

author:Langya Academy Notes

Zhihu Congee Zoro 2024-04-12 13:57 Yunnan

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This is the 4346th issue of Porridge Zoro sharing

This article is compiled from Zhihu

Edit l Xingchen, Sun Xuan, and Wonderful Mama

Source l Zhenghe Island (ID: zhenghedao)

In 分享 in 粥左罗(id:Fungdushe520)

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Ordinary people learn from their own mistakes, and smart people gain true knowledge from the failures of others.

The 70 short and profound answers on Zhihu are to the point, and the whole person is much more transparent.

01. Does a mature person value other people's appearance or thoughts more?

Appearance and body shape determine whether a mature person wants to understand the minds of others. And the thought determines whether the mature person will veto the appearance of the opposite sex with one vote.

02. "Don't let your child lose at the starting line", does it make sense?

Comparing yourself with others all your life is the source of tragedy in life.

03. How can you tell if a beggar is real or fake?

A beggar, real or not, is really a beggar when he begs from you.

04. Why is it that the article is written for others to read, but when it is written, I hate it when I am reading it?

Because with the observer, the state of infinite possibilities collapses.

05. How to refute the logic of "you can do it, you can do it"?

Tianya's famous sentence: "I comment on a refrigerator, I still have to be able to refrigerate?"

06. What do you most wish you knew or understood when you were young?

The inner feeling is more important than the external truth.

07. Is it better to use tuition for your studies or to travel around the world?

Without sufficient knowledge, even if you travel thousands of miles, you are just a postman.

08. What does the perfect love look like in your heart?

There can be imperfections.

09. For love, what is the moment of letting go?

At the parting station, she got on the bus, and instead of watching the bus disappear as before, I walked in the direction of home without looking back.

10. What is your deepest misconception?

I think freedom is about doing what you want. Later, I realized that self-discipline is freedom.

When a person lacks self-discipline, what he does is always influenced by habit and immediate temptation, or he is disturbed by the ideas of others, and it is almost never possible to do what his heart really desires.


11. Why was Germany, the country of so many intellectual elites, so stupid in its national decision-making, involved in two unwinnable world wars?

The last time I watched the European Cup, a friend made an evaluation of Germany: use philosophy to fool others, and use science to develop yourself.

12. Is the girlfriend/boyfriend vexatious and asking too much?

Blandness is actually a luxury, which means that there are many people who love you who are doing it for you.

13. How to become a person with ideas?

Have you noticed that people who are very thoughtful tend to be "cheeky".

I mean: they're not afraid to be considered stupid after they say an idea. There are too many people who have ideas, and too few people who dare to speak out.

14. Why did you decide to leave a company?

There is a saying that depending on whether you want to stay in a company or not, just look at the lives of your colleagues, and if their lives are not what you want, you can leave, and the reason why the first company left is that I want to change my life.

15. What "right and wrong" have changed in your experience in society?

A lot of things are just different, and there is no right or wrong.

16. The more mature a person is, the harder it is to fall in love with someone?

It's not that the more mature you are, the harder it is to fall in love with someone, it's that the more mature you are, the more you can tell whether it's love or not.

17. How can I make this world a better place?

Make yourself better.

18. What is the value of suffering?

Never believe that suffering is worth it, that suffering is suffering, and that suffering does not lead to success.

Suffering is not worth pursuing, and the will is honed because suffering cannot be avoided.

19. What is your methodology?

"The Art of War": Winning with the right and winning with the odd. If you don't want to be quiet, even if you are enlightened, you are vain.

20. How can I be sure if he will be with me for the rest of my life?

Mr. Qian Zhongshu commented on Ms. Yang Jiang, which is regarded by sociologists as a model of ideal marriage:

(1) Before I met her, I had never thought about getting married.

(2) I have been with her for so many years and have never regretted marrying her as a wife.

(3) I never thought of marrying another woman.


21. How to retort, "Be realistic, this society is like this"?

As you are, your world is as it is.

22. What is your understanding of freedom?

Have the ability to say "no".

23. How can you tell the difference between kindness and cowardice?

In the face of the enemy, having the ability to hurt others, but not being willing to do so, is called kindness.

