
Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

author:Cars have culture

A gentleman next to him had just bought a microcar for two days, but he didn't expect to meet again at the subway station today.

"It's not about buying an electric dad, it's about buying an electric one", Mr. A complained to the car culture. It turned out that he bought a micro-car for the convenience of commuting and short-distance travel, but in the process of actual use, he often encountered the phenomenon of driving and fluttering, and the lack of space at all. Coincidentally, Shanghai has been unstable recently, so much so that Mr. A has to take the subway to work.

When buying an A00 three-door four-seater car, which is commonly known as a "micro car", safety and space are just needed. Therefore, many people carefully look at the configuration and wheelbase, and then choose based on the cost performance. However, in fact, this selection mode is not suitable for the micro-car - due to the size disadvantage and flexibility of the micro-car itself, it is difficult for some safety configurations to play their due role. At the same time, in most scenarios, the second row of the microcar is actually mostly used for loading, so the wheelbase is not very important.

So how to choose? There are only two words in the secret, that is, the "wide" and "big" of Chang'an Lumin.

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

Why do micro cars need wide-body bodies?

For the word "wide-body body", many people are no strangers, in some products that emphasize stability more than the tank, Jimny and other SUV models, car manufacturers will deliberately shape the body more wide, in order to improve the lateral dynamic support capacity of the vehicle, and strengthen the stability of the product in outdoor off-road.

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

Later, this design was introduced into more and more family car products, such as Changan Qiyuan A07, etc., bringing more stable dynamic driving ability to the vehicle, improving the safety of the product in curved road conditions, heavy rain, frost and other scenarios, and enhancing the comfort of the vehicle.

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

But in fact, compared with the above products, the micro-car actually needs a wide-body body, which is determined by the audience of the micro-car.

Nowadays, there are two types of user groups of micro-cars, one of which is used by some families as a second scooter, for these people, the main concern is the convenience and safety of the vehicle; second, it is sought after by young people, especially female consumers, in most conditions, they will choose the micro-car as the first car in their lives, but as mentioned at the beginning, once they encounter scenes such as heavy rain, then the advantages of the micro-car will turn into a disadvantage, and these people will face no car available or "dangerous driving" situation.

The wide-body body can well solve the problems of the above two categories of people - according to the actual experience of the traffic police of the national transportation department, the cause of most of the accidents of the micro-car is caused by the poor driving stability and poor handling of the vehicle itself. Therefore, some of the active safety configurations equipped with the micro-car, such as AEB, EBD and other devices, treat the symptoms but not the root cause. At the same time, due to the limitation of the body size of the micro-car, it cannot take advantage of the collision at all, so the passive safety ability of the vehicle can only play an auxiliary role in most cases.

Therefore, to really solve the problem from the source, at this stage can only rely on the wide-body body. So, what are the three major Internet celebrity products on the market today, namely Wuling Hongguang Mini EV, Geely Panda EV and Changan Lumin, the three best-selling products?

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

After data comparison, it can be found that Changan Lumin better implements the design concept of "wide-body body", and its width reaches 1700mm, far exceeding the other two rivals. At the same time, after closer research, it can be found that the body width of the Changan Lumin can almost reach the standard of joint venture A-class sedans such as Sylphy. For Changan Lumin users, on the surface, they bought a flexible and easy-to-use microcar, but in fact, they spent 40,000 or 50,000 yuan to get the stability of a joint venture A-class car.

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

Of course, for users who buy micro-cars, the active and passive safety-related strengths such as three-electric technology, safety configuration and body materials cannot be ignored. However, users need to focus on the root cause of accidents in micro-cars, that is, poor driving stability and poor handling, Changan Lumin, which builds a wide-body body, has noticed this, for example, it is equipped with a rear disc braking system in the same class in some models, and the brake is upgraded from the front disc rear drum brake to the four-wheel disc brake, which can make the braking distance shorter in case of emergency braking such as improper following.

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

Not only that, Changan Lumin is also equipped with NBooster intelligent braking system upgrade as standard, optimizing performance and pedal feel, integrating hill assist function (HHC) to reduce the risk of rolling when starting uphill, and with the dynamic stability brought by the wide-body body, it can completely solve the problem of "electric children".

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

Can a micro-car also require a sense of space?

In fact, not only Jun A has complained about the culture of the car, but many users have also left a message of regret after buying the micro-car - the main reason is: the core practical problem of the micro-car is exposed little by little in daily driving.

In the purchase test drive, many people have a "just right" ride experience of the microcar, and with the moving of daily necessities, as well as the pressure caused by commuting work or road congestion, many products that perform "just right" in space have become cramped or depressed, especially for young people who only have a microcar and are under great pressure, this feeling will continue to amplify and spread.

After suffering losses, many people's space requirements for micro-cars continue to improve, "can be small, but not squeezed" is the core demand, and the solution to the problem is still "wide" and "large".

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

The wide-body body is not only conducive to the stability of driving control, but also greatly improves the ride comfort. Taking Changan Lumin as an example, the body width of 1.7 meters can allow the legs and feet to have more space for movement, and the wide space on both sides gives the body a wider range of activities, and you can freely switch postures in the process of playing games, chatting WeChat, and applying makeup in the car.

As mentioned above, the pursuit of wheelbase is actually not a "smart" thing, the reason behind it is that in the process of daily use, the long wheelbase will have a certain negative impact on the control, such as reducing the flexibility of the vehicle, increasing the weight of the vehicle, and making the energy consumption higher.

Therefore, compared with the Geely Panda EV and the Wuling Hongguang Mini EV, the Changan Lumin has put more effort into the length, but does not put too much emphasis on the wheelbase. This makes the Changan Lumin not only further strengthen the handling and agility, but also bring an excellent longitudinal riding experience.

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

Users no longer have to fold down the second-row seats frequently to gain more space when shopping on a daily basis. Generally speaking, the 104L trunk volume that comes standard on the Changan Lumin far exceeds that of competing products, which is enough for daily use. In addition, the more slender body can create a larger volume of expandable trunk space, such as folding bicycles, large suitcases and barbecue grills, which is undoubtedly more suitable for the needs of young people in daily commuting, short-distance travel and other scenarios.

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

Of course, the wide and slender body also makes the overall appearance of Changan Lumin change the stupid and cute impression of the microcar, creating a more fashionable design perception, combining fog white, moss green, lake blue, magpie gray, dew green, wheat yellow, cherry pink, these seven exterior colors, as well as charming gray, heart blue, and heart orange three interior colors, for young people who pursue a sense of design, Changan Lumin is also more attractive.

In April, Changan Lumin also launched a very attractive preferential policy, that is, the whole series of models 0 down payment 0 interest purchase, after the great cash discount, the 155km sweet model only costs 37,900 yuan, the 210km sweet model is 44,900 yuan, the 205km Xiangqin model is 46,900 yuan, and the 301km honey Qin model is only 53,900 yuan. In the same class of models, it can be called the most cost-effective.

Steady, spacious and not like a microcar, what is the secret that you only know after watching Changan Lumin?

There is a text to say

From the perspective of the emphasis on the wide body, Changan Lumin is different from most products on the market, not only to attract users with cost performance, but also to inject soul thinking into the micro car with decades of car manufacturing experience, aiming to truly solve the problem for consumers with the unique value of "wide and large", and create a "easy to drive and safe" product, so that young people and mothers who have purchased micro cars will no longer face the situation of no car available.

This makes Changan Lumin more representative of the people, and can further promote the healthy and long-term development of the micro-car market, making the category of micro-car truly a trustworthy choice. (Written by丨Ouyang)