
Don't rub your shoulder with pain, beware of the more you rub your shoulder, the more painful it is, it's important to distinguish the symptoms

author:Positive Yangtze

In our daily lives, shoulders play an important role, not only literally bearing weight, but also carrying our stress and exhaustion. Whether it's looking down for a long time to play with your phone, or staring at the computer screen without moving for hours on end, your shoulders silently carry everything for us. However, when the shoulder starts to signal pain, many people's first reaction is to "rub it around", as if this will dissipate all the fatigue and pain. But let me tell you, this approach may not only not solve the problem, but will make it worse.

Don't rub your shoulder with pain, beware of the more you rub your shoulder, the more painful it is, it's important to distinguish the symptoms

Diagnosis and Treatment Story: A Misguided Kneading Journey

I remember one of these patients, let's call her Mary for now. Mary, an office worker, gradually started to have a pain in her shoulder because she was working in front of a computer for a long time. At first, she didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that just kneading her shoulder would relieve the pain. As a result, within a few days, the pain not only did not lessen, but became more intense. When it was unbearable, she hurried to find me.

After examination, we found that Mary's shoulder pain was mainly caused by frozen shoulder, and frequent kneading not only did not relieve the inflammation, but because of the excessive stimulation, the muscles and soft tissues of the shoulder were more tense, and the inflammation was more severe. At this time, Mary realized that a shoulder pain was not a trivial matter, and it could not be solved by rubbing it casually.

Fortunately, with the right treatment and a period of rest, Mary's shoulder condition improved significantly. This incident also made her deeply realize that the right way to deal with shoulder pain is more important than blindly "rubbing".

Error handling: Why it is not advisable to say "rubbing".

Don't rub your shoulder with pain, beware of the more you rub your shoulder, the more painful it is, it's important to distinguish the symptoms

Error handling: Why it is not advisable to say "rubbing".

First of all, shoulders are not as simple as we often mistakenly think. It is a complex mechanism composed of shoulder girdles, shoulder joints, and a series of muscles and tendons. When there is pain in the shoulder, it is likely that something is wrong with some part of this delicate system. At this point, if we knead it casually like we do with expired bread, it can make the problem worse from worse. You don't want a piece of bread that has started