
laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

author:Clever Kite Ion

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laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

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Recently, a video has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. In the video, an eldest sister spoke out publicly, hoping that the new top anchor Dong Yuhui would become her son-in-law.

She proudly introduced her daughter's conditions: 26 years old, 172 cm tall, master's degree, two properties in Beijing, 1.8 million deposits and a Mercedes-Benz car. Such conditions undoubtedly make her daughter the object of pursuit by many men in reality.


After this video was released, it sparked crazy ridicule from netizens. Someone jokingly said: "There are more than 10 million people on the whole network who want to be Dong Yuhui's mother-in-law, eldest sister, you have to queue up!"

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

Such ridicule not only reflects netizens' love for Dong Yuhui, but also reflects his influence as a public figure.

This Lao Yu is not recruiting employees, but choosing a son-in-law

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

I don't know what to do when I see the girl, it's a little difficult to find Cuihua [snickering] [snickering]

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

It's not that Yuhui can't find a girlfriend, and he wants to marry Yuhui's rich and beautiful, but he hasn't met someone with the right heart.

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

Yuhui is actually not that ugly, the most important thing for a man is talented, it is very pleasing to the eye to look at, very cute, which girl is really blessed to marry him.

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

How many years will it take [covering face]

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

I really don't know which good girl has the honor to be Yuhui's emerald flower, in terms of Yuhui's character, I will definitely love his emerald flower

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

Yuhui is now the age to engage in a career, marriage follows fate, you may find it at work, once you find it, it will only be a matter of one or two years to get married and have children, after all, after 30 years old, there is no time to fall in love, and you will almost get married

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

The mother-in-law is going to be anxious, is it too late for her daughter to learn how to splash noodles with oil?

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

That's definitely willing. [sneering] [sneering]

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

This Dong Yuhui is not this Dong Yuhui [covering his face]

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

It seems that Dong Yuhui's marriage can't be rash, and it has to be approved by his mother-in-law.

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

If you are rich, any man with a little confidence will not accept it, let alone Dong Yuhui

laughed, the eldest sister shouted Dong Yuhui for her daughter's marriage, and the comment area couldn't laugh anymore!

Dong Yuhui has won wide recognition and respect for his talent and hard work. No matter what your background is, as long as you are brave enough to pursue your dreams and work hard, you will eventually usher in the dawn of success.

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the discussion forum

(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)