
"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

author:Leaf Pig Game Network

  The live-action American drama "Fallout" was updated yesterday, and it has received unanimous praise from the audience for its excellent service and the deconstruction and rewriting of the game content. However, the news about the classic IP of "Fallout" did not end there. As the developer, B also brought a blockbuster news.

"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

  A few days ago, the official tweet of Company B released the latest news about "Fallout 4". As the highest-rated game in the past ten years, the official introduction of "Fallout 4" will be updated on April 25. The update includes native versions for next-gen consoles, Performance Mode and Quality Mode settings, as well as stability improvements and fixes, as well as the ability to experience 60 fps and beyond.

"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

  The PC version includes stability, mods and bug fixes, widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, and a login issue with the Chinese version of, which will be compatible with Steam Deck. In addition, the Xbox One/PS4 version will receive free updates that provide stability improvements, as well as sign-in and mission fixes.

"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

  Fallout 4 is a game released in 2015, and many people don't expect to see it updated one day. In addition to the aforementioned improvements and performance tweaks, this update also includes the Tesla Cannon and Hellfire Power Armor, as well as the Weapon Pack and Halloween Workshop Pack.

"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

  If you think it's outrageous enough for the B company to update this game 9 years ago, you have to be mentally prepared for the next news. Because Fallout 4 is not only going to be released on the Epic platform, but it is also very likely to be handed over to players in the form of a free giveaway.

"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

  The reason for this speculation is that all of Epic's Fallout franchises are currently on sale, with the exception of Fallout 4, which is not yet available, and Epic has done it in the past when it was given away for free with the launch game. If you're interested in getting your hands on Fallout 4 in the near future, you might want to wait another two weeks. After all, the taste of backstabbing is not pleasant, and it is not bad for the past few days.

"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

  It is worth mentioning that the Fallout 4 mega mod "Fallout: London" is also expected to launch on April 23. This is a large-scale MOD developed by folk creators, the volume is equivalent to a large DLC, and supports full dubbing, with a total text volume of more than 90,000 lines.

"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

  April 2024 is destined to be an extraordinary month for players of the Fallout series. Whether it is a high-reputation live-action series, an update of the next-gen version or a large-scale mod update, this 9-year-old game bursts into new life.

"Fallout 4" officially announced the update of the next generation, and Epic still invites players to prostitute for nothing?

  Compared with "Starry Night", which has now dissipated its popularity, the "Fallout" IP, which has a history of more than 20 years, is obviously more popular with players. Perhaps this update to the next-gen version of Fallout 4 can once again set off a wasteland travel boom of "starting with a dog and picking up all equipment".

  So what do you have to say about it?