
Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

author:Hanjiang News
Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!
Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

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Two-wheeled vehicles do not wear helmets, are unlicensed, run red lights in the wrong direction, and change lanes at will......

The Hanjiang Traffic Police Brigade takes accident prevention "reduction and control" as the starting point, with the help of intelligent monitoring equipment such as "electronic police", captures and collects evidence of traffic violations, focusing on investigating and correcting traffic violations such as not wearing safety helmets, not driving according to the road, speeding, involving licenses and licenses, and driving in the wrong direction, so as to guide the majority of traffic participants to firmly establish the concept of safety.

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!
Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!
Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

It will be in the near future

A number of two-wheeled vehicles were exposed

I hope the majority of motorists will take this as a warning!

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Drive in the opposite direction

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


Do not follow the road

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Min B1866Y

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!



Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Min B0895K

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


Not wearing a safety helmet

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Min B2J161

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


When a two-wheeler driver travels

What traffic rules do I need to follow?

Let's review it together

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!


Refuse not to wear a helmet

Drivers and passengers of two-wheeled vehicles should wear safety helmets in a standardized manner. Parents should also wear safety helmets for their children when they ride bicycles to pick up and drop off their children.

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Traffic police tips: For the rider of the two-wheeled vehicle, the safety helmet is equivalent to the seat belt of the car, which is an important line of defense in case of danger. In the event of a violent impact in the event of a traffic accident, the helmet can effectively protect the head.


Reject machine non-mixed lines

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Traffic police tips: driving two-wheeled vehicles should drive according to the road, to drive in the non-motorized lane, in the absence of non-motorized lanes, to drive on the right side of the road (generally within 1.5 meters from the edge of the road).


Refuse to drive in the opposite direction

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Traffic police tips: riding a two-wheeled vehicle can not be greedy for a moment of convenience in the reverse direction, if a traffic accident occurs due to the wrong direction, the wrong-way driver to bear a large proportion of the accident responsibility.


Refusal to carry people illegally

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Traffic police tips: According to relevant laws and regulations, riding an electric bicycle can carry a person under the age of 12 on the urban roads that are allowed to pass under the condition of ensuring safety.


Refuse to run a red light

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Traffic police tips: stop at the red light, go at the green light, wait for the yellow light. Riding on the road should follow the instructions of the traffic lights, especially the traffic lights at many intersections set up a countdown, two-wheeled vehicle drivers should reasonably estimate the passing time, and pass under the principle of ensuring safety when the green light is on.


Refuse to drink and drive

Drunk driving and drunk driving are serious traffic violations and crimes, and the harm to society is great.

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

Traffic police tips: Drinking alcohol will lead to decreased eyesight, narrowing of the field of vision, poor judgment ability, lack of concentration and slow reaction when driving, inability to control the vehicle normally, and traffic accidents are very likely to occur.

Min BVL159 Min B3C838 Min AT2156...... These car owners in Hanjiang are illegal!

The traffic police reminded again

Prevent disasters before they happen

Riders of electric vehicles and motorcycles

Please obey the traffic laws consciously

Travel in a civilized manner and go home safely!

Source: Hanjiang Police