
He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

author:Xue Yirou
He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

Biography of Hebayue

He Bayue (?-534), the Eile ethnic group, the compound surname is He Ba, the word A Nidou, a native of Jianshan County, Shenwu County (now Shenchi County, Shanxi Province). A famous general at the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

 The first generation leader of the Guanlong Group

He Bayue was born in a family of military generals in Wuchuan Town, and his father and two elder brothers were both famous generals in the world. Since childhood, He Batyue has been ambitious, benevolent, and respectful of talents, and has entered the highest institution of learning.

As an adult, He Bayue had a brave and decisive personality, and practiced a good martial arts, able to shoot a bow left and right on the back of a galloping horse, and the arrows were not missed. Although I have never read the art of war, every time I discuss military affairs, it coincides with what is said in the military book, and everyone is amazed.

At that time, in order to defend against the southern invasion of northern nomads, the Northern Wei Dynasty set up six military towns at the junction of the present-day Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Shanxi Province and Hebei Province. In 523, the soldiers and civilians of the Six Towns rebelled against the brutal rule of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The three brothers followed their father to Huaishuo Town to quell the rebellion.

On one occasion, when the leader of the rebels came to attack the city, he was more than 300 paces away from the city wall, and when he climbed to the top of the city and shot the leader in the arm with an arrow, the rebels were thrown into chaos. He Batyue came to prominence.

He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

Soon after, He Bayue's father was killed in battle, and he defected to the command of the powerful local general Er Zhurong. At that time, Emperor Wei Xiaoming's mother, Empress Dowager Hu, controlled the government, and Emperor Xiaoming was deeply dissatisfied, and secretly summoned Zhu Rong to Beijing to oust his mother.

Er Zhurong hesitated and asked He Bayue what to do. He Batyue replied angrily: "To do something extraordinary, you must be an extraordinary person. The ancients said: 'Do not wait for the morning plan to be carried out in the evening, and do not wait for the car to set off.' That's it!" Er Zhurong repeatedly praised him for his manly spirit.

When Empress Dowager Hu learned of this, she was furious and poisoned Emperor Xiaoming to death. In the name of revenge for Emperor Xiaoming, Er Zhurong led his troops into the capital Luoyang, killing more than 1,300 courtiers Liwei, and the general Gao Huan took the opportunity to persuade him to become emperor.

He Bayue advised: "The general first advocated the volunteer army in order to eradicate the rebels, if he is called the emperor, he will inevitably be discredited and cause great disaster." Er Zhurong gave up the usurpation of the throne, continued to support Emperor Xiaozhuang as the emperor, and led the army back to Jinyang to control the government remotely.

Afterwards, He Bayue strongly persuaded Er Zhurong to kill Gao Huan to show his will. Gao Huan had already bribed everyone, and everyone said that Gao Huan was a rare talent, and he could be left to atone for his crimes. Er Zhurong did not kill Gao Huan in the end.

He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

In 528, another rebel leader, Mò Qí Chounu, proclaimed himself emperor in Guanzhong, and Erzhurong sent He Bayue to quell the rebellion. Fearing that he would be punished for defeat and jealous if he was defeated, he asked someone from the Erzhu family to be the commander.

Er Zhurong was very happy and made his nephew Er Zhu Tianguang the head coach, He Bayue and the general Hou Mo Chen Yue as the deputy commander.

Erzhu Tianguang assigned 1,000 men to be handed over to the commander of He Bayue, who set up a clever plan to win more with less, and captured 20,000 rebels in one fell swoop.

Subsequently, He Batyue declared to the outside world: "Now that the weather is getting hotter, it is not suitable to continue fighting, and we will attack when autumn is cool." "Wan Qiu Chou Nu believed it, and left only one army to guard the dangerous place, and the other soldiers were assigned to various places to plant crops.

He Batyue attacked at night and captured the remaining rebels and all the rebels. Then he took advantage of the victory and pursued it, captured Wan Qiao Choun slave in one fell swoop, and recovered the Guanzhong region. After the war, he was rewarded for meritorious deeds, and He Bayue made the greatest contribution and was promoted to governor.

