
@学生家长, beware of scammers pretending to be children asking for "make-up fees"

author:Inner Mongolia online rumor refutation platform

Parents do

"I hope that my son will become a dragon, and I hope that my daughter will become a phoenix"

And some scammers

It is the psychology of parents that is exploited

Take the opportunity to impersonate the school teacher and the student himself

Fraud is carried out on the grounds of "make-up fees".

For parents

A child's learning and growth is a top priority

Once you hear about your child

without fortification

You may fall into the trap of scammers

Case 1: Impersonating a child to deceive trust

On April 2, 2024, Ms. Jin from Wuchuan County, Hohhot City, received a QQ message from her daughter about paying the training fee for make-up classes. Ms. Jin saw that her daughter had a study plan and did not suspect it, so she transferred the make-up fee of 49,800 to the other party's designated account. Later, he communicated with his daughter and found that he might have been scammed, so he immediately reported the case.

@学生家长, beware of scammers pretending to be children asking for "make-up fees"

Case 2: "Limited Places" in Prestigious School Training Classes

On April 2, Ms. Li, a citizen of Shandong, received an application from her "daughter" to add WeChat friends, saying that her mobile phone accidentally fell into the water, and she used her friend's mobile phone to log in to WeChat to contact her mother. When Ms. Li saw that the other party's nickname and avatar were indeed her daughter's, she believed it. As soon as she added WeChat, the "daughter" asked Ms. Li for help, saying that she wanted to sign up for a training class at Tsinghua University, but the number of places was limited, and she asked her mother to add the WeChat of "Director Zhang of the Registration Office" and pay the money first to "occupy the place".

@学生家长, beware of scammers pretending to be children asking for "make-up fees"
@学生家长, beware of scammers pretending to be children asking for "make-up fees"

Ms. Li felt that since the child wanted to study, she transferred 66,000 yuan to the bank account provided by the other party. Later, the "Director Zhang of the Registration Office" asked for a deposit of 18,600 yuan for the use of the learning machine for each homework, and Ms. Zhang felt that something was wrong and found out that she had been deceived after checking with her daughter.

Scam revealed

Illegal purchase information tailored scams

Scammers obtain information about students and their parents from illegal channels, and then impersonate students, using SMS, QQ, WeChat and other contact information to send messages to parents saying that they want to sign up for training courses and need to pay fees. Since the message starts with a direct call to "Dad" and "Mom", and self-reported names, many parents will relax their vigilance when they see the message.

A variety of excuses to prevaricate and avoid verification by parents

When sending messages, scammers will generally use the student's tone, saying that "they are taking online classes", "the mobile phone is broken, the water is in, there is no power and they cannot answer the call", "they are using the mobile phone of their classmates", etc., to create a situation for parents, on the one hand, to eliminate the doubts of parents when they receive messages from unfamiliar numbers and other contact methods, and on the other hand, to avoid parents calling to verify and expose the scam.

The double role interpretation is unguardable

The scammer knows that he is pretending to be a minor student and directly asks the student's parents to transfer tens of thousands of yuan, and the student's parents will not be at ease, and even be cautious and verify it in many ways, so the scammer will confirm each other's lectures by impersonating the school leaders to dispel the parents' doubts.

Under the pretense that the number of places is limited, it creates a tense atmosphere

If parents are hesitant, scammers will generally create a tense atmosphere on the grounds that "the number of places is limited, and it will be closed immediately" and "not registering will have a great impact on their learning", and take advantage of the parents' psychology of "hoping that their son will become a dragon, hoping that their daughter will become a phoenix" and "love their son is earnest", and ask for immediate transfer or remittance to commit fraud.

Scam revealed

Behind the case of impersonating children to ask for training fees, there is a complex black industry chain involved, do not regard this kind of fraud as "pediatrics", and parents of students must pay attention to the following:

1. Parents should have a sense of prevention, the school's fees are generally not carried out online, and will not be required to be transferred to a private account alone, if you receive a message such as online transfer to pay fees, you should immediately contact the class teacher or school teacher by phone to verify the authenticity, do not pay at will.

2. Don't easily add unfamiliar QQ or WeChat as friends, and don't easily click on links sent by strangers, beware of Trojan viruses and stolen accounts and personal information.

3. Once you find that you have been deceived, you should report to the public security organ in time.

Source: Synthesized from the WeChat public account of "Ping An Qingcheng" and "Ping An Wuhu".