
What kind of woman will a man feel distressed about?

author:Emotions of Talents (4.13 Offline Sharing Session)

#头条创作挑战赛#看到这个问题, many girls may immediately think of that kind of weak, helpless, and pitiful girl, thinking that such a girl is the easiest to win the love of men.

Or think of the kind of girl who loves each other deeply, pays silently, and doesn't ask for anything in return, or the kind of girl who always bears everything alone and carries everything by herself.

However, this is not entirely accurate. As a man, I feel compelled to reveal to you our true inner world.

What kind of woman will a man feel distressed about?

A woman who loves herself makes a man feel more distressed

I happened to have a student these days, and the two of them had an argument not long after they got married. She didn't eat at first, thinking that her husband would feel sorry for her and coax her, but her husband was indifferent.

So, she ran away from home again, hoping to attract the attention of men.

She thought that the man would chase her out and apologize to her, but the man not only did not chase him out, but he didn't even have a phone call or a text message.

It's still a little cold outside at night this season, and she walked around outside for a few hours, feeling more and more chilled, and even had the idea of divorce.

Many girls will use this way of torturing themselves to make men anxious, hoping to get men's distress and care.

However, I must tell you that seeking love in this way often backfires. If you do too much of this emotional, self-hurting thing, the man will only be more indifferent to you.

And if you don't eat, you run away from home, and the man probably doesn't even know about it! If my wife does that, I'll think she's losing weight, or going out for a walk.

Occasionally I upset my wife, and my wife will go out - go out, call girlfriends, buy, buy, eat, drink, and swipe my card!

At this time, I don't feel distressed and I have to feel distressed, do you think I dare to make her unhappy in the future?

Everyone must remember that a man will not feel sorry for you because you are miserable, he will only feel sorry for you because you are cute, you are worthy of love, and you are attractive.

If you are too weak, he will not feel sorry for you, he will only bully you.

Therefore, if you want a man to feel sorry for you, you must love yourself, and it is better for you to torture yourself than to torture him. If you think he's annoying and you really don't want to see him, then bring the money and go out happy.

Then it's time to go home, just don't hurt yourself stupidly.

What kind of woman will a man feel distressed about?

Independent women make men feel even more distressed

Some girls always give silently in their relationships, giving everything they have without asking for anything in return. For the sake of their families and their lovers, they can give up their careers and dreams and devote themselves wholeheartedly to family life.

You think that men will see your selflessness and greatness, will feel your dedication and sacrifice, and thus feel sorry for you, cherish you, and be grateful to you, I tell you, not necessarily, and to a large extent not.

This quote reveals a cruel truth in love: excessive humility and dependence can often make relationships more fragile, and your sacrifice and devotion can be taken for granted.

It is the women who can really attract the attention of men who are independent and autonomous. They own their lives and careers, both emotionally and financially, and are not entirely dependent on men.

This independence makes men realize that you have the ability to leave at any time, so that they value and pay more attention to you.

When he sees your hard work and hardships in the workplace, he may feel sorry for you, and naturally wants to share it for you and give you more care and support.

Men are like this, the more you love him, the less he loves you, the more you rely on him, the more unreliable he is, and the more independent you are, the more he feels sorry for you.

What kind of woman will a man feel distressed about?

A woman who can be coquettish and show weakness makes men feel distressed even more

Of course, loving oneself does not mean being selfish, and being independent does not mean being strong and detached. If you can show weakness at the right time, it will also make men feel pity for you.

Looking at the blood oozing from her fingers, my heart was about to break. Since then, I have never let her touch the broken glass shards, even the little things like washing the dishes.

Therefore, if you are sick or have a stomachache, there is no need to hold on, let him buy a medicine and pour a glass of brown sugar water, he will understand that you are not indestructible, and you also need his care and love.

And he will cherish and love you even more because of this.

What kind of woman will a man feel distressed about?

Write at the end

In general, if you want a man to feel sorry for you, you must first learn to love yourself, cherish yourself, and then remain independent and autonomous, and at the same time know how to be coquettish and show weakness at the right time.

Remember, men don't feel sorry for you because of your misery, but cherish you because of your charm and worthiness of love.

So, girls, don't forget to find happiness and satisfaction in your own life, and make yourself a confident and energetic woman, so that you can really win the respect and distress of men.