
Digging bamboo shoots, tasting bamboo shoots, researching, visiting the market! There are many activities in the Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival, waiting for you to check in

author:Shanghai Songjiang
Digging bamboo shoots, tasting bamboo shoots, researching, visiting the market! There are many activities in the Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival, waiting for you to check in

On April 12, the 22nd Shanghai Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival was released in the East Sheshan Park of Sheshan National Forest Park, and the activities will last until April 21. According to reports, this year's Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival with the theme of "Orchid Bamboo Shoots New 'Food' Fashion, 'Bamboo' Dream G60", with the participants, communicators, visitors, listeners, and promoters of Orchid Bamboo Shoot Culture as clues, in addition to participating in bamboo shoots and popular science research activities, citizens can also experience the new scene of cultural and tourism activities of "theatrical performances + intangible cultural heritage display + folk customs experience + cultural and creative market".

Digging bamboo shoots, tasting bamboo shoots, researching, visiting the market! There are many activities in the Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival, waiting for you to check in
Digging bamboo shoots, tasting bamboo shoots, researching, visiting the market! There are many activities in the Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival, waiting for you to check in

At the event site, the "Little Bamboo Shoot Baby" agitation dance show, bamboo flute instrumental music, empty mountain bamboo language art modeling, bamboo slip dance and China's Got Talent show performance and singing took turns, and the actors' skillful and professional performances made the audience applaud again and again. The event market set up a comprehensive booth in the nine cities of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor to display the intangible cultural heritage and the "bamboo" cultural and creative industry chain of the nine cities, and specially invited college students from the nine cities of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Alliance to study in Songjiang to explain the "bamboo" culture. "I'm from Hefei, and today I brought pickled fresh food from my hometown of Huizhou to the Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival. Cai Jialu, a student at Shanghai Lida College, told reporters.

Digging bamboo shoots, tasting bamboo shoots, researching, visiting the market! There are many activities in the Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival, waiting for you to check in
Digging bamboo shoots, tasting bamboo shoots, researching, visiting the market! There are many activities in the Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival, waiting for you to check in

After the release ceremony of the event, citizens and tourists followed the bamboo shoot digging master to go up the mountain to find bamboo shoots and experience the fun of digging bamboo shoots. After a gentle spring rain, the green bamboo trees on the slope are full of vitality, and the new bamboo shoots that have just emerged are moistened by the rain and become more tender. After finding the tip of the bamboo shoot arched out of the soil, use the hoe to remove the surrounding soil, and follow the direction of the bamboo shoot tip to find the corresponding bamboo whip position. "It's still very hard to dig bamboo shoots. Mr. Fan, a citizen, said while digging the soil, "I have a dish of braised bamboo shoots in oil for dinner today, and I will go back and ask my mother to cook a pickled bamboo shoot." ”

Digging bamboo shoots, tasting bamboo shoots, researching, visiting the market! There are many activities in the Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival, waiting for you to check in
Digging bamboo shoots, tasting bamboo shoots, researching, visiting the market! There are many activities in the Sheshan Orchid Bamboo Shoot Cultural Festival, waiting for you to check in

According to reports, next to the mini bamboo shoot music festival of the series of activities, a mobile coffee cart was also set up for the first time for tourists to choose, and tourists listened to music and tasted coffee at the same time. The "Bamboo Shoot Growth Journey" series of popular science research activities will continue until mid-April, allowing visitors to have an in-depth understanding of the growth process of bamboo shoots through on-the-spot exploration and learning. In addition, from now until April 21, tourists can go to Guangfulin Prime Minister's Mansion Hotel, Huating Lake Times Hotel, Bamboo Chopsticks Songjiang Flavor, Uncle Xiao, Songhu Famous Stove, Dongqichang Restaurant, Jinsheng Restaurant, Taoyuan Farm, Old Neighbors, and Sanpinxiang 10 special restaurants to taste the delicious taste of bamboo shoots for a limited time.

Text: Yang Shuhan

Image: Gao Yu

Editor: Gui Kexin

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