
Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

author:Creek loves to talk

Zhu Jianling, a freelance writer from Taiwan, always brings readers a refreshing feeling with her brushstrokes. This time, she decided to go to a lesser-known place in Chinese mainland - Goluo City. After returning to Taiwan, she wrote this article to share her travel insights and profound experiences.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

Guoluo City, located in the southeast of Qinghai Province, is a typical Tibetan autonomous prefecture. With its high mountains and long waters, and beautiful natural scenery, it undoubtedly shows a completely different style compared to the Taiwanese city where Zhu Jianling lives. Taiwan, an island region, is known for its modern cities and abundant marine resources, in stark contrast to the vastness and pristine nature of Goluo.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

As soon as she stepped into the land of Goluo, Zhu Jianling was deeply attracted by the natural landscape there. The sky in Qinghai is unusually vast, pure and transparent, and the rolling mountains, covered in snow and shining with golden tops, are breathtakingly beautiful. In contrast, although Taiwan's mountains also have their own unique beauty, they are mostly covered in emerald green, which is more gentle than the snow-capped mountains of Guoluo.

In Guoluo, Zhu experienced a trip on horseback, which would have been unimaginable in Taiwan. She followed the local herders and shuttled between the endless grasslands and mountains. She was deeply touched by the herders' traditional Tibetan costumes and simple smiles on their faces. In the article, Zhu wrote that this direct contact with nature made her rethink the relationship between man and nature, and the convenience and sacrifice that modernization brings to our lives.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

Food is another big experience. On Guoluo's table, hand-grabbed mutton, barley wine and various dairy products are common, which she rarely has access to in Taiwan. Although the dishes are simple, each bite reveals the original taste of the ingredients, and this directness from the source to the table is incomparable to those exquisite dishes in Taiwan.

Cultural differences are also the focus of Zhu's article. The religious atmosphere of Goluo is strong, and the prayer flags and stupas that can be seen everywhere, as well as the figures of monks, make her feel a solemn tranquility. Although Taiwan is also a religiously pluralistic society, the religious color in daily life is far less strong than that of Guoluo. Zhu Jianling believes that this difference is not only a difference in beliefs, but also a reflection of lifestyle and world view.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

Through this trip, Zhu Jianling deeply felt that although there are many differences between the two places, each one has its own uniqueness. Her essay is not only a depiction of the natural scenery and culture of Goluo, but also a journey of the soul. She encouraged Taiwanese readers to visit the mainland and experience first-hand the life and culture there if they have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and enrich their experience.

During her few days in Guoluo, Zhu Jianling also felt the warmth and friendliness of the locals. In one of the small villages she visited, the villagers invited her to a traditional celebration in which the villagers sat together, shared food, sang and danced. This simple and sincere communication made her deeply feel that people do not need complex language and cultural backgrounds, and simple kindness and joy can shorten the distance between each other. This kind of experience is rarely seen in Taiwanese city life, where people tend to live at a fast pace and social activities are mostly booked and planned.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

Environmental awareness is also a major feature that Zhu Jianling saw in Guoluo. Since living in the plateau, the locals are more directly dependent on the natural environment, so they pay more attention to environmental protection in their daily lives. For example, she observes that villagers hardly use single-use plastics, and that most of their cutlery is reusable metal or wood. This is in stark contrast to the fact that some parts of Taiwan are still trying to reduce the use of plastic. Zhu Jianling pointed out in the article that such a way of life is worth learning from Taiwan and even more regions.

In contrast, although Taiwan has obvious advantages in technology and economic development, some of Guoluo's practices in some traditional and environmental aspects are also worthy of respect and reference. Zhu Jianling believes that whether it is Taiwan or Guoluo, each place has its own unique lifestyle and cultural value, and should learn from each other, rather than simply comparing the advantages and disadvantages.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

This trip not only greatly expanded Zhu Jianling's horizons, but also gave her a deeper understanding of life. She concluded her essay by writing: "I learned a lot through this trip to Golo. The beauty of each place is unique, and what we need is not to judge, but to appreciate and understand. I hope that my readers, whether in Taiwan or anywhere else, will be able to embark on their own journeys and discover the beauty that no one else knows. ”

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

After Zhu Jianling's article was published, it attracted widespread attention and discussion. Readers were not only captivated by her vivid depictions of Golo's natural beauty and culture, but also agreed with her profound views. Many expressed their hope that in the future they would have the opportunity to visit Golo in person and experience the unique culture and way of life there. Through such exchanges and sharing, Zhu Jianling has succeeded in presenting a distant and unknown place to a wider group of people through her brushstrokes, which is the charm of travel literature.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

Introduction of the Golok Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, located in the southeastern part of China's Qinghai Province, is a mysterious and unique region rich in natural landscapes and rich in cultural heritage. The following is a detailed introduction to Goluo, which I hope will attract your interest and explore this treasure of Tibetan culture.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!


First of all, the natural landscape of Golo is one of its greatest charms. There are vast grasslands, majestic mountains and crystal clear lakes. Qumalai County, the source of the Yellow River, is not only the cradle of the Yellow River, but also a paradise for photography enthusiasts and nature explorers. Whether it's full of verdant greenery in summer or covered in silver in winter, it's a visual treat. Zhaling Lake and Endo Lake in Maduo County are known as the "Pearl of the Plateau", and their lakes change color throughout the year, which is so beautiful that people are intoxicated.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

History and culture

Goluo is not only a natural landscape, but also rich in history and culture. It is part of the Amdo Tibetan region, and treasures of Tibetan culture can be found everywhere. Traditional Tibetan festivals, such as King Gesar's Day and Tibetan New Year, have a very unique way of celebrating. Visitors can not only watch traditional Tibetan dances and listen to melodious Tibetan songs, but also participate in traditional Tibetan activities and experience the real Tibetan life.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

Unique cuisine

When you come to Goluo, you will also have the opportunity to taste authentic Tibetan food. Barley wine, butter tea and yak meat are the specialties here. Especially in the cold winter, a bowl of hot yak meat soup can not only resist the cold, but also make people feel the warmth and hospitality of the Tibetan people.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

Tourism resources

Goluo is not only a treasure trove of nature and culture, but it is also extremely rich in tourism resources. From hikers to photography enthusiasts, from cultural explorers to adventure tourists, there's something for everyone. Whether it's stopping in the vast grasslands or walking in an ancient Tibetan village, Golo offers the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle and get back to nature.

Taiwanese went to Guoluo City, and after returning to Taiwan, she commented on Guoluo!

In short, Goluo is not just a tourist destination, it is a baptism of the soul and a cultural experience. The beauty and culture of this place are waiting for every visitor to explore and discover. We hope you'll take the time to visit and experience the wonder and charm of it all. #春日生活打卡季#

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