
Seasonal allergies, "just stand up" and pass?...... In March, the "Science" gossip list was released

author:Chengguan release

"Black takeaway spoons are poisonous", "Seasonal allergies are 'just right' and passed", "Eating lard can prevent cardiovascular disease"...... Is this series of claims true? The latest authoritative release of the "science" rumor list for March tells you the truth.

The "Monthly 'Science' Rumor List" is guided by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, the Cyberspace Administration of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and the Capital Internet Association, and jointly released by the Beijing Science and Technology Reporters and Editors Association and the Beijing Regional Website Joint Rumor Refutation Platform, and is supported by the Science and Technology Reporters and Editors Professional Committee of the China Science Writers Association, the China Evening News Science Editors and Journalists Association, the Shanghai Science and Technology Communication Association, and the Institute of Science and Technology Information of the Beijing Academy of Science and Technology.

Declining ovarian function can lead to "cliff aging"?

Myth: Decreased ovarian function can lead to significant skin aging, "cliff-like aging".

Truth: It is normal for women's ovarian function to decline from the age of 25 and to experience a significant decline between the ages of 35 and 37. Aging is a decline in overall function, and the main effects of decreased ovarian function are osteoporosis, hot flashes, night sweats, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

As for the so-called Internet celebrity "maintenance package", it has little effect on delaying the decline of ovarian function. Nutritional supplements that claim to be able to maintain the ovaries are not drugs, they have a slow and small effect on the human body, and some drugs that claim to contain estrogen or can promote estrogen secretion should not be used without the doctor's advice, otherwise it may cause hormone secretion disorders and even cause cancer.

Is a black takeaway spoon poisonous?

Myth: The black disposable spoon is all made of recycled waste plastic, which has a pungent smell and is harmful to the human body.

Truth: In response to the question of whether the black spoon is hygienic, the researchers referred to the "National Food Safety Standard - Plastic Materials and Products for Food Contact" (GB 4806.7-2016) and the "National Food Safety Standard - Disinfection of Meals (Drinks)" (GB 14934-2016), and added the detection of coliform bacteria and Salmonella. The integration of all test results is within the range of the national standard limit, and the safety is clear.

In fact, the color of plastic is not necessarily related to its safety. For consumers, the daily judgment of the safety of plastic products for food mainly depends on the labeling on plastic products. For example, PP material is resistant to high temperature, stable to acid, alkali, alcohol and grease, often used in plastic tableware, and is most widely used in takeaway tableware; PET is mostly used in beverage bottle packaging, its material is relatively stable at room temperature, but it will migrate harmful substances when holding overheated food; PE and PVC materials commonly used in plastic wrap will also precipitate toxic substances after high temperature...... In other words, transparent PE material is not necessarily safer than black PP material at high temperatures.

Seasonal allergies, "just stand up" and pass?

Myth: Seasonal allergies can be resisted, and medication is only needed when the symptoms are severe.

Truth: It's a misconception that can lead to serious allergic diseases if allowed to recur.

Some anaphylaxis is an unexplained suddenness, or some are acute attacks caused by repeated exposure to allergens over a long period of time. Once flare-up, it is often a symptom that spreads rapidly throughout the body. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to allergic diseases and prevent them from developing from mild to severe.

Compared to other types of allergens, spring pollen allergies are more prominent in the eye symptoms. Symptoms such as itching, conjunctival edema, redness, and tearing often occur in the eyes, and in severe cases, even bilateral eyelids will be red and swollen, and the discharge will increase, and you will not be able to open your eyes in the morning. The most effective way to prevent pollen allergies is to stay away from allergens and reduce outdoor activities as much as possible during the high pollen season. When going out, it is recommended to be fully armed, and try to equip long clothes, long sleeves, masks, protective goggles, etc. Pollen blockers can also be applied to the surface of the nasal cavity before going out to play a role in physical isolation.

Can eating lard prevent cardiovascular disease?

Rumors: Chinese have eaten lard for generations, has always been safe, now people do not dare to eat fatty meat, but the incidence of heart disease has increased significantly, it can be seen that lard is necessary for dietary therapy, can prevent cardiovascular disease.

Truth: Lard really can't be eaten too much. Lard is an animal oil, its main component is fat, since each gram of fat can produce 9 kilocalories of energy, eating more oil means more energy, too much energy accumulation can cause overweight and even obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

The fat content of lard can be as high as 40% or more, and it is the main fatty acid that raises serum cholesterol. The World Health Organization, the Dietary Reference Intakes for Chinese Residents (2013 Edition) and the Dietary Guidelines for American Residents 2016-2020 all recommend that the intake of saturated fatty acids should be less than 10% of total dietary energy.

Can't eat snail flour with "odorant"?

Myth: Snail flour is added with "odorant", which is harmful to the body and cannot be eaten.

Truth: "Odorant" is actually a commonly known name in the media, which refers to the base packet and stinky sauce used in snail flour. These products are compound seasonings that use a blend of food additives – flavors and fragrances – whose main function is to impart a specific smell or taste to the product. All legal "odor enhancers" are permitted and are also subject to national safety assessment and approval, and are safe for reasonable use.

Some people may be worried about whether it will be harmful if they overdose? Because in practice, it is impossible to overdose on flavors. One of the characteristics of flavor is "self-limiting", which means that if you have a small amount, it will smell very good, but if you have too much, it will smell very bad, and it is possible to smell nausea and cough. This is also the reason why the market supervision and management personnel in the news were so stinky by the "odorant" of the snail noodle shop that they coughed and were smoked out of the "pain mask".

Can't eat spinach that turns green and black?

Myth: The spinach you bought is so green and black that you can't eat it because of the excessive application of chemical fertilizers.

Truth: The darker the green color of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, the more chlorophyll it contains, the more nutrients it synthesizes, and the higher its nutritional value. Therefore, the fact that the leaves of spinach are green and black does not mean that it is not safe.

Spinach can be grown all year round and is divided into spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Winter spinach is sown before winter, dormant in winter, and harvested in spring. In order to improve the frost resistance of winter spinach, it is necessary to fertilize and supplement nutrients before dormancy, but this is a necessary measure to help spinach overwinter, and its effect is to increase the chlorophyll content, fully hypertrophy the leaves, and strengthen photosynthesis so that spinach can accumulate nutrients.

In fact, the content of folic acid, vitamin K, lutein and magnesium in green leafy vegetables is directly proportional to the chlorophyll content. Relatively speaking, greenhouse vegetables and hydroponic vegetables are often light in color because of insufficient light and not enough chlorophyll.

Can atropine, the "miracle drug for myopia", reverse myopia?

Myth: Atropine sulfate eye drops are known as the "miracle drug for myopia" and can cure myopia.

Truth: The main role of atropine is to prevent and control myopia, it does not reverse the ability to treat myopia, and it is not a "miracle drug for myopia" that is "good at one point". As a prescription drug, it has corresponding indications and contraindications, and parents should not buy it on their own and use it blindly.

The need to use atropine is for children whose eye axis is growing too fast. It is recommended that children who have just found myopia should recheck their eye axis at least once within 3 months on the basis of optical correction (glasses) and improvement of eye habits, and judge whether to use atropine through the changes in the eye axis.

At present, myopia cannot be reversed through drugs, and children and adolescents should protect their eyes from the aspects of developing good reading and writing habits, reducing dependence on electronic products, and allowing their eyes to rest. (Lanzhou Daily all-media reporter He Yan intern Liu Hongjing)

(Source: Lanzhou Evening News)