
Wang Xiaofei, you fight wisely


Before Da S and Wang Xiaofei got married, I was not familiar with Wang Xiaofei. Before Da S and Wang Xiaofei divorced, I was not familiar with Zhang Lan. However, through Zhang Lan's live broadcast room, I have a deeper understanding of her. A woman in her sixties who has experienced many twists and turns in her life, but she has always shown the quality of perseverance. As a mother, her full love for her son, as well as her sacrifice and struggle for the family, are moving. She has excellent eloquence and a sense of humor, and is also a successful businessman who has experienced life's ups and downs, but has always been able to face them strongly.

Wang Xiaofei, you fight wisely

As a commercial initiative of Zhang Lan, "Ma Liuji" rose in an instant and became a brand that attracted much attention. Her success lies not only in her business vision, but also in her constant pursuit of the spirit of struggle and love of life.

Wang Xiaofei, you fight wisely

Zhang Lan showed her strength and decisiveness in the live broadcast. Whenever Wang Xiaofei faces a problem, she always seems to stand behind him and support him silently. However, whenever she struggled to sprint forward, Wang Xiaofei became a factor that hindered her progress. Zhang Lan's life is not easy, and she has always struggled to balance the relationship between family and career.

Wang Xiaofei, you fight wisely

Wang Xiaofei's personality and behavior are often confusing. His words and deeds reveal a sense of superiority and self-confidence, but he also often appears reckless and unwise. His love history and marriage experience are full of drama, and his marriage with Big S across regions and cultures is even more surprising. The collision of Taiwanese culture and mainland culture has made their marriage full of challenges and troubles.

Wang Xiaofei, you fight wisely

I am not very familiar with Taiwanese culture. But there was an experience that left a deep impression on Taiwan. When I was in college, I saw a Taiwanese student express her ideas boldly and confidently on stage, and I was struck by her openness and unrestrainedness. The difference in the way of thinking brought about by this different cultural background makes people have to admire the tolerance and openness of Taiwanese culture.

Wang Xiaofei, you fight wisely

The marriage between Wang Xiaofei and Da S is like a combination of Beijing gentlemen and Taiwanese girls, full of rough and delicate contrasts. Their marriage experience was full of challenges, but it also made people feel the power of love. Wang Xiaofei's character and behavior are sometimes admirable, and sometimes confusing.

Wang Xiaofei, you fight wisely

Recently, Wang Xiaofei has shown his steady and mature side on Douyin, which makes people happy for him. However, his performance in the live broadcast was disappointing. His personality is unpredictable, sometimes sunny and handsome, sometimes thunderous, making people feel his inner contradictions and struggles.

Wang Xiaofei, you fight wisely

In the live broadcast, Zhang Lan showed her strength and decisiveness, and she always seemed to be able to withstand all difficulties and challenges. Her image is admired and admired, and her words and deeds are full of wisdom and strategy. In comparison, Wang Xiaofei seems a little immature and unstable, and his emotions are often affected by external factors, which makes people feel worried.

I don't want to blame either party for the failure of this marriage because I don't know the specifics between them. But I hope that they can deal with problems rationally and solve them with wisdom. The end of the marriage does not mean that the love for the child will also end, and it is hoped that they will be able to put the interests of the child first and work together to solve the problem.

Zhang Lan's life experience is shocking and admirable, and her tenacity and courage are worth learning from. I hope that she can continue to maintain an optimistic attitude and overcome all difficulties and challenges. At the same time, I also hope that Wang Xiaofei can mature and use wisdom to solve problems, so that she and her family can live a happy life.

Marriage is a life choice, and we can't anticipate the twists and turns and challenges involved. But as long as we treat it with our hearts and solve problems with wisdom, we believe that happiness will eventually come to us. I hope that Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei can find their own happiness and live their ideal lives.