
How do you quit chatting with someone of the opposite sex?

author:Pigskin Bully

I've heard a lot of stories, among which the bridge of online dating is always talked about. And in these many stories, the phenomenon of high-frequency chat seems to have become a common memory for many people. It is often said that if you talk too much, you will easily have the illusion of being in love. But whether this feeling is love or not, I'm afraid only the parties themselves know.

How do you quit chatting with someone of the opposite sex?

Love, the word always seems to be a little mysterious. Some people think it should be vigorous, others think it should be plain and real. But in the end, there is no standard answer to what love is. In my opinion, if a relationship is full of likes, attachments, petty jealousy, and unapologetic giving, then it may be close to the essence of love.

How do you quit chatting with someone of the opposite sex?

However, whether the emotions brought about by high-frequency chatting can really be transformed into long-term love is another question worth exploring. Especially when this kind of chat happens on the Internet, there is no actual intersection between the two, and there is not even a chance to meet, so can such a relationship really blossom?

How do you quit chatting with someone of the opposite sex?

Many of us may have experienced the struggle of trying to get out of this relationship that seems to have no future, but on the other hand, they are reluctant to let go. So, how can you quit frequent chatting with someone of the opposite sex?

How do you quit chatting with someone of the opposite sex?

Actually, it's not hard to find. First of all, you can try to distract yourself and not always chat with a certain person. Finding topics of common interest and communicating with other friends of the opposite sex may free you from this single dependency.

How do you quit chatting with someone of the opposite sex?

Secondly, if you find that you can't extricate yourself, then you might as well be ruthless, delete the other person's contact information, and cut off all contact. Although this may sound a bit cruel, a long pain is better than a short pain, and time will slowly help you heal the wounds of this relationship.

How do you quit chatting with someone of the opposite sex?

Of course, you can also choose to fade out slowly and gradually reduce the frequency of chatting with the other person. Put more energy into work, study or other hobbies to make your life more fulfilling, and maybe you will find that you can live such a wonderful life without each other.

Finally, if you still can't get out of the relationship after trying the above methods, then you may want to try something more extreme. For example, approach the other person with a new identity and see if the other person is as perfect as you think. But remember, human nature often doesn't stand up to temptation, and this approach needs to be used with caution.

In short, whether it is online dating or high-frequency chatting, we should all maintain a rational and sober mind. Don't let yourself fall into a situation from which you can't extricate yourself, but learn to adjust your emotional state in a timely manner to make your life more fulfilling and exciting. In the process of getting rid of dependency, remember not to fall into new dependencies, but to learn to be independent and autonomous, so that you can become a stronger and more confident person.