In the face of the enemy, having the ability to hurt others, and not daring to do harm, is called cowardice.

24. Why do I read too many success books, but instead of playing much of an inspirational role, they have brought a lot of negative effects?

When the sergeant heard the word, he could do it diligently;

When the sergeant heard this, if he survived, he died;

When the corporal heard this, he laughed.

25. 怎么看待励志的书籍?

No matter how much you watch, it's someone else's life.

26. Why do others who are better than you sometimes feel jealous and sometimes adoring?

Worship far away, envy near away;

Worship out of reach, jealousy out of reach;

Jealousy with a conflict of interest, worship without a conflict of interest.

27. I always have a sense of superiority in front of people who are keen to watch soap operas and don't like to read, and I always want to show off what I have learned every day, what should I do?

The problem of human beings is to be a good teacher, and to be unable to recognize the infinity of knowledge and their own limitations.

28. Some people especially like to send very short states, what kind of psychology is this?

The possibilities are as follows: (1) Simplicity is beauty. (2) I don't want others to understand it, I want to record it myself. (3) I don't want others to understand, I want someone to understand. (4) I don't want others to understand, I want others to care. (5) Loading. (6) Lazy.

29. What is the joy of learning?

Human fulfillment comes from two things, creation and destruction.

30. Why is it that when people see good photos, their usual reaction is "That's great, what camera are you using?", and when they see bad photos, they tend to laugh at the stinky level of the photographer?

People are accustomed to attributing their own successes and their failures to their circumstances, and attributing the successes of others to their circumstances and their failures to themselves.


31. How can I effectively make a recommendation or recommendation without giving people a sense of indoctrination and compulsion?

Persuade others not to resort to reason, but to seek profit.

32. What skills can be of great help to a person's life after being learned in a relatively short period of time?

Compliment others.

33. Why do many people like to stay up late and be unusually productive in the second half of the night?

Someone asked me why academics sleep so late, and are they only inspired at night?

No, academics do not rely on inspiration, but on the guilt caused by the daytime of inactivity.

34. 怎样做到“不抱怨”?

Those who know themselves do not complain about others, and those who know their fate do not complain about heaven.

35. How to enlighten a girl who has been traumatized inside?

It doesn't matter what the method is, the most important thing is:

Once you decide to approach her, don't take the initiative to stay away from her;

Once she starts getting close to you, never try to push her away.

36. Is it worth it to be 26 years old, working for three years but studying abroad for three years?

Ordinary players choose the standard configuration, and high-end players choose the custom configuration.

37. What kind of person lives the happiest?

People who don't look at others.

38. What do you think of the phrase "There is no hope for a young man who is relieved and indifferent"?

There is no hope in trying to sum up the complexity of life in one sentence.

39. How to conquer the universe?

Conquer yourself.

40. Is there really a reward for hard work?

Success requires luck, talent, background, connections, and more.

Diligence may be just an inconspicuous condition. But that doesn't mean that if you give up hard work, you can have other conditions.

For most people, they have no choice but to work hard.

There is no absolute fairness in the world, but unfairness is not a reason not to work hard.


41. Why should a person work hard in this life?

The most painful thing was not failure, it was that I could.

42. How hard do you have to work to become a great person?

If you are destined to be a great person, then the answer to this question is deep in your blood;

If you are not destined to be a great person, then you just need to be yourself.

43. What is the biggest difference between amateur and professional?

The masters all play with themselves, and the amateurs play with others.

44. How do you know if your life is going uphill or downhill?

If you feel tired, you are uphill, and if you feel relaxed, you are downhill.

45. Where is the dividing line between the first half of life and the second half of life?

At this moment.

46. What ideas have you come across that have struck you, inspired you, or changed you a lot?

Talent determines the upper limit you can reach, and effort determines the lower limit you can reach.

With the low level of effort of the vast majority of people, it is far from reaching the point of fighting for talent.

47. There are so many good books, movies, and anime in the world, which are destined to be endless, what should we do about this fact?

I am afraid that the truth is infinite, and there is an inch of joy in every inch.