In 530, Erzhurong was killed by Emperor Xiaozhuang, and Erzhu Tianguang rushed back to Luoyang and handed over the military and political affairs of Guanzhong to He Bayue. Gao Huan immediately used the dictatorship of the Erzhu clan as a name to raise troops to fight.

Erzhu Tianguang sent someone to ask He Batyue for advice, and He Batyue said: "It's better to stick to Guanzhong first and stabilize the fundamentals." Erzhu Tianguang did not listen, and as a result, he was defeated. Seeing that the Erzhu clan was hopeless, He Bayue threw himself into Gao Huan's camp and captured Erzhu Tianguang's younger brother.

He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

After Gao Huan eliminated the Erzhu clan, he monopolized power and supported Emperor Xiaowu to ascend the throne. Emperor Xiaowu was unwilling to be controlled by Gao Huan, and issued a secret edict appointing He Bayue as the governor in charge of the military of the twenty states in the northwest to deal with Gao Huan.

He Bayue took the opportunity to integrate the military forces in the Guanlong region and formed a military group with himself as the core of leadership, and confronted Gao Huan from east to west.

At this time, He Bayue's right-hand man Yu Wentai reminded him that the current henchman was not Gao Huan, but Hou Mo Chen Yue who was recovering Guanzhong with him. He Bayue didn't believe it at all, but discussed with Hou Mo and Chen Yue how to deal with Gao Huan.

In fact, Hou Mo Chen Yue had already taken refuge in Gao Huan, and Gao Huan ordered him to find an opportunity to get rid of He Bayue. One day, Hou Mo Chen Yue tricked He Bayue into his camp and killed him.

After He Batyue's death, Gao Huan tried to annex his army, but it was unsuccessful, because the Guanlong group was mainly linked by family background and geography, and outsiders could not control it. Yu Wentai soon became the new leader, and under his leadership, the power of the Guanlong group became even stronger, and the founding monarchs of the Northern Zhou, Sui, and Tang dynasties all came from this group, and dominated the Chinese political arena for more than 100 years.

He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

Wang Bao Biography

Wang Bao (513-576), a native of Linyi County, Langya County (now Linyi City, Shandong Province). He was a writer and calligrapher of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

A talented man of the Southern Dynasty who traveled to the north

Wang Bao was born in the famous Langya Wang family, the ancestor was Wang Dao, the prime minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and his grandfather and father were both high-ranking officials in the Southern Liang Dynasty and were very famous.

Wang Bao's family culture is strong, he has received a good education since he was a child, and he wrote a chapter at the age of seven. When he grew up, he was knowledgeable, elegant, dignified, and particularly personable. In addition, he has a cheerful personality and likes to talk and laugh, and is deeply loved by everyone.

Wang Bao's maternal grandfather was a minister of the imperial court, and he once said to his guests: "This child will definitely become the prime minister of our family in the future." ”

Wang Bao's uncle, Xiao Ziyun, was a well-known calligrapher, especially good at cursive and official script. Wang Bao followed Xiao Ziyun to learn calligraphy since he was a child, and got the true inheritance, and his fame was second only to Xiao Ziyun, and he was valued by the people at that time.

At the age of twenty, Wang Bao was recommended as a talent and became a subordinate of the crown prince Xiao Gang. Xiao Gang has a luxurious literary group around him, and the famous writers Yu Xin and Xu Ling are the core figures.

Wang Bao exchanged and studied with his predecessors, and his literary attainments gradually improved. Emperor Wu of Liang particularly admired Wang Bao's talent and married his niece to him.

He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

Later, Wang Bao became a staff member of Xiao Gang's eldest son, King Xuancheng. Once, King Xuancheng built a new study, let the famous scholar and painter Gu Yewang draw the statue of the ancient sage, Wang Bao inscribed the praise text, hung in the study, known as the "two unique".

In 548, the "Hou Jing Rebellion" broke out, and Jiankang, the capital of Southern Liang, was occupied by rebels. Emperor Xiao Yi of Liang Yuan took the throne after quelling the "Hou Jing Rebellion", and Wang Bao and Emperor Liang Yuan had long been friends, so they were reused. But he was not pampered and arrogant, and he was humble and cautious, which was praised by the courtiers.

