
Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

author:Leng Er tells the story

The disparity between people, whether it is wealth or poverty, status or achievement, always makes us wonder why our destinies and lives are so different as human beings? There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about this question, and the answers are varied. However, to truly explore the reasons behind this gap, we need to conduct an in-depth analysis from multiple dimensions.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

What we have to mention is the "Mandate of Heaven". Indeed, fate seems to have rolled the dice at the beginning of everyone's life, and some people are born with a favorable starting point. Factors such as family background, birth region, and even genetics can be a springboard to success. However, this is only a 30% factor, and the remaining 70% is determined by individual effort and opportunity.

Most of the people who can make money and have a stable life have a "rich physique". Generally speaking, rich people have these 4 characteristics and cannot hide them at all.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

1. Whether you are proficient in human nature.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

Someone once put forward a point of view: the winners of this world are not rich or powerful, but strong people who are proficient in human nature.

Human nature contains a variety of complex emotions and desires, such as greed, fear, desire, self-esteem, etc., and understanding and grasping these can help people gain an advantage in social, business, and political interactions. In Chinese history and culture, the study of human nature has a deep foundation, such as the Analects of Confucius, Sun Tzu The Art of War, and other classics, which contain a lot of content about human nature, social interaction, and strategic thinking. Being well-versed in human nature means being able to understand and anticipate the actions and reactions of others in order to make more appropriate decisions in a variety of situations.

In the context of wealth inheritance, although large assets can be inherited by future generations, it is difficult to maintain these wealth for a long time without deep insight and understanding of human nature. Only those who can accurately grasp and apply the essence of human nature have the potential to become truly wealthy or powerful individuals.

A deep understanding of human nature, in short, involves identifying and using the weaknesses and deficiencies of human nature in order to skillfully manipulate others. This ability allows individuals to access resources in the market, accumulate wealth, and potentially elevate an individual's social status.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

In the early years of the reign of Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han dynasty, he was faced with the challenge of how to bind Han Xin, a prominent military general, to the interests of the Han dynasty. Han Xin made a request to Liu Bang, hoping to be crowned the fake king of Qi. Although Liu Bang was indignant at this request, he responded with great political wisdom, not only did not refuse, but instead offered to reward Han Xin with the title of the real king of Qi to show his appreciation and support for Han Xin.

When Han Xin learned of Liu Bang's decision in Qidi, he strengthened his loyalty and decided to follow Liu Bang wholeheartedly, a determination that continued throughout the rest of his life. Even though Xiang Yu later tried to win over Han Xin, hoping that he would betray Liu Bang, Han Xin was unwavering and did not agree, showing his unswerving loyalty to Liu Bang and the Han army's camp.

The best strategy to maximize benefits and resources comes from a deep understanding of human nature. At the heart of this strategy is the integration of basic human needs, such as starting a family and continuing a family, with property ownership. This kind of bundling effect is especially evident in the real estate sector, which stimulates and exploits people's instinctive desire for stable living space and inheritance, prompting them to buy houses. Therefore, unless individuals decide to abandon this fundamental drive for multiplication, the demand for housing will remain strong.

Second, whether it is extremely rational.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

In a large group of people, it is not easy to achieve the expression of rational thinking. Generally speaking, the nature of human beings tends to be emotionally reflective, and individuals who can effectively manipulate their emotions and maintain rational judgment are rare.

In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao successfully defeated Zhang Xiu's army and forced the latter to surrender. The victory caused Cao Cao to become complacent, leading him to make a mistake and have an inappropriate relationship with Zhang Xiu's aunt.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

This act infuriated Zhang Xiu, who decided to retaliate and launched a night raid that attacked Cao's position. In this attack, Cao Cao's general Dian Wei and his eldest son Cao Ang were both killed, and even Cao Cao himself was nearly killed in the melee.

This irrational pattern of behavior seems to have continued throughout Cao Cao's life. In the Battle of Chibi, because he believed Pang Tong's suggestion, he connected the battleships with iron chains, and was finally defeated by Zhou Yu's fire attack tactics, and the fleet was almost completely annihilated.

Historical commentators have identified Cao Cao's main problem as a lack of rationality, which hampered his ability to unify China.

Throughout history, there have been very few people who have been able to remain rational at all times. However, one of Cao Cao's subordinates, Sima Yi, was an exception. He was extremely rational and dismissive of face issues and focused only on personal gain, which ultimately helped him succeed.

3. Whether the character is tenacious.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

In the early days of a start-up or start-up, quick profitability is often not a reality. This stage is mainly about accumulating experience, learning from mistakes and improving personal skills. Only through the precipitation of this series of processes can we seize opportunities, achieve breakthroughs in our careers, and achieve remarkable achievements.

Even the most famous figures in history have gone through many failures and re-emerging processes, and these experiences have built the ladder of their success.

The idiom "lying on the salary and tasting the guts" comes from the profound connotation of historical allusions, which depicts the indomitable spirit of Goujian, the king of Yue, after the defeat. Even in the face of enslavement and humiliation, Gou Jian endured great humiliation in order to survive in order to keep the fire of his life alive.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

In order to forever remember the shame of the national disaster, Gou Jian tasted bitterness day after day, and used this heart-wrenching experience to stimulate his will to revenge. After more than ten years of forbearance and planning, Gou Jian finally found the opportunity to destroy the state of Wu and finally achieved revenge.

When ordinary people encounter such setbacks, they often choose to give up or go to a dead end, but the tenacity and perseverance shown by Gou Jian are incomparable. For most people, it may seem like a little bit of perseverance for a short period of time, but as time goes on, perseverance becomes more precious.

As the old saying goes, "Hardship and hardship lead to success", which means that going through trials and hardships is the only way to achieve the extraordinary. The key is who can persevere, who can maintain patience and determination in the face of adversity, and who is more likely to embrace success.

Fourth, whether the two sides benefit.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

In the pursuit of economic efficiency, individuals must demonstrate two key abilities: the ability to make independent judgments, and the flexibility to accept and consider outside perspectives in order to make accurate decisions.

Independent judgment is the basis of an individual's position in society, and it represents an individual's assessment of situations and information, as well as the opinions formed based on it. The openness to external advice prevents rigidity of thinking, promotes the integration of broader perspectives and the possibility of innovative thinking. The integration of the two not only reinforces the original viewpoint, but also achieves a synergistic effect that is greater than the sum of its parts through comprehensive analysis that goes beyond the limitations of a single perspective.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin, as a firm and decisive leader, was known for his unique judgment and grace in absorbing the opinions of others. On the advice of the advisors of the Heavenly Strategy, he realized that failure to take decisive action would lead to irreparable consequences.

Revealing the Rich Physique: You Can also Turn Over into a Local Tyrant!

As a result, he quickly made a decision to implement the Xuanwumen Change, which was a turning point in history. In this transformation, he eliminated the political rivalry threats of his elder brother Li Jiancheng and younger brother Li Yuanji, and forced his father Li Yuan to the throne, thus paving the way for the golden age of Zhenguan's rule.

In this process, a key principle is embodied - the mastery of "degree". It's not complicated to have a personal opinion, and it's not difficult to listen to others' advice. However, the effective combination of the two is a challenge.

In my opinion, the key to achieving the harmony and unity of assertiveness and acceptance lies in cultivating clear insight into self-knowledge, that is, "having self-knowledge".