
The widow was unexpectedly pregnant, and on the day of delivery, she was frightened by the mother-in-law, but the Taoist priest applauded again and again

author:Confident Courtney 9r0h

The widow became pregnant unexpectedly

In a distant ancient village, there was a young widow named Alain. Her husband died of illness two years ago, leaving her alone in an empty house with her in-laws. Alain has a beautiful appearance and gentle personality, and has won the sympathy and respect of the villagers. However, the peaceful life was shattered by a medical certificate one morning - Alain turned out to be pregnant.

The news caused an uproar in the village. The villagers are talking about it, after all, Alain's husband has been dead for many years, and the origin of this child is a mystery. Alain herself was stunned, she clearly remembered that she had never been in contact with other men, where did this child come from?

As time passed, Alain's belly gradually bulged, and the villagers' arguments became more and more intense. In the face of this sudden situation, the in-laws were also full of doubts, and the atmosphere at home became increasingly tense. Alain is under tremendous mental pressure, but she is convinced that she has not done anything against women's morality and is determined to find out the truth.

When the day of delivery finally came, the midwife in the village was invited to help with the delivery. However, when Alain's labor pains began, an inexplicable black mist enveloped the entire room. The midwife panicked and tried to dispel the black mist, only to find that it was getting thicker and thicker, almost devouring people. Suddenly, a pair of blood-red eyes appeared in the black mist, staring directly at the midwife. The midwife only felt a chill coming, and as soon as her eyes were dark, she fainted with fright.

At this time, thunder rumbled outside, but there was dead silence inside. Alain's in-laws heard the noise and rushed into the house, only to see the midwife faint to the ground, Alain moaned in pain, and the black mist seemed to be slowly dissipating.

At this critical juncture, a middle-aged Taoist priest in a Taoist robe suddenly pushed the door in. He held the peachwood sword in his hand, looked around with a serious expression, and then locked his gaze on Alain's body. The Taoist priest walked up to Alain's bed, comforted her softly, and took out a yellow paper talisman from the cloth bag he carried with him and pasted it on Alain's forehead.

Miraculously, as soon as the yellow paper charm was pasted, Alain's pain seemed to be alleviated a lot. The Taoist priest took a deep breath and said to Alain's in-laws, "You don't have to worry, I already know the origin of this child. He is not an extraordinary child, but the reincarnation of a star in the sky. The red eyes in the black fog are his heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals who protect him and descend to the world. ”

The two in-laws looked at each other, not knowing whether to believe or not. The Taoist priest saw their doubts and continued, "I know this is hard to accept, but believe me, this child will be a great man in the future. There should be a 'star' in his name to commemorate his reincarnation as a celestial star. ”

After speaking, the Taoist priest turned around and left, leaving a family of three looking at each other. The boulder in Alain's heart finally landed, she knew that her child was extraordinary, and she firmly believed that she could raise him as an adult.

The widow was unexpectedly pregnant, and on the day of delivery, she was frightened by the mother-in-law, but the Taoist priest applauded again and again

A few days later, Alain gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Starlight. Starlight's birth brought many questions and speculations, but over time, he gradually showed a talent and wisdom that was unlike any other. The villagers are also slowly accepting this amazing child and looking forward to his future achievements.

However, the calm days did not last long. When Starlight was five years old, a strange thing happened in the village. Overnight, all the wells in the village dried up. The villagers panicked and didn't know what to do. At this moment, Xinghui ran to the square in the village, waved his little hand, and pointed to a mountain in the distance: "There is water there!"

The villagers followed Xinghui to the foot of the mountain in disbelief, and sure enough, they found a clear spring. Since then, Xinghui's name has been thunderous in the village. Everyone knew that he was an unusual child, and some people even began to rumor that he was a god.

Alain watched his son's growth, both relieved and worried. She knew that she could not be by her son's side forever, and that one day he would have to face the world alone. So, she decided to send Xinghui to a distant Taoist temple to learn art, hoping that he could learn more knowledge and skills there.

On the eve of his departure, Alain called Xinghui to his side, gently stroked his head and said, "Child, you must remember that no matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, you must face them bravely. Your background is destined to make you extraordinary, but it also means that you have to take on more responsibilities. Go ahead and pursue your dreams and mission!"

Xinghui hugged his mother tightly, tears rolling in his eyes: "Mother, I will miss you." I will definitely study hard and not let you down!"

Early the next morning, Xinghui set out on his way to the Taoist temple with his bags on his back. Alan stood at the entrance of the village and watched him go away, praying silently in his heart: "May my son become a man who stands up to the sky!"

With Starlight's departure, life in the village has returned to its former tranquility. However, no one expected that an even bigger crisis was looming.

It was a sunny afternoon, and the children of the village were playing in the square. Suddenly, the sky was dark, and a powerful evil force enveloped the entire village. The villagers fled in panic, only to find that they were blocked by an invisible force and could not escape.

