
Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!

author:Youyang release
Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!
Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!
Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!

Youyang Gongmi is a national geographical indication product, and it is also one of the main alpine ecological agricultural products of the "Youyang 800" regional public brand. In recent years, with the building of the "Youyang 800" regional public brand and the promotion of high-standard farmland construction, the scale of rice planting in Youyang has been growing, the comprehensive planting and breeding of "rice field +" has been expanding, the mechanization rate of rice production has been continuously improved, the rice harvesting efficiency has also been continuously improved, and the brand effect has gradually become prominent.

Recently, in Tongxi Village, Tonggu Town, Youyang, a training aimed at improving the per mu benefit of rice and helping the rice industry increase production and income is in full swing......


"I heard that there is a new gadget in the village, and it is very fast to use this to cultivate seedlings!"

"Isn't it? Let's go, let's take a look!"


On April 10, at the entrance of Tongxi Village, Tonggu Town, Youyang, several villagers were enthusiastically discussing the "new gadgets" from the village while walking.

Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!

Not far from a house in front of a house, by the county agricultural committee, science and technology association and other departments jointly carried out the rice yield improvement action intelligent and efficient seedling technology on-site training is in full swing, from the city agricultural machinery promotion station technicians from the rice farmland, sowing seedlings, transplanting three aspects of the training.

Laying soil, sowing seeds, mulching, sprinkling...... On a machine with the words "Rice Precision Seedling Raising Production Line", the villagers began their assembly line seedling raising work, and the seedling tray sowing operation was completed in less than 2 minutes after a complete set of processes.

Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!

"Compared with traditional artificial field seedlings, the time can be greatly reduced, labor can be saved, and seed waste can be reduced. Li Shang, chief of the grain section of the Municipal Agricultural Machinery Promotion Station, explained that the intelligent seedling machine can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day, which can accurately sow seeds, greatly reducing the seed waste rate, and cultivating seedlings with uniform density and rows and columns, which can increase the yield of strong seedlings.

"It's great to save time and money. Ran Ping, the person in charge of Chongqing Xiangtuqing Agriculture Co., Ltd., contracted 300 acres of land in the village. In the past, these 300 acres of land used traditional artificial seedling raising, which took more than 20 people seven or eight days to complete. Now, through the seedling raising production line, the integration of sowing and fertilization can be realized, and it only takes two or three days to complete the seedling raising.

Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!
Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!

"The county is equipped with 4 intelligent seedling raising machines to improve sowing efficiency. Li Junbao, director of the Agricultural Technology Extension Station of the County Agriculture and Rural Committee, introduced that this year, the County Agricultural Committee created a total of 1,600 acres of rice production and income increase demonstration pieces in Tu City, Lixi, Tonggu and Daxi 4 townships and towns, promoting intelligent and efficient rice seedling raising, scientific fertilizer and water management and unified control of pests and diseases, reducing the labor intensity and production costs of farmers, improving the per mu benefit of rice, and helping the rice industry to increase production and income.


Reporter: Shi Jiali Ran Chuan ▏Editor: Zhao Shuting Duty: Ren Guirong ▏Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Produced by Rong Media Center of Youyang Autonomous County

Tongxi Village has a "new gadget", which can raise 300 acres of rice seedlings a day!