
Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

author:Crunchy roll fries
Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

Wen \ Yushan

Edit\Crunchy roll fries


Mai Chenghuan, the heroine of "The Story of Cheng Huan", encountered a complicated test of her in-law's family before getting married.


Video source: @ TV series Chenghuan Ji

Her in-laws also prepared a prenuptial agreement while giving her a wedding room.

Trying to manipulate her at work while protecting herself from her "calculations".

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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Mak Chenghuan's in-laws tried to obtain her professional preferential treatment by providing a wedding room, ostensibly as a generous gift,

In fact, there are conditions for the exchange of benefits. At the same time, in order to prevent possible property disputes in the future,

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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They developed a prenuptial agreement to clarify the boundaries of ownership of assets and liability.

At present, this plot is mainly focused on the development of the plot,

How to solve it and further plot development remains to be seen by the audience to continue to pay attention to the follow-up episodes of the TV series.

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments flocked in, and some of these netizens' comments were even more interesting and interesting, let's take a look!

01 Netizen: What's wrong with Niu Junfeng, another popular domestic entertainment?

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

02 Netizen: How many episodes have you insulted, why haven't you broken up yet?

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

03 Netizen: I don't understand, why haven't you mentioned breaking up yet

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

04 Netizen: I thought I should have broken up when I had dinner for the first time

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

05 Netizen: The most disappointing thing so far is that my ex-boyfriend hasn't eaten a slap

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

How do you think about the role of a prenuptial agreement in modern marriage, and what does it include?

A prenuptial agreement can be a sane financial arrangement or it can be a stressor in an emotional relationship.

Its role often depends on the understanding and acceptance of this legal document by both parties.

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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Prenuptial agreements usually include things like the division of property, debt liability, inheritance rights, and more.

Legally, as long as the agreement is fair and signed voluntarily by both parties, and does not violate the provisions of the law, it is generally legally binding.

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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What is the impact of such depictions of prenuptial agreements in TV dramas on social perceptions?

Such plots may reinforce the public's negative perception of prenuptial agreements,

It may also lead to discussions on equal and just marital relationships, and raise people's awareness of the protection of individual rights and interests by law.

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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How to deal with the conflict between personal career development and family interests in marriage?

Husbands and wives should deal with professional and family conflicts through open and honest communication.

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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Ensure that the opinions of both parties are respected and taken into account in the decision-making process, so that a win-win solution can be found.

How do TV dramas such as "Cheng Huan Ji" affect people's perception of prenuptial agreements?

Similar TV series may make people more wary of prenuptial agreements,

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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At the same time, it has also raised people's awareness of the protection of personal rights and interests, prompting more people to consider legal advice before marriage.

Repercussions and public comment

This plot caused the audience to discuss prenuptial agreements and family relationships,

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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Many viewers criticized the in-laws' behaviour and argued that marriage should be based on trust and respect.


The TV series "Cheng Huan Ji" reflects the legal and moral problems faced by some marriage and families in modern society through the story of Mai Chenghuan.

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

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This is a test of personal emotion, and it is also a popularization of legal knowledge and understanding.

Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!

Source network

Through this kind of plot, the audience can deepen their understanding of prenuptial agreements and deal with the financial and legal issues of personal relationships more wisely.

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Laughing numbly, Mai Chenghuan was humiliated by the prenuptial agreement of her in-laws, but I died laughing in the comment area!