
Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle

author:Tianjin emergency
Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle
Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle
Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle

Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Notice on Carrying out Party Discipline Study and Education in the Whole Party", emphasizing that "compliance with rules and disciplines is engraved in the heart and internalized into the code of words and deeds". Life discipline is the code of conduct that Party members should abide by in their daily life and social interactions, involving Party members' personal morality, family virtues, social morality and other aspects, and is related to the image of the Party. Today, the party building network has sorted out some important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on life discipline and will learn and understand them with you.

It is necessary to be virtuous, abide by public morality, and be strict with private morality

Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle

The Chinese nation is a nation that attaches importance to morality and advocates the cultivation of virtue, and has always emphasized that "morality should be the body, so do not be confused by things", "morality is the way, all are courteous, shameful and qualified", and "politics is virtuous, such as Beichen, where the stars arch over it". Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, must regard strengthening moral cultivation and enhancing moral strength as an important compulsory course in life.

——In May 2014, Xi Jinping's speech during his inspection in Henan

Personality is the concentrated embodiment of a person's spiritual cultivation. Being upright, open-minded, and selfless is the glorious character of communists, and it is also the quality cultivation that cadres should temper. It is necessary to adhere to the spiritual pursuit, think together when we see the virtuous, introspect ourselves when we see the unvirtuous, and properly handle the relationship between public and private, righteousness and benefit, right and wrong, good and evil, suffering and happiness. We must be determined to do great things, not to be a big official, maintain a peaceful attitude, look down on personal gains and losses, work hard without distractions, and do things for the party and the people.

——On March 1, 2019, Xi Jinping's speech at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) in the spring semester of 2019

Under the new historical conditions, the key to maintaining the party's true character as a Marxist party lies in our party itself. On the fundamental question of who governs, for whom we use power, and for whom we seek benefits, we must be particularly sober-minded and take a particularly firm stand. All comrades in the party must be enlightened, abide by public morality, and be strict with private morality, behave innocently, do things cleanly, dedicate themselves to public service, cultivate themselves with thrift, and always maintain their political nature of honesty and honesty.

——On January 11, 2022, Xi Jinping's speech at the opening ceremony of the special seminar for major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial level to study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

It is necessary to put the construction of family style in an important position

Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle

The family style of leading cadres has a bearing not only on their own families, but also on the party's and government's style. Leading cadres at all levels, especially senior cadres, should inherit and carry forward the fine traditional Chinese culture, inherit and carry forward the red family style of their revolutionary predecessors, learn from Jiao Yulu, Gu Wenchang, Yang Shanzhou, and other comrades, set an example in the building of family style, and implement self-cultivation and family unity in a down-to-earth manner. Leading cadres at all levels must maintain lofty moral sentiments and a healthy taste for life, set strict demands on their relatives and children, pass well the family relationship, educate them to establish a good concept of abiding by discipline and law, being arduous and simple, and being self-reliant, understand that forgetting righteousness and bending the law for bribes are immoral things, and they must set an example for the whole society.

——On December 12, 2016, Xi Jinping's speech at the meeting with representatives of the first national civilized family

All party members and cadres must abstain from greed, dedicate themselves to public service, and earnestly use the power given by the people to benefit the people. It is necessary to put the construction of family style in an important position, be honest and self-cultivation, and work together honestly to prevent the "pillow wind" from becoming the fuse of corruption, prevent children from illegally making profits under their own banners, and prevent people around them from "pulling themselves into the water".

——On March 10, 2018, Xi Jinping's speech at the deliberations of the Chongqing delegation at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress

Here, I would like to remind leading cadres at all levels that they must strictly guard against "nepotistic corruption" and "corruption within the government" on themselves. There is a characteristic of the cadres who have violated discipline and law that have been investigated and dealt with, that is, "nepotism corruption" and "corruption within the government" are vividly and vividly manifested; Lao Tzu brought his spouse and children to the wrong time, and the misconduct of his spouse and children eventually dragged Lao Tzu into the water. Leading cadres must strictly educate and restrain their spouses, children, and other relatives.

——On January 13, 2020, Xi Jinping's speech at the fourth plenary session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection


Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle

I have always said that you can't have both fish and bear's paws, don't get rich if you become an official, and don't be an official if you get rich. Party discipline and state law have clear stipulations on the business and enterprise run by the spouses and children of leading cadres, but the problem is that they have not been properly implemented. The requirements for leading cadres are to be stricter, as the saying goes: "If they are upright, they will not obey orders, and if they are not upright, they will not obey orders."

——On March 5, 2015, Xi Jinping's speech at the deliberations of the Shanghai delegation at the Third Session of the 12th National People's Congress

It is necessary to be cautious and cautious at the beginning, cultivate and strengthen the awareness and ability of self-restraint and self-control, and achieve "the heart is not moved by the temptation of small profits, and the eyes are not dazzled by the confusion of five colors". It is necessary to manage one's own life circle, social circle, and entertainment circle, and in private, when no one is around, and in the subtleties, it is even more necessary to walk on thin ice and be on the edge of the abyss, never indulge, not deviate, and not exceed the rules, so as to enhance the immunity against corruption and degeneration.

——On March 10, 2018, Xi Jinping's speech at the deliberations of the Chongqing delegation at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress

When it comes to politics, we must be strict with ourselves. Comrades of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee must self-discipline themselves, be cautious to the end, always be self-respecting, self-introspective, self-vigilant, and self-motivated, and be cautious and cautious at the beginning. We should cherish our own discipline as much as we cherish life, and be a spotless person.

——In December 2020, Xi Jinping's speech at the Democratic Life Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee

Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle

Source: Party building network micro platform

Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle

Editor/Producer: Wang Xiaolu

Reviewer: Yin Yueming

Review: Liu Chunxiang

Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle
Learn the language丨Manage your own life circle, communication circle, and entertainment circle

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