At this moment, a golden light fell from the sky, and Xinghui appeared in front of everyone in a Taoist robe and a peachwood sword in hand. He stared at the black mist in the sky with a torch of fire, and shouted, "Demon look at the sword!" With that, he brandished his peachwood sword and slashed at the black mist.

The widow was unexpectedly pregnant, and on the day of delivery, she was frightened by the mother-in-law, but the Taoist priest applauded again and again

After a fierce battle, the black mist gradually dissipated, revealing a monster with a hideous face. It roared and rushed towards Starlight, only to be deftly dodged by the latter. Starlight took the opportunity to recite a spell and summoned the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to surround the monsters. In the end, to the cheers of the crowd, the youkai was completely destroyed.

It turns out that this monster has been lurking in the nearby mountains to cultivate evil methods, trying to devour the souls of humans to enhance his cultivation. It attacked the village while Starlight was away from home to study, attempting to devour all the souls of the villagers in one fell swoop. Luckily, Starlight rushed back in time at the critical moment to save the entire village.

The villagers stepped forward to thank Xinghui for saving his life, but he waved his hand and said, "This is what I should do." After all, I am part of this village, and it is my responsibility to protect everyone. After saying that, he turned around and walked to Alan and hugged her tightly: "Mother, I'm back." Alain burst into tears with excitement: "Child, you have grown up!"

Since then, Starlight has remained in the village, continuing to guard the land and its people. He used the Taoism and medical skills he learned to heal the villagers, drive away evil spirits and avoid harm, and was deeply respected and loved by everyone. And the widow's son, who was once shrouded in mystery and suspicion, has now become a hero in the hearts of the villagers.

However, the life of a hero is not all smooth sailing. When Starlight was eighteen years old, he faced an unprecedented challenge. It was a full moon night, and a group of mysterious black-clad men suddenly appeared in the village, all of them agile and skilled in martial arts, obviously not ordinary thieves or outcasts.

The men in black broke into the village and headed straight for Alain's house. Starlight arrives upon hearing the news and engages in a fierce battle with the man in black. Although Starlight was extremely brave, the large number of opponents and their tacit cooperation made him fall into a bitter battle for a while.

At this moment, a man in black took advantage of the starlight and suddenly launched a sneak attack on his back. Starlight sensed the danger, but it was too late to dodge. At this moment, a golden light flashed, and Alain blocked Starlight's back, blocking the fatal blow for him.

"Mother!" Starlight exclaimed, turning and hugging the mortally injured Alain. Alain looked at him with a smile: "Child, you're fine...... after saying this, she closed her eyes forever.

Starlight was devastated, but he knew this was not the time to be sad. He stood up with tears in his eyes and glared at the men in black: "Who are you, why do you want to kill my mother?"

The leader of the men in black sneered: "Hmph, do you think you are well hidden? Star Reincarnation? What a big joke! Let me tell you, we are assassins sent by Heavenly Court, specially born to eradicate demons like you!"

The widow was unexpectedly pregnant, and on the day of delivery, she was frightened by the mother-in-law, but the Taoist priest applauded again and again

Xinghui was shocked when he heard this: "What?assassin sent by Heavenly Court?how is this possible?" His heart was full of doubts and puzzles, could it be that the mystery of his origin was hiding a bigger secret?

The leader of the men in black didn't give him much time to think, and brandished the sword in his hand and rushed towards Starlight again. This time Starlight didn't flinch again, and he was determined to avenge his mother's hatred. After a life-and-death struggle, Starlight finally annihilated all the men in black, but he was also seriously injured and dying.

When his life was dying, Starlight seemed to see Alan's figure. She walked up to him with a smile and gently stroked his head: "Kid, you've done a great job. Now, it's time to go back to your real home......" After saying this, Alain's figure gradually disappeared into the night sky.

Knowing that his mother was telling him that the mystery of his origins was about to be revealed, Starlight struggled to his feet and looked up at the stars......, which was his true home!

Starlight's eyes gleam with determination, and he knows that he must set out on his way home, to find his roots, to solve all the mysteries. Fighting through the pain in his body, he stood up and bowed deeply in the direction of the village. It was his farewell to his hometown, and a promise to his mother and the villagers that he would find the answer and come back.

Starlight embarks on his way to Heaven. He went through countless hardships and hardships, but he never gave up. He used his wisdom and courage to overcome the challenges and dangers on the road again and again. Whenever he faced difficulties, he remembered his mother's words: "Face it bravely and follow your dreams and mission." This sentence gave him infinite strength and courage to go on firmly.

Finally, Starlight arrived at the entrance of the Heavenly Court. He was struck by what he saw: the majestic Gate of Heaven, the mist-shrouded fairyland, the splendid palace...... This is the place he dreamed of, and it is also the key to solving the mystery of his origins.

