
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?


On April 11, 2024, the news of Simpson's death was reported, and he died of cancer at the age of 76. In the nineties, he was suspected of murdering his ex-wife, and the case caused a global sensation.

It has also been made into a movie many times and widely disseminated.

The trial of Simpson was also called "The Trial of the Century". We all know the outcome of the trial, and he was released. So why, in the face of so many "ironclad evidence", was he released?

Let's take a look back at the case.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

Simpson, a black man, was born on July 17, 1947 in San Francisco, USA. There are four brothers and sisters in his family, and he is the third. During his childhood, his family lived in a slum.

At that time, the status of black people was not high, including when he was suspected of killing his wife, the case was reversed many times, which was also related to his black identity. Even now, blacks are still inferior to whites.

Not to mention back then.

His fame is related to playing rugby, and it is because of playing football that he has become a sports superstar in the United States.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

He has been talented at running since he was a child, and after being discovered by a talent scout, he began to work rugby. When he was in college, he repeatedly broke national records because of his talent in rugby, and became the best player.

It is clear that this is the "star of tomorrow" of the future.

He began playing for the national team around 1970, and in 1973 he became the first man to sprint more than 2,000 yards with the ball in a single season.

And won the Player of the Year.

This was the year his reputation reached the pinnacle of his career, and Simpson became a sports star like Jordan.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

In 1979, at the height of his career, he chose to retire due to illness. Because he accumulated a high level of popularity when he played rugby, there was an endless stream of people who asked him to shoot advertisements for publicity after retiring.

Therefore, he took on a lot of commercials and endorsed a lot of products. He also got involved in the film and television industry, became an actor, and also commented on sports channels, which was in the limelight for a while.

This made him a lot of money.

It was also in the year of his retirement that he divorced his first wife, and the two had a son and a daughter.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

His second wife's name is Konnie, and the two have known each other for a long time, they married in 1979 and divorced by agreement in 1992. In the Simpson case, the wife who was killed was Knie.

At the time, Connie was Simpson's ex-wife, and the crime occurred at 11:35 p.m. on June 12, 1994.

At first, a man called the police, and he found a large amount of blood in front of the door of Konnie's house, and there were two people, a man and a woman.

He quickly called the police.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

When the police arrived at the scene, they found that Kernie had clean feet and hands without any resistance injuries, and she looked like she had been attacked and killed suddenly.

And she shouldn't have imagined that the other party would kill her.

However, not far from him, there was a young man in his 20s, who also died.

The young man had a resistance wound on his hand.

Through understanding, it was learned that this young man's name was Ronald, 25 years old, and he was a waiter at an Italian restaurant nearby. He is in a relationship with Connie, and the two are in love.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

The reason why Ronald showed up at Connie's door was because Connie's family went out to eat that night, and her mother forgot her hat in the restaurant, so Connie asked her boyfriend Ronald to send it over.

The police deduced that the murderer came this time to kill Knie. It's just that after killing Knie, Ronald just came over, and he should have witnessed everything and met on a narrow road.

The murderer also killed him by the way, and the two had physical contact at the scene.

Ronald was stabbed to the core, was critically wounded, and bled to death.

At the scene, the police also found a black glove, which had blood stains on it, and the blood stains were not those of the two deceased, they should be suspects. This glove is very important, everyone should remember, and it will be talked about later.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

Who is the murderer?

Connie's sister suspects that Simpson did it, and she knows that Simpson and Connie have a conflict.

She also said that Simpson eventually made a move.

Police rushed to Simpson's house, right in his yard, and found a car. Police found five bloodstained spots in his car. And these bloodstains were later verified to be Simpson's.

The Simpson wasn't at home.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

Simpson's daughter said her dad went to Chicago that night and had an important meeting to attend the next day. Police called Simpson to inform him that his ex-wife had been killed.

He was still very sad to learn that his ex-wife had been killed, and he couldn't believe it was true.

The police told him to rush back.

Behind their house, there was a small road, and on this path, the police found a black glove again. It happens to be the same as the one left at the murder scene.

It's just that it's only the left hand, and this one is the right hand. On this glove, there are not only the blood stains of the two victims, but also Simpson's.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

Obviously, these pieces of evidence point to the murderer being Simpson.

Simpson rushed back the next day, and the police judged that his left hand was injured, after all, there was a lot of blood on the black glove, and by examining Simpson's left hand, the wound was indeed found.

Simpson's explanation for this is that he was very sad to learn of the death of his ex-wife.

He accidentally broke the mirror, resulting in a cut in his hand. As for the blood stains on the car, he also said that he accidentally injured his body and left the blood on the car.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

Obviously, these explanations pale in the face of the evidence, and he was almost convicted of the murderer, and he was asked to turn himself in. During the police investigation of the case, Simpson hired the most well-known team of lawyers in the United States - the Dream Team.

The dream team also invited the famous Chinese detective Li Changyu.

Li Changyu initially rejected the Dream Team, but after their repeated invitations, Li Changyu agreed to participate. He put forward a condition, that is, to speak according to the evidence, and to say whatever he finds.

And will not take sides with the murderer, the dream team agreed.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

The police, through Simpson's team of lawyers, informed Simpson and asked him to turn himself in. What everyone didn't expect was that Simpson actually escaped in his buddy's car.

Did he abscond?

A live-streamed manhunt was staged in the United States. At that time, more than 80 million Americans watched live television, while there were only 250 million Americans at that time.

One-third of the people witnessed the arrest.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

With no hope of escape, Simpson chose to turn himself in. And wrote three letters to the family in the car, one to the children, one to the parents and one to the lover.

He felt that he had been wronged, and that before he fled, he had been bloodied once, confirming that the blood of the third person at the murder scene was his.

