
The Xiaozhuang Community Trade Union carried out the activity of "popularizing fire protection knowledge and enhancing the concept of fire prevention".

author:Nanjing Trade Union
The Xiaozhuang Community Trade Union carried out the activity of "popularizing fire protection knowledge and enhancing the concept of fire prevention".

In order to popularize fire safety knowledge, effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of various fire accidents, and further enhance the people's awareness of fire safety and self-defense and self-rescue capabilities, recently, the Xiaozhuang Community Trade Union Federation of Qixia District and the Maigaoqiao Fire Rescue Station carried out a fire protection co-construction activity with the theme of "popularizing fire knowledge and enhancing the concept of fire prevention" in the Dadi Ilia Bay Community Square, and nearly 100 people from Xiaozhuang Community Trade Union workers, the masses, property staff and security cleaners participated in the event.

The Xiaozhuang Community Trade Union carried out the activity of "popularizing fire protection knowledge and enhancing the concept of fire prevention".

The activity is divided into two parts: theoretical knowledge explanation and practical exercise. In the explanation of fire theory knowledge, the firefighters of the Maigao Bridge Fire and Rescue Brigade explained in detail the professional knowledge related to fire safety, common fire extinguishing methods, common sense of escape and evacuation, etc., hoping that everyone can always maintain the awe of the fire. In the practical operation of the fire drill, the on-site personnel were divided into 5 groups, such as the property group, the party member group, and the staff grid member group, each group first experienced the use of fire-fighting equipment, and then the fire system alarm sounded, and everyone worked together to confirm the fire point, start the fire emergency plan and issue an early warning, each group of personnel under the guidance of the firefighters in an orderly manner to open the fire hydrant, throw the hose, connect the water pipe, even the gun head, fire extinguishing source, through an efficient and orderly fire drill, to further consolidate and enhance the residents' ability to prevent and eliminate fire hazards.

The Xiaozhuang Community Trade Union carried out the activity of "popularizing fire protection knowledge and enhancing the concept of fire prevention".

Next, the Xiaozhuang Community Trade Union will continue to share resources, complement each other's advantages, work together, create and build together, hold rich activities, attract more people to participate, comprehensively improve the fire safety environment in the jurisdiction, create a good atmosphere for all people to learn fire protection and participate in fire management, and improve the sense of security and happiness of the community.

Qixia District Federation of Trade Unions

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