
There is a wisdom called turning

author:Zhenyuan Fusion Media
There is a wisdom called turning

There is a wisdom called turning

Author丨Caiyun chases the moon


In the journey of life, there are two things that can make people go further: one is to move forward, and the other is to turn. It takes great courage to move forward, and it takes wisdom to turn around.

Learning to turn is a rare great wisdom in life. Sometimes, although I turned a corner and walked a few more steps, I saw another landscape, another blue sky!

People have been advocating "persistence", for the selected goal, the right thing, persistence is true, but in case of trouble, the "persistence" of "not hitting the south wall and not looking back" is really not desirable, let alone praised!

There is a wisdom called turning

There is a sentence in Li Ruzhen's "Mirror Flowers" in the Qing Dynasty: "It is better to wet clothes than to walk around." "Look! How ridiculous is such a "three shakes in one step"; how pitiful is such a "sven wen"; how lamentable is such a "too rigidity"! Isn't it equally ridiculous, pitiful, and lamentable? Isn't it to be laughed at, how embarrassing!

So, on your life path, you have to grasp the "steering wheel" and know when to go straight and when to turn. Don't go all the way to the dark, "hit the south wall and turn back", you must know how to be flexible and flexible. Go ahead when it's time to go, turn when it's time to turn, and don't turn yourself into a boat stranded in a dry river!

When encountering good things, we should do our best, when we encounter bad things, we should try our best to change, when we encounter troubles, we should want to look down, and when we encounter changes, we should make a few more turns.

After reading the short story below, you will understand that learning to turn is not simple. Once upon a time, there was a village in the west that was short of water, and the villagers had to go five miles away to fetch water to drink, and it was very difficult for those who could not afford to carry water. Villager A, who has a nimble mind, picks up a bucket of water and earns a lot of money by selling water. Villager B was red-eyed when he saw this, so the whole family mobilized and also fetched water and sold it for money, which soon exceeded the money earned by villager A.

There is a wisdom called turning

Seeing that the financial road was about to be cut off, villager A turned his brain, so he spent a small amount of money to hire more than a dozen idle laborers to carry water for him, and he sat in the town to sell water, and he actually became the boss, which was both labor-saving and profitable. Later, the villagers all followed the example of villager A, but soon the people found that their water suddenly could not be sold, and they were dumbfounded!

It turned out that villager A bought a water pipe and installed a pipe, so that the water could flow directly from the water source to his home, and he could sell it to make money just by sitting at home!

Whether it is the road of the world or the road of life, it has always been wide and narrow alternately, flat and bumpy, straight and curved. Where there is smoothness, there is ruggedness, and where there is sweetness, there is coptis.

There is a wisdom called turning

Only those who know how to turn can get out of the predicament, find a way out, and do what they want. Only when you learn to turn can you deal with all the difficulties and hardships with a normal heart, and when you encounter the great doubts, sufferings and difficulties of life, you will not be knocked down, and you can show your extraordinary and attainment with wisdom and wisdom.

In case of accidents, a few more turns, and the turns will have new vitality. Turning is not cowering, not cowardice, but being able to advance and retreat, and being able to bend and expand. Turning is the embodiment of the great wisdom of life!