Jiankang City was destroyed in the war and dilapidated, and Emperor Liang Yuan wanted to move the capital to his fiefdom Jiangling, and his former ministers agreed.

Wang Bao believes that where the capital should be determined by the people's hearts and minds, and should not be transferred to the emperor's preferences and the interests of the old ministers, obviously the old capital Jiankang is more in line with the people's will. He knew that Emperor Liang Yuan was suspicious by nature and did not dare to oppose it in person, so he privately looked for an opportunity to dissuade him, but Emperor Liang Yuan did not listen.

Emperor Liang Yuan also loved literature, and often sang poems and wines with his ministers. Wang Bao composed a seven-character song entitled "Yan Ge Xing", which depicts the cold and bitter state of the northwest border as if in front of him. This "Yan Ge Xing" has reformed and innovated the style of the seven-character song line, making it a kind of poetry style that freely changes rhyme and is more flexible and changeable, laying the foundation for the ancient seven-word poems of the Tang Dynasty with smooth syllables. Emperor Liang Yuan, Yu Xin and others wrote and (hè) poems, but none of them could be compared with Wang Bao's original works.

He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

Emperor Liang Yuan's regime lasted only three years, and was wiped out by the Western Wei regime in the north, Emperor Liang Yuan was killed, and dozens of literati including Wang Bao were exiled to Chang'an, the capital of the Western Wei Dynasty.

Yu Wentai, the prime minister of the Western Wei Dynasty, was very happy to get so many talents at once because of the attack on Jiangling. Yuwentai's mother's surname was Wang, so he treated Wang Bao and other literati surnamed Wang with special courtesy, and was granted official positions.

Three years later, Yuwentai died, and his son Emperor Zhou Xiaomin proclaimed himself emperor on behalf of the Western Wei and established the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Due to his illustrious family background and profound attainments in literature and calligraphy, Wang Bao was quickly reused.

After the death of Emperor Xiaomin, his elder brother Emperor Zhou Ming ascended the throne, and Wang Bao was accompanied by Wang Bao at every banquet to discuss poetry together. Later, Emperor Wu of Zhou, who succeeded him, trusted Wang Bao even more, and put him in charge of drafting the edict and serving as a subordinate official of the crown prince.

Before Wang Bao came to Chang'an, Zhao Wenshen was the most famous calligrapher in the north, and he was asked to write the stone tablets and plaques. After Wang Bao arrived, the children of the nobles rushed to learn his calligraphy, but Zhao Wenshen was unexpectedly unpopular.

Zhao Wenshen was deeply ashamed and angry, but he was later impressed by Wang Bao's calligraphy and turned to learn from him. It's a pity that Zhao Wenshen has never learned anything and was ridiculed as a Handan toddler. Wang Bao respected Zhao Wenshen very much, and whenever someone wanted to write an inscription, he would give it to Zhao Wenshen.

He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

Wang Bao's greatest achievement lies in literature. His poems are beautiful and round, lyrical and delicate, strict and rigorous, and rich in content: there are not only poems of Biansai, poems of wandering immortals, but also homesick poems written after arriving in the north. Some of the famous sentences of Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, are based on Wang Bao's poems, and his influence on later generations can be seen. Wang Bao's prose is elegant and solemn, the rhetoric is rich, and it also has high literary value.

Wang Bao and Yu Xin, another great literary scholar who also entered the Northern Zhou Dynasty from the Southern Liang, are equally famous, and are collectively known as "Wang Yu". They injected a novel southern style into the literature of the Northern Dynasties, effectively promoted the integration of the northern and southern literary styles, and played a role in connecting the past and the next. At the same time, Wang Bao was also influenced by the northern literary style, and created some works with strong bones and generosity.

In 576, Wang Bao died at the age of sixty-four.

It is a pity that Wang Bao's anthology has been lost, and only 47 poems and 25 articles have been collected according to various anthologies.

This article is excerpted from "Twenty-four Histories Read Now, Language and History Are Progressing" - the seventh volume of "Northern History", which is officially authorized to be released, welcome to continue to pay attention.

He was the first generation leader of the Guanlong clique? What was the outstanding feature of the talented men of the Southern Dynasty who were imprisoned in the north?

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