Starlight took a deep breath and stepped into the heavenly court. He explained his purpose to the gods guarding the door, and the gods looked at each other, as if surprised by his arrival. One of the gods stepped forward, looked at the star light carefully, and then said, "You are the mortal who was reincarnated in the star, come with me, the Emperor wants to see you." ”

Xinghui's heart tightened, and he followed the god general into the depths of the heavenly court. He finally met the legendary Emperor of Heaven, a majestic and mysterious being. The Emperor of Heaven looked at him, a strange light flashed in his eyes: "You're finally here, Starlight." ”

Starlight looked up in shock, "You know me?"

The widow was unexpectedly pregnant, and on the day of delivery, she was frightened by the mother-in-law, but the Taoist priest applauded again and again

The Heavenly Emperor smiled slightly: "Of course." You are Sirius reincarnated, a member of my heavenly court. However, how can I not know that you have finally returned to Heaven after all your hardships in the mortal world?"

Xinghui's heart was full of doubts and excitement, "So, who is my father, and why did I reincarnate in the mortal world?"

The Heavenly Emperor was silent for a moment, and then said slowly, "Your father is Sirius Lord. He is a loyal warrior of my Heavenly Court, and he will not hesitate to sacrifice his life in order to protect the peace of Heavenly Court and the mortal world. However, on his deathbed, he poured his soul into a star, and that star was you. ”

Starlight's eyes moistened, "So, why did I reincarnate in the mortal world?"

The Heavenly Emperor sighed, "This is because of your father's last wish. He wants you to grow up in the mortal world and learn human emotions and wisdom. Only in this way will you be able to better protect the peace between the heavenly court and the mortal world. ”

Starlight was silent for a moment, then said firmly, "I see. I will carry on my father's legacy and use my power to protect the peace of heaven and mortality. ”

The Heavenly Emperor smiled and nodded: "Very good." You've passed all the tests, and now, you're going to be the true Sirius-king. ”

After speaking, the Heavenly Emperor stretched out his palm, and a golden light shot out from the palm of his hand, merging into Xinghui's body. Starlight felt a powerful force rush into his body, and his body was instantly enveloped in golden light. By the time the golden light had dissipated, he had transformed into a heroic god, the Sirius King.

Starlight looked at his new body, excited and proud. He has finally found his roots and mission, and he will use his power to protect the peace of heaven and mortality.

However, Starlight, who became a god, did not forget his relatives and friends in the mortal world. He asked the Emperor to return to the mortal world to fulfill his unfulfilled responsibilities and missions. After hearing this, the Emperor pondered for a moment before agreeing to Starlight's request.

The widow was unexpectedly pregnant, and on the day of delivery, she was frightened by the mother-in-law, but the Taoist priest applauded again and again

So, with the power and wisdom of the gods, Starlight returned to his beloved village once again. As a god, he guards the peace and happiness of the village. He used his own strength to drive away evil spirits and avoid harm for the villagers, pray for blessings and rain, so that the village can have good weather and abundant grains.

The villagers were amazed and grateful for Starlight's return. They came to visit him one after another to pay their respects and thanks to him. Starlight responds to them with a smile and care, making them feel the warmth and protection of the gods.

During her days guarding the village, Starlight also befriended a beautiful and kind girl, Xiaolian. Xiaolian is a flower in the village, she is gentle and considerate, and she is empathetic, which deeply attracts Xinghui. The two knew each other and loved each other and spent many wonderful times together.

However, happy days are always short-lived. One day, the village suddenly suffers an unprecedented disaster - a ferocious monster attacks the village, causing massive damage and casualties. The villagers panicked and fled in all directions, but they could not resist the ravages of the demon beasts.

At this critical juncture, Starlight stepped forward and started a life-and-death struggle with the demon beast. He used the power and wisdom of the gods to battle the monster with wits and courage, and finally defeated it and sealed it. Tranquility and peace were restored to the village, and the villagers felt great admiration and gratitude for Starlight's bravery and selflessness.

However, Starlight knows that his mission is not yet complete. He decided to take Xiaolian on a new journey to find more demon beasts and evil forces and protect more lives and homes. Together, they fought side by side and became legendary heroes in Heaven and the Mortal World.

During their journey, they encountered a variety of challenges and dangers. Sometimes it's a ferocious monster, sometimes it's a weird trap, sometimes it's a cunning enemy...... But no matter what difficulties they encounter, Xinghui and Xiaolian are close to each other and move forward bravely. They overcame all difficulties with love and courage and became the guardians of heaven and mortal.

Eventually, thanks to their efforts, peace and tranquility were restored to the heavenly and mortal worlds. Xinghui and Xiaolian have also reaped endless growth and happiness in this journey. They know that as long as they have love, courage, and responsibility in their hearts, they can always guard the people and things they love forever......

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