
Xinzhen Town, Jun County: Take multiple measures to build a strong defense line against planting and eradicating drugs

author:Crane Slip News

Henan Economic News reporter Liu Guowei correspondent Zhang Xiang

In order to further consolidate the achievements of the work of banning planting and eradicating narcotics in Xinzhen Town, and enhance the ability of the whole people to recognize and reject narcotics. Recently, the Party Committee and Government of Xinzhen Town, Jun County, have actively carried out the work of banning planting and eradicating drugs in 2024.

Actively deploy and earnestly strengthen organizational leadership. The town held a special meeting to arrange for the deployment of the work of banning planting and eradicating narcotics, and the meeting asked each village to appoint special personnel to organize the inspection action and earnestly implement the responsibility for the work of banning planting and eradicating narcotics. At the same time, the village grid inspection personnel were trained, and drug knowledge and drug-related laws and regulations were explained to them, so as to ensure that the work of banning planting and eradicating drugs in each village was started in a timely manner.

Xinzhen Town, Jun County: Take multiple measures to build a strong defense line against planting and eradicating drugs

In-depth publicity to create a strong anti-drug atmosphere. The cadres of the town's organs, the members of the comprehensive management grid of each village, and the villagers actively participated in answering questions on anti-narcotics knowledge; all villages made full use of blackboard newspapers, propaganda columns, WeChat groups, and other means to strengthen publicity, and extensively carried out propaganda on the prohibition of planting, so that the masses could understand the characteristics of opium poppy, marijuana, and other narcotic plants, as well as the relevant laws and regulations on prohibiting the cultivation and eradication of narcotics, and strictly prevent the seeds of narcotic plants from entering the soil, so as to effectively enhance the masses' awareness of the prohibition of planting.

Xinzhen Town, Jun County: Take multiple measures to build a strong defense line against planting and eradicating drugs

Take multiple measures at the same time to enhance the ability to eradicate drugs in an all-round way. In addition to manpower inspections, the town also fully mobilized grassroots forces through drones, national reports and other means to conduct a "carpet" investigation in the town, village by village, plot by plot, and once the illegal cultivation of drug plants was found, it was immediately eradicated and reported to the town comprehensive management office and police station.

Xinzhen Town, Jun County: Take multiple measures to build a strong defense line against planting and eradicating drugs
Xinzhen Town, Jun County: Take multiple measures to build a strong defense line against planting and eradicating drugs

It is understood that this work has effectively enhanced the consciousness and enthusiasm of the grassroots party members and cadres in the town to participate in the work of banning planting and eradicating drugs, built a solid line of defense for the work of banning planting and eradicating drugs at the grassroots level, and let the anti-drug work penetrate into thousands of households, so as to jointly build an anti-drug atmosphere of mass prevention and control.