
After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

author:The dust of history

The Shu Han group in the history of the Three Kingdoms was finally destroyed by the group headed by Cao Wei, but everyone did not have much objection to this history.

After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

Because under the historical background at that time, Shu Han's competitiveness was indeed very weak. From all aspects, they were almost suppressed by Cao Wei and Sun Wu.

And among them, the most important thing is Shu Han's own internal problems, otherwise, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it is impossible to really make Shu Han so bleak.

After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

And within Shu Han, the final change is the historical event mentioned above.

At that time, Zhang Fei was killed and passed away, and after that, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun, as well as Wei Yan, who Liu Bei valued, seemed to collectively snub Liu Bei.

Everyone did not follow Liu Bei's order to conquer Sun Wu, why is this?

After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

What is Zhang Fei's status in the Sichuan Shu Group?

1. Zhang Fei's death:

In the historical events at that time, the reason why Zhang Fei was killed was mainly because of the poisonous hands of Cao Cao's subordinates.

Before he died, Zhang Fei was naturally dissatisfied, because he felt that no matter what, Liu Bei should take revenge on Sun Wu in order to recover the White Horse River.

But no matter how he urged, Liu Bei did not give him a clear answer.

At this point, of course, Zhang Fei will be very dissatisfied, after all, the people he followed at the beginning have no way to take responsibility for everything he has done.

After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

2. Zhang Fei's status:

In the entire Shuhan Group, Zhang Fei should be very popular, because he has indeed contributed his own strength to some major events throughout the period.

Moreover, after he left, the negative impact that Liu Bei could get was also very big, which had no good significance for the entire Shuhan Group.

Therefore, among the monarchs and ministers of the Shu Han Dynasty at that time, everyone should be very nostalgic for this late general.

However, from this point of view, we can know that Zhang Fei's position in the entire group is afraid that there are some problems.

If his status is indeed very high, then it should be impossible to ignore some of the things that caused him after his death, but judging from the historical events at that time, the development of things is not like this.

After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

Why didn't Shu Han listen to orders in all aspects?

1. Liu Bei's decision:

Because of Zhang Fei's departure, Liu Bei is indeed very sad and unwilling, but after all, he is still a monarch, so among the internal personnel of the entire group, there are still some things that must be done.

And in the whole incident, Liu Bei wanted to go east to conquer Sun Wu again, and such a decision naturally caused a lot of discussion.

After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

2. Everyone's attitude:

When everyone learned of Liu Bei's decision, everyone's attitude was naturally very obvious.

Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang, as very important strategists at that time, their attitude was very obvious.

They thought that it was impossible for the sad Liu Bei to make some correct decisions, so it was impossible to take risks in such a thing as a commander in the chaos army.

Moreover, Liu Bei's choice of commander is also very problematic, perhaps he didn't realize that his choice has brought a very big hidden danger to the entire group.

And when such a hidden danger really appeared, the entire group still chose to tell Liu Bei some truths.

This may also be so that Liu Bei can recognize this problem, and he can also re-examine the person he has chosen.

After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

3. Wei Yan's choice:

What people didn't expect was that even Wei Yan, who Liu Bei valued, chose to play dead, and didn't support Liu Bei much at all.

From this point of view, we can know that in fact, the entire group is very clear in their hearts when faced with such a decision.

They knew that Liu Bei's decision was very impulsive, and it was also very uncertain.

So whether it is Zhao Yun or Zhuge Liang, or an ordinary sergeant, everyone's attitude is very obvious, and it is also very democratic, and everyone is in their own position to put forward some of their own suggestions.

After Zhang Fei was killed, why did Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang collectively disobey Liu Bei's orders?

For the entire historical event, such an ending is actually understandable.

After all, within the group, if there is a very important decision, it will definitely affect many people.

Therefore, everyone's incomprehension, everyone's proposal, in fact, is also very necessary, after all, in such a proposal, there may be opinions that are very helpful to the whole group, which can prompt Liu Bei to re-examine his decision, and can also make others re-aware of some problems.

Of course, in the end, Liu Bei's decision was not supported by everyone, nor was it really proven, so there were certain risks and hidden dangers.

In the long course of history, it is also because of such a decision that the whole group still has no way to truly achieve victory, and there is no way to truly realize some of its own suggestions.