All kinds of evidence prove that he is the murderer.

Then came the trial of the century, and with so much ironclad evidence, how did he win?

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

The prosecution has a lot of evidence that Simpson will definitely be punished, and they also found a lot of evidence of Simpson's domestic violence wife Knie, as well as Knick's police records and recordings.

One of them said that the Simpson would kill me.

And Simpson and Kennie divorced, and his wife couldn't stand his domestic violence. Connie's sister confessed that after the divorce, Simpson did not allow Connie to have a boyfriend, and still controlled her.

And I have been looking for Koni many times.

So, when she heard that Connie had been killed, she knew it was Simpson. Kenny often has all kinds of injuries on her body, and she knows every time she is subjected to domestic violence.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

When the police searched Simpson's home, they also found a pair of socks, which had the blood of Simpson and Knie. Simpson was also revealed to have purchased a dagger six months before the crime.

And the dagger coincided with the wounds on the bodies of the two deceased.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

The driver who took Simpson to the airport on the night of the crime said that he arrived near Simpson's house at about half past ten that night, and no one answered when he knocked on the door at first. Later, I vaguely saw a person entering Simpson's house.

And that figure looked a lot like Simpson.

When he met Simpson a few minutes later at eleven o'clock that night, Simpson said that he had overslept and that he was carrying four bags, one of which insisted on taking it himself.

It was later confirmed that when Simpson arrived at the airport, he only had 3 bags in his hand, and the 4th bag was missing.

Could it be a dagger inside?

Coupled with the black gloves before, the bloodstains on the car, the bloodstains at the scene, and his absconding in fear of crime, it seems to prove that Simpson is the murderer, and he also has a motive to kill.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

But why was he acquitted in the end?

It can only be said that in the process of handling the case, the police made a lot of mistakes. In particular, there were several fatal mistakes that led to their suspicion of framing Simpson.

As we mentioned earlier, Simpson came back the day after the murder and was bloodied when he returned. A total of 8 ml of blood was drawn. The nurse was able to confirm that they used 6.5 ml and the remaining 1.5 ml was gone.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

More importantly, this police officer named Dennis, after he drew Simpson's blood, took this tube of blood, went to the scene of the murder, and stayed at the scene for up to 8 hours.

He also gave Simpson's tube of blood to other men, and on the third day of the murder, he handed it over to the nurse for blood testing.

You know, this is a big taboo.

If you take the blood of the suspect and go to the scene of the murder, if you drip some blood to the scene, is it possible to frame it?

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

Detective Li Changyu also found the murder scene, and the blood found in Simpson was all with additives. And this kind of blood with additives, only after the suspect's blood is drawn, in order to facilitate preservation, additives will be deliberately put in.

Why is this so?

The point is that 8 ml of Simpson's blood was drawn, and 1.5 ml was missing, no one can explain it.

How to explain this phenomenon?

Would an experienced police officer make such a mistake?

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

Then there are the socks found in Simpson's house, which do have blood stains on them from Simpson and Kone. However, Li Changyu found that the bloodstains on the two socks were symmetrical.

Almost all in one location, the size of the blood spots, is also symmetrical.

If the sock had been worn on the suspect's foot at the time, it would have been almost impossible to leave such a symmetrical stain of blood.

Unless someone deliberately smeared it.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

There is also a police officer named Foreman, who discriminates against blacks, and he has always called blacks "black gui", and has repeatedly made remarks that he is most disgusted with blacks driving luxury cars and living in luxury houses.

He denied this claim.

However, there is a recording that confirms that he does discriminate against blacks and has repeatedly abused blacks.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

In that recording, he mentions the word "black gui" a total of 41 times and perjured in the 1991 riot in which a white police officer beat a black man.

and was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

This police officer, Foreman, is the one who found blood on the socks and black gloves in the Simpsons house. And these are extremely easy to fake.

What's more, when Foreman did all this, he did not get an arrest warrant, which means that the acquisition of this evidence is illegal, and there is no second person to prove it.

He found it all by sneaking into Simpson's house alone.

Therefore, these favorable conditions for handling cases eventually turned into disadvantages because of their operational mistakes.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?
Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

As for the fact that Simpson bought the knife, it was a piece of information sold by the merchant to the media, and there is no way to find out whether this information is true.

After all, the knife is gone.

There is also the pair of black gloves, which were worn by Simpson in court, and it is clear that these gloves are most likely not his, because it is difficult for him to put the gloves on his hands while wearing them.

The people who watched the live broadcast witnessed it with their own eyes. This glove is indeed much smaller for him. It is said that this glove was bought for him by his wife. If his wife bought it for him, why did he buy a small one?

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

For these reasons, in 1995, the U.S. court gave a final verdict, and it is worth noting that every trial of the Simpson case was broadcast live, and on the day the final verdict was announced, almost 100 million people around the world watched the live broadcast.

As a result, he was acquitted.

As soon as the news was reported, black Americans were cheering and whites were condemning.

Almost caused another riot.

However, in a later civil lawsuit, Simpson was sued again.

His acquittal in criminal matters does not mean that he is innocent in civil matters. After all, there is a lot of evidence, all pointing to him. The civil judgment allowed him to compensate the victim's family more than $30 million.

In the end, he declared bankruptcy, paying less than a tenth of the compensation.

Simpson who killed his wife died of illness: under the many "ironclad evidence" back then, why was he able to turn defeat into victory?

That's the general picture of the case, and it's very likely that he's the murderer, because there's no other suspect to be found besides him. However, it was because of the police's chaotic way of handling the case that he escaped by chance. He was later sentenced to 33 years in prison for robbery, and was not released from prison until 2021, during which time his sentence was commuted.

Now the news of his death has broken again.