48. If you start working hard at the age of 30, is there any hope for a better life?

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now.

49. What are some good ways to save money?

Keep the nine-character motto in mind before buying anything: you like, you need, and you fit. (Applies to many things, including feelings)

50. How should I talk to someone I don't know well?

Some people find it difficult or tiring to communicate because they are always trying to show qualities that they do not have.


51. How do you understand Wang Yangming's "unity of knowledge and action" and how does it apply it to real life?

Knowing that you can't do it is the same as not knowing.

52. When the mobile phone "Android system" was first popular, why didn't Nokia adopt it, but still loved Symbian?

People do not die in a desperate situation, but they are often planted at a crossroads.

53. How did Zuckerberg protect Facebook's original idea, and why was Facebook not copied by other big companies after it went online?

The best way to protect your ideas is to execute them best.

54. What are some behaviors that are easy to offend others but not easy to detect yourself?

Treat others as your own too much.

55. How to be frank and gentle?

When I think that everyone is going to die one day, I feel that I should be kind to the person I like, and that's it.

56. What are the top reasons for employees to quit?

Money is less and more things are far away from home, and the position is low, the power is light, and the responsibility is heavy.

57. What's the best advice you've ever received in your life?

(1) Never ask questions you don't want to know the answer to.

(2) Excessive self-attention is the root of all evil.

(3) Never screw up on something that hasn't happened yet.

(4) Grace should be light and strong, first thick and then light, people forget its benefits;


(5) When you feel that it is too late, it is precisely the earliest time.

58. What does it look like to love life?

Every day, there is a strong motivation to get up, embrace every moment with your heart, and cherish beautiful people and things.

59. What behaviors are wasted of time?

Thinking without learning + hesitation.

60. What is the one sentence that most ignites your passion for learning?

(1) You can't give up the world to the people you despise.

(2) Summer is scorching, winter is cold, spring does not die my heart, what my heart wants, will become.


61. What should I pay attention to when making friends and associating with people who are wealthier than my own family (including relationships, classmates, and workplaces)?

In fact, it is a truth to interact with anyone, if you can't do it, you have to say it in advance, don't say it halfway or afterwards.

62. Where is the dividing line between "pretending" and "choosing what you want"?

The difference between and pretending is whether you're having fun with "doing it" itself or "letting other people know I've done it."

If there is one thing that you must never mention to anyone even if you do it, and you will do it without hesitation, then it is called "choosing what you want".

63. Why do we do something if it doesn't end well?

We insist on one thing, not because it will work, but because we firmly believe that it is the right thing to do.

64. What should I do if my partner feels that he or she has lost the freshness he had at the beginning after half a year of dating?

I have always believed that the so-called novelty is not to do the same thing with unknown people, but to experience unknown life with known people.

65. Why do people go to university to find a job, but they don't like to drive taxis, small shops, restaurants, street breakfast and food stalls, etc.?

There is a passage that can be used to answer this question:

"Son, I ask you to study hard, not because I want you to compare your grades with others, but because I hope that in the future you will have the right to choose, choose meaningful and time-bound work, instead of being forced to earn a living.

When your work has meaning in your heart, you have a sense of accomplishment. When your work gives you time and does not deprive you of life, you have dignity. A sense of accomplishment and dignity that gives you joy. ”

66. What are some examples of low emotional intelligence?

Be respectful to strangers, but be angry at those close to you.

67. What do you think about "when you're young, you need friends, not connections"?

Only a relationship without a purpose can move people.

68. What are some truths that you read and don't believe and don't listen to until you experience it yourself?

Don't underestimate your abilities, don't overestimate your perseverance.

69. How do you turn boredom into fun?

Knowing is higher than ambition, which is the source of happiness. Catch the mouse with the momentum of the goshawk fighting the rabbit. Set up missile anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes. The more "overkill", the more comedic it has. The more you do boring things with a serious attitude, the more pleasing you can be.

Anyway, being idle is idle, and if it is not for useless things, how can you send a life with an end.

70. Why are some things simple, but others are unwilling to do them?

To do something is not because it's simple, but because it's worth it.