
I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

author:Crunchy roll fries
I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

Wen \ Yushan

Edit\Crunchy roll fries


Jia Nailiang recently shared a birthday gift from his daughter Tianxin on social media - a trophy,

This is the happiest trophy he has ever received.


Video source: @elephant entertainment

This gift is not only a material gift, but also a manifestation of the emotional exchange between father and daughter, which makes him feel the happiness of being a father.

On Jia Nailiang's birthday, his daughter Tianxin gave him a symbolic trophy as a gift.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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And P.S. expressed his love and recognition for his father. Jia Nailiang was very moved by this,

And shared this special gift through social media, expressing his joy and gratitude to his daughter.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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After this incident was reported by the media, it received public attention.

Many netizens have left messages to express their envy and blessings for the warm relationship between Jia Nailiang's father and daughter.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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As soon as the incident was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments flocked in.

Some of these netizens' comments are even more interesting and interesting, let's take a look!

01 netizen: I can only say that Li Xiaolu is still good, at least she didn't say bad things about her father in front of her daughter.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

02 Netizen: Tianxin's parents have not remarried, and they have no families, so she is happy.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

03 Netizen: Let's remarry, the little things in the past are nothing in the current society, just a drizzle, nothing is more important than the happiness of the children.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

04 Netizen: It was originally worry-free

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

05 Netizen: I just want to say that Tianxin's mother is so good, the training is great, and the hardships in the middle are only known by my mother herself, and it seems to have nothing to do with my father.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

How important is it for children to express emotions through gifts?

A child's expression of emotions through gifts is essential to the development of their emotional expression and social interaction skills.

Not only does this help them learn to be grateful and caring, but it also strengthens the emotional connection with the recipient.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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For children, the process of choosing, preparing, and even making gifts is a hands-on opportunity to understand reciprocal relationships and develop a sense of responsibility.

How can public figures positively influence fans by sharing their personal lives?

By sharing personal moments and daily life, public figures can not only shorten the distance with fans,

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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It can also be a positive social role model. Their actions and choices are often imitated by fans,

Therefore, demonstrating a healthy lifestyle, positive interpersonal interactions, and positive values can have a profound impact on fans.

In this way, public figures have the opportunity to spread positive energy and promote the positive development of social values.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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In the current social environment, how should parents cultivate an emotional connection with their children?

Parents should spend time together, participate in activities and interests,

and open and supportive communication to foster an emotional connection with your child.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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Understanding and respecting children's personalities and choices is the foundation of a good parent-child relationship.

What should parents pay attention to when cultivating the habit of giving gifts in their children?

Parents should teach their children that the meaning of gifts is much more than material value, and more important is the expression of emotions and hearts.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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Children should be encouraged to carefully select or make gifts based on the recipient's preferences and needs,

And not just a mere exchange of materials. Focus on the process over the outcome,

Encourage your child's creativity to boost their confidence and satisfaction.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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Repercussions and public comment

The public appreciated the father-daughter relationship between Jia Nailiang and Tianxin,

It is believed that this kind of family affection deepens people's understanding of the value of family and the role of parents.

At the same time, it has inspired many parents to reflect on and strengthen their intimate relationship with their children.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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Through the birthday gift incident between Jia Nailiang and his daughter Tianxin, we see the importance of emotional communication between parents and children.

In the hectic modern life, it is very necessary to maintain emotional communication and warmth within the family.

I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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This simple and sincere interaction not only strengthens the emotional bond between family members,

It also sends a positive message of family education to the society.

#甜馨送给贾乃亮的生日礼物 ##贾乃亮##网友##评论区##挑战30天在头条写日记#

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I can't laugh anymore, Tianxin's birthday gift to Jia Nailiang I died laughing in the comment area of netizens!

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