
How to fry the shredded beef with tender ginger and make it delicious?

author:Foodie cooks

Ginger shredded beef is made by marinating the beef in a seasoning for about 20 minutes. Add oil from the pan, stir-fry the beef slices over high heat after the oil is hot, and the beef can be cooked in the pan. Serve beef with shredded ginger. How do you stir-fry shredded beef with tender ginger to make it delicious?

How to fry the shredded beef with tender ginger and make it delicious?


Main ingredients:
Beef tenderloin 250 grams
嫩姜 180 grams
Red Pepper (Color) 1 pc
Pickled ginger shreds:
white vinegar 3 tablespoons
sugar 3 tablespoons
Corned beef ingredients:
rice wine 1 tablespoon
soy sauce 1 tablespoon
water 2 tablespoons
Pepper 1/4 teaspoon
protein 1 pc
cornstarch 1 tablespoon
cooking oil 2 tablespoons
rice wine 1 tablespoon
oyster sauce 1 tablespoon
salt 1/4 teaspoon
sugar 1/2 teaspoon
(The seasoning is for reference only, please adjust it according to your taste) (1 tbsp = 15ml, 1 tsp = 5ml)

Tender ginger shredded beef preparation

  1. Shred the tender ginger. (Ginger doesn't need to be cut too finely, a little thicker tastes better)
  2. Take half of the shredded ginger and add sugar and white vinegar
  3. Marinating for more than 1-2 hours to soften the ginger and make it a quick version of sour ginger is a trick to the flavor of this dish
  4. The beef is cut into thick shreds, marinated meat (except cooking oil) is added and mixed repeatedly, and the beef is completely absorbed
  5. Put in the cooking oil and mix well with the cover, marinate for more than 30 minutes~ If you are in a hurry to eat, the pickling of tender ginger and beef can be done in advance and put in the refrigerator, and you can fry it directly when you come back
  6. Pour a little more cooking oil into a hot pan, add the marinated shredded beef, stir-fry over high heat until it changes color, and serve immediately
  7. Leave a little base oil in the original pot, first add the unmarinated raw and tender ginger and red pepper shreds and stir-fry until fragrant
  8. Then add the marinated sour ginger (squeeze out the marinade) and stir-fry well~ The whole pot exudes a charming ginger fragrance
  9. Then add back the shredded beef and stir-fry over high heat
  10. Add all seasonings
  11. Stir-fry quickly and get out of the pan
  12. An appetizing and delicious stir-fried shredded beef with tender ginger can be served~
How to fry the shredded beef with tender ginger and make it delicious?

The second method of stir-fried beef with ginger shreds

As the saying goes, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer", ginger is hot and cold, and many people are in air-conditioned rooms most of the time in summer, which is more likely to be cold and invade the cold, so eating more ginger can drive away the cold. Stir-fried beef with shredded ginger is also a favorite of the whole family.



150g of beef

Half a bell pepper

1 root of leek

3 garlic pieces

A little light soy sauce

A pinch of chicken bouillon

A pinch of salt

How to fry the shredded beef with tender ginger and make it delicious?


Step 1 Fresh tender ginger

Step 2 Wash and shred and set aside

Step 3 Soak the beef in water to remove the blood

Step 4 Cut the beef into shreds against the texture of the meat, add cooking wine, black pepper and corn starch and stir well and marinate for 10 minutes

Step 5 Heat a pot, pour in an appropriate amount of oil, add beef and stir-fry until it changes color

Step 6 Add a little light soy sauce and set aside

Step 7 Leave a little oil in the pot, add green onions, garlic, and shredded bell peppers to burst out the fragrance

Step 8 Stir-fry the ginger until tender

Step 9 Add the fried shredded beef and stir-fry for a while

Step 10 Add a pinch of salt and chicken essence to taste

Step 11 Sprinkle green onion segments before cooking

Step 12 Serve your meal deliciously