
Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

author:Running guide

Recently, there has been a cycling boom among young people, especially in cities. This campaign not only reflects the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle among young people, but also serves as a positive response to the problem of urban traffic congestion.

As an eco-friendly, healthy and economical way to travel, cycling is growing in popularity in urban life. However, recent studies have pointed out that excessive cycling may have an impact on male fertility, which has aroused widespread concern in society.

Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

The psychological benefits of cycling

In contemporary society, stress and anxiety have become the norm for many people. Cycling, as a low-cost and accessible form of exercise, has been proven to be effective in relieving psychological stress. When cycling becomes a part of everyday life, it not only significantly reduces the risk of depression and anxiety, but also provides a lasting mood boost.

Scientific research supports that cycling boosts the brain's ability to release endorphins — a chemical that causes feelings of pleasure — known as "exerciser orgasms."

Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

In addition to this, outdoor cycling gives people access to nature and sunlight, and this direct exposure to natural light is essential for alleviating seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Exposure to natural light can also adjust the body's biological clock and promote better sleep quality.

In addition, cycling, as a rhythmic exercise, can help people reach an almost meditative state of mind while on the march, thus providing the brain with a chance to relax and a space away from the stresses of everyday life.

Cycling is not only an exercise for the body, but also a healing for the soul, helping people find balance in the tense rhythm of life and enhance the happiness of life.

Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

Physiological benefits of cycling

Cycling, as a sport that combines aerobic and anaerobic exercise, has significant physiological benefits for the body.

First of all, cycling can significantly improve cardiorespiratory fitness, mainly due to its continuous physical activity requirements, which can effectively enhance the efficiency of the heart and lungs. The cardiopulmonary system is strengthened, which in turn improves blood circulation throughout the body and ensures that all parts of the body receive an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Secondly, the effect of cycling on muscle strength should not be underestimated. Long-term cycling will significantly exercise the leg muscles, especially the thighs and calves, and enhance their strength and endurance.

In addition, cycling can also help with weight management and body building by boosting metabolism and accelerating fat burning. This combination of aerobic and anaerobic workouts not only helps with fat loss, but also provides an effective way to maintain cardiovascular health.

It is worth mentioning that cycling also promotes joint flexibility and coordination, reducing the risk of sports injuries. Overall, cycling, as a whole-body exercise, not only strengthens the heart and lungs and muscles, but also provides an effective and fun way for people who pursue a healthy lifestyle by improving metabolism and promoting cardiovascular health.

Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

The hidden risks of riding

Even with the many benefits of exercise, we can't ignore the potential risks. Scientific studies have shown that prolonged cycling may have adverse effects on the male reproductive system.

If you maintain a position close to the bicycle seat for a long time, it can cause constant pressure on the perineal area. This pressure not only reduces blood circulation in the perineal area, but can also lead to nerve compression, which can affect the reproductive health of men.

Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

Studies have shown that persistent compression can reduce sperm motility and count, and may even trigger erectile dysfunction. In addition, the ambient temperature of the body will also increase while riding, and the negative impact of the high temperature environment on sperm cannot be ignored.

Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

How to ride healthily

In order to enjoy the many benefits of cycling while ensuring health and safety, we recommend the following steps.

First of all, it's important to adjust the height and sitting position of the saddle properly. The saddle height should be adjusted so that your feet can easily touch the ground, while your knees are slightly bent at the lowest point of the pedals. This helps relieve the strain on your knees and back from long rides. Correct riding posture can effectively reduce the burden on the waist and neck, and avoid chronic injuries caused by long-term riding in an incorrect posture.

Second, control the riding time to avoid overexertion. It is recommended to limit the riding time to 1-2 hours each time and maintain a moderate riding frequency. For beginners or those who don't ride regularly, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your ride can help your body adapt and reduce the risk of injury.

Also, keep your rides regular and avoid strenuous rides only on weekends. Incorporate a moderate amount of cycling activities on weekdays, such as commuting or short trips, to help build endurance and reduce muscle pain and injuries caused by excessive exercise on weekends.

Finally, focus on diet and hydration. Proper nutrient intake is essential to support cycling. A balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can provide the energy needed for cycling, while replenishing electrolytes and water to help maintain your body's water balance and prevent dehydration.

Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

Cycling is a sport that offers many benefits, but we can't ignore the potential risks. While enjoying the physical and mental pleasure brought by cycling, you also need to review and adjust your riding style and habits to ensure the health of your exercise.

Young people are riding "explosively", but riding for too long can really affect fertility!

In addition, the introduction of other forms of exercise, such as swimming and yoga, not only enriches the exercise experience, but also helps to balance the use of muscles in all parts of the body and avoid the potential stress caused by over-reliance on a single movement pattern.

While pursuing speed and passion, we should pay more attention to our own health and safety. Scientific and reasonable arrangement of cycling can allow us to enjoy the fun of riding, but also to go further and healthier. Once you find that you are unwell, timely adjustment or even seek professional advice is a smart choice to maintain your quality of life and long-term health.

Do you like cycling, how much do you ride per week?