
"Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave": the advice of the ancestors, don't take it seriously

author:On Chinese Studies

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"Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave": the advice of the ancestors, don't take it seriously

In "Miscellaneous", it is said: "The gentleman chooses carefully, and he is not in the army with poisonous beasts." ”

In daily life, whether it is getting along with neighbors or relatives, we need to make wise discernments and make prudent choices.

Remember the advice of the ancestors: "Neighbors don't pay two, relatives don't leave", the following kinds of people must be vigilant, otherwise it is easy to be deceived!

1. Neighbors don't pay


Unreasonable neighbors do not pay

As the old saying goes: "Well frogs can't speak about the sea, and summer insects can't talk about ice." ”

Communicating with those who are opinionated and unreasonable will only add to the annoyance.

In the neighborhood relationship, there is no shortage of such neighbors.

They only start from their own point of view, do not take into account the feelings of others, and always scoff at the opinions and suggestions of others.

Socializing with such neighbors not only makes us feel exhausted, but it can also affect our mood and quality of life.

Learn to keep your distance and avoid too much interaction.

After all, time and energy should be spent on associating with people who can understand and respect each other.

"Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave": the advice of the ancestors, don't take it seriously


Neighbors who like to inquire about privacy do not pay

Zhuangzi once said: "The friendship of a gentleman is as light as water, and the friendship of a villain is sweet." ”

True friendships should be bland and long-lasting, not based on snooping and gossip.

Although neighbors are close, they should also pay attention to proportion.

Some people always like to inquire about other people's privacy, whether it is a family trivial matter or a personal secret, they are happy to know.

Such neighbors often lack respect and understanding for others, and their actions not only violate privacy, but can also cause unnecessary trouble and distress.

Learn to protect your privacy and avoid interacting too much with these types of neighbors.

Respect the privacy of others, and do not inquire and spread other people's affairs at will.

"Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave": the advice of the ancestors, don't take it seriously

Second, relatives do not leave


Relatives who hate the poor and love the rich do not leave

"Zengguang Xianwen" has a saying: "No one asks about the poor in the downtown area, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains." ”

Among relatives, there are always some people who dislike the poor and love the rich, and only value your wealth and status rather than true family affection.

They greet their wealthy relatives with a smile and are cold to their poor relatives.

When you're in the limelight, they flock to it;

Once you're down, they avoid it.

Such relatives, their care and enthusiasm are based on interests, hypocritical and utilitarian.

Associating with such relatives will only make you feel chills and disappointments.

It is difficult to feel true warmth and care when interacting with them.

Don't be too concerned about their attitudes and behavior, and don't sacrifice your dignity and principles in order to cater to them.

Learn to recognize such relatives and keep a certain distance.

True affection is selfless and warm, and it will not change because of your wealth or poverty.

Cherish those relatives who really care and are willing to get through the difficult times together, and stay away from those hypocrites who only value profit.

"Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave": the advice of the ancestors, don't take it seriously


Ungrateful relatives do not go

As the old saying goes, "The grace of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a spring." ”

Some are ungrateful, turning a blind eye to the help and favor of others, and even taking revenge.

This type of person is naturally selfish and always has a habit of passing on trouble to others.

If you have reached out, they may be grateful for it for a while.

But when you hesitate or stop helping, they will become resentful and even spread your unkindness.

What's even more chilling is that even if you lend a hand again, they will take it for granted and never really appreciate it.

There is no gratitude in their hearts, only endless demands.

When faced with such relatives, learn to refuse decisively and stop paying for their selfishness.

Life is short, and you can devote your limited energy to people and things that are worthwhile.

Ungrateful relatives are not worth our sincere efforts.

Learn to protect yourself, stick to your principles, and not be taken advantage of by their selfishness.

Only in this way can we stay sober and rational in our lives and not let negative energy erode our hearts.

"Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave": the advice of the ancestors, don't take it seriously


Relatives who turned their faces and didn't recognize people

The ancients had a saying: "It is difficult to draw the skin and bones of a tiger, and you don't know the face but not the heart." ”

There are also such inscrutable relatives - that is, relatives who turn their faces and do not recognize people.

This kind of relatives often have a set on the surface and a set behind the back, and you have reached out to help, but they have defaulted on the debt, and they have bitten back and beaten a rake.

You are kind and kind to help, but they turn around and turn their faces away from people, make up your story with others, and slander your character.

They are small-minded, love to hold grudges, and once they are not satisfied, they will leave their past kindness behind and only remember your shortcomings.

For such relatives, it is enough to suffer a loss.

Their behavior has fully demonstrated their character, and there is no need to believe them again and again, let alone compromise in order to maintain the so-called family affection.

Life is short, focus on people and things that are worthwhile.

For such relatives who turn their faces and do not recognize people, stay vigilant, keep their distance, and avoid being hurt again.

There is a good saying: "Those who have my heart will compare their hearts with their hearts, and those who have my hearts will exchange truth for truth"

Only sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity, and only honesty can win respect.

When getting along with people, you will also encounter some bad people, and you must learn to distinguish people's hearts and avoid deep friendships with those who misbehave.

Remember, when you interact with people, you need to be sincere and behave well.

Treat people with sincerity and deal with the world with kindness, so that we can accompany each other for a long time and spend the wind and rain together.

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