harry at all last time, and the relationship was very stiff for a while.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams believes that Charles has always longed for reunion, after all, he is 75 years old. The Harry family is far away in the United States, and now they have seen each other less.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

Charles personally played the role of peacemaker, hoping that the two sons would reconcile soon, and only in this way could a peaceful transfer of power be achieved. According to foreign media reports, Harry will return to the UK in May, and Charles has sent an invitation to Meghan, hoping that she can come back with her two children.

Four years ago, the Duke of Sussex's family left the royal family, and Charles would send an invitation to Harry every festive season. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Charles has never given up on Harry, nor has he closed the door to family affection.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

Even though Harry and Meghan have been demons many times, appearing on variety shows and posting autobiographies, constantly consuming and smearing the royal family, Charles still has a tolerant attitude. After all, it is his own flesh and blood, and coupled with his advanced age, Charles naturally hopes to enjoy the joy of family.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

The Harrys were interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, revealing a lot of inside information about the royal family, which had a lot of negative effects on the monarchy's rule. At present, Charles has sent out an offer, hoping that Harry can return with his two children and go to Balmoral for a holiday together.

However, royal expert Chad Fitzwilliams is pessimistic. He believes that the estrangement between the two brothers is deep, and that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been attacking Kate for the past decade, which eventually led to a deterioration in the relationship between the two brothers.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

From King Charles' point of view, there is definitely hope that Harry will come back and even open the door many times. But other members of the royal family are opposed, especially Prince William, whose contradictions with Harry are difficult to reconcile, and have reached the point of turning against each other.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

Harry will appear at St Paul's Cathedral in May to attend some charity events, but Meghan is reluctant to return to the UK. The Duchess of Sussex believes that it is better to maintain the status quo, and that it is safer for a couple of children to stay in California.

Therefore, Harry is now in a dilemma, and the time to return home is getting closer and closer, but Meghan is reluctant to move, and even has to detain her two children. Facts have proved that the British royal family is divided, and the two brothers have become enemies.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

The editor believes that King Charles is mainly responsible for the reason why this is the case. If Princess Diana was still alive, then the two brothers would definitely not be so disrespectful and broke out a scolding war on the Internet, and even had a quarrel.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

Prince Harry's trip to the UK is obviously a very difficult task, and even if he returns to the royal family, he will be met with collective resistance from the Windsor family. In other words, it is indeed a sad thing that no one except King Charles is waiting to see the Duke of Sussex.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

Prince William is making final preparations for the succession, and naturally does not want Harry to come back and cause trouble. Meghan is a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the royal family, she is simply a professional whistleblower, and the people of the Windsor family avoid her.

The 75-year-old Charles, eager for reunion, never closed the door to Harry and persuaded William to reconcile with his brother

The last time Harry came back, he only talked to Charles for forty-five minutes, and I don't know what the result was when he came back this time, I still hope that the two brothers can release their suspicions, otherwise Camilla will be the biggest beneficiary.

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