
Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

author:Pavilion said

Xiao S's ex-boyfriend Huang Zijiao's purchase of underage indecent films caused a sensation in Taiwan.

Dozens of artists in Taiwan jointly issued a statement to boycott the act, urge the court to amend the law, impose heavy penalties on the perpetrators, and protect the healthy growth of Taiwan's children.

Xiao S posted an article angrily reprimanding Huang Zijiao, and called for turning anxiety into strength and establishing a safer protection net for Taiwanese children.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!
Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

On June 19 last year, a blogger posted on Facebook that he was harassed by Huang Zijiao when he was 17 years old, forcibly kissed, and was taken semi-nude photos by the other party.

Subsequently, Huang Zijiao opened a live broadcast to admit sexual harassment, and began to have an emotional outburst, committing suicide (attempt) after breaking the news of the scandal involving many people in the entertainment industry.

Huang Zijiao: Host of Taiwan Province, Xiao S, Zeng Baoyi's ex-boyfriend. is also a sexual assault and candid maniac.

Recently, when Taipei prosecutors investigated Huang Zijiao's sexual harassment case, they found that there were more than 100 pornographic films hidden in his computer hard drive, seven of which were sexual images of underage girls.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

He is also a senior member of the forum "Creative Private", and he needs to pay NT$8,000 (about RMB 1,800) to join, and he can upgrade his continued stored value consumption.

Membership starts from Level 2, and spending NT$35,000 or more can be upgraded to Level 3, and NT$110,000 or more is Level 4.

If you pay NT$66,000 or more, and take a photo of yourself, you can become a real-name member with only 80 places, and real-name members can see more "rare" films, including sex crime videos taken secretly and coerced by underage and adult women.

Founded in 2012, Wong joined under a pseudonym in 2013 and has been "diving" in the forum for a long time, buying intimate videos from August 8, 2017 to July 8, 2023. The police found that Huang Zijiao also exchanged messages with Lao Ma, the website operator who has not yet fallen into the legal net.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

The prosecutor found that he violated Taiwan's "Regulations on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents", and because he only bought, did not distribute and sold, and had no criminal record, he could suspend the prosecution, and the hard drive was handed over to the local prosecutor for destruction. Huang Zijiao must pay NT$1.2 million (about 270,000 yuan) and write at least 1,200 words of repentance.

After the news broke, some netizens sorted out the timeline of Huang Zijiao's sexual harassment, and found that 19 days after he committed suicide and was discharged from the hospital, he once again bought "intimate videos of girls" in the "creative private room".

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

Huang Zijiao issued an apology, expressing self-reflection, review and self-blame.

After apologizing, the comment area cheered for Huang Zijiao, hoping that he would be strong.

But the sexual harassment case and the clandestine filming incident are not over, and on April 8 this month, another woman came forward to accuse Huang Zijiao, saying that she was sexually assaulted by Huang Zijiao at the age of 17.

The incident is still fermenting......

In the ten years that Huang Zijiao bought intimate videos, he fell in love, got married, and had a daughter. I wonder if he thought of his infant daughter when he watched the film of underage women.

Perhaps, not only did he not think about his wife and daughter, but he didn't even think it was a crime.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

Enter the word "candid photography" on social media, and a lot of official news will appear, such as:

On July 4, netizen Ms. Zhao posted that she found a number of candid videos of middle school girls' toilets on a website. Ms. Zhao said that the illegal website has a special area for candid photography, and there is a two-hour video of a candid video of a middle school girls' toilet being secretly filmed, "There are hundreds of victims being secretly filmed, and the scene is switched in the video, and there are different styles of school uniforms." ”

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

On August 22, the victim, Ms. Wang, went to the toilet of the unit for convenience, and found someone following her on the way. The man was still lingering at the door of the toilet, very suspicious. Ms. Wang filmed the man secretly filming in the toilet, and after being discovered, the man fled in panic and was caught by Ms. Wang and her colleagues.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

On August 26, at Beijing South Railway Station, two men who molested or secretly photographed women's skirts were arrested by the police, and both were sentenced to administrative detention in accordance with the law. Facing the police, the man He admitted that he was curious and "wanted to take a look", so he used his mobile phone to secretly take pictures of the woman's skirt.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

On September 15, on a bus in Xiamen, Fujian Province, netizens found that a man was taking a mobile phone to shoot the thigh of a woman sitting next to him, and enthusiastic netizens found the driver's assistant to deal with it. The staff verified that the two were not friends, asked the man to delete the image, and changed the woman's seat.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

In just three months, there have been a number of incidents of clandestine photography in public, which shows how common such behavior is in our lives.

Not only in the mainland, on September 8, a high school student in Japan picked up a mobile phone in the ditch that was being videotaped, and after calling the police, the police launched an investigation, and on the 14th, they found that the suspect was crawling in the gutter near the place of the incident, saying that he "wanted to peek at the bottom of the woman's skirt", and was subsequently arrested by the police.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

In South Korea, the more famous candid shooting incident is that stars such as Lee Shengli and Jung Jun-young share candid sex videos in the group, and most of the women under the camera are in an unconscious state such as drunkenness.

According to SBS, Jung Jun-young alone exposed more than a dozen women in this group, showing off each other's privacy on a large scale in the form of text or video.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

This is not the first time he has been exposed to a habit of secretly taking pictures, as early as a few years ago, he was reported for secretly filming his girlfriend, and later the case was withdrawn due to insufficient evidence of the loss of his mobile phone.

After being arrested, he wrote in an open letter: "I feel guilty about what I said in the chat group, and it is true that I filmed women without consent and posted the video online, but I didn't mean to. Kneel and beg for forgiveness. ”

The frequent occurrence of clandestine photography is because few people feel that it is illegal. Almost every month, there will be news of candid photography, some of which are underskirts, and some of which are of men sneaking into women's toilets or women's bathrooms to take candid photos, and the incidents take place on the streets, shopping malls, subways, and even many colleges and universities. And what the punishment of the clandestine photographer will be, it is always a matter of not working.

After the victim asks for help, she may encounter various institutional obstacles and can only complain online, but there are also many victims who say that they were secretly photographed on the street under their upskirts, and the comment area mocks her "Who shoots you if you look so ugly".

"There is nothing to lose" has become a reason for everyone to excuse the perpetrators.

Or, to activate the victim guilt theory: who made her wear so little, wearing such a short skirt to meet that kind of thing.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

Chizuruko Ueno once described misogyny as "like the gravity of an object, so taken for granted that people are almost unaware of its existence", and the same is true for candid photography!

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

Incidents of clandestine photography are not uncommon, and there is a steady stream of people seeking resources.

South Korea's deceased artist Goo Hara was secretly filmed by her ex-boyfriend and scolded by netizens as a "slut". In the court, the judge in charge of the case asked that the secretly filmed video be played in court. Under the strong resistance of Goo Hara's lawyer, the judge canceled the in-court broadcast and watched it alone instead, and in the verdict, he recorded in detail the specific places and times when Goo Hara and her ex-boyfriend had sex.

After Gu Hara passed away, someone still said to her ex-boyfriend: Let the private video out, no one will sue you anyway.

Zhang Jike was in debt due to gambling, and after the private photos of his ex-girlfriend were exposed, netizens lamented that the female star was so miserable, and turned around and asked for high-definition uncensored photos and small videos all over the Internet.

Photographers and resource seekers do not realize that victims are also human beings, and they are more interested in having fun, and often ignore the subjectivity of women, and this concept is rooted in the hearts of most people.

Xiao S posted an article angrily accusing her ex-boyfriend of sexual assault and adultery with girls!

According to statistics released by the Ministry of Education, there were 56 cases of sexual misconduct in various universities in Singapore from 2015 to 2017, of which two-thirds were related to clandestine photography.

In the UK, there have been cases of clandestine upskirt photography in different regions, and the youngest victim is only 10 years old;

According to a report in the United States, one in 10 women under the age of 30 has experienced video sexual violence, and even 2 percent of American netizens upload nude photos of others without their consent.

There are endless incidents of clandestine filming because the cost of being caught is negligible, which is equivalent to no damage. When society's taboos are too convenient, the faint-hearted can do shocking things.

The root of human inferiority cannot be changed, but courage can be deterred. If the consequences of clandestine filming are severe punishment: for example, if you wear "electronic shackles" for a period of time, they will make a noise when you get close to the crowd, or leave a criminal record, even if some people have the heart of a thief, they may not have the courage to be a thief.

In October 2021, clandestine photography was officially "criminalized" in Hong Kong———— four new criminal offenses including "voyeurism" were added, with a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison. After that, as long as the victim reports to the police in time, it will almost always be accepted. Even if no one is caught on the spot, the perpetrator can be found through the cameras scattered all over the street.

In China, according to Article 42, Item 6 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China", anyone who peeps, secretly photographs, eavesdrops, or disseminates other people's private information shall be detained for not more than 5 days or fined up to 500 yuan;

The law is the lowest bottom line in this society, and there is a catch-all clause in the law called "public order and good customs".

When clandestine photography is not considered a "minor problem", and in the face of the iron-faced majesty of the law, both the clandestine photographer and the disseminator are severely punished, let them learn to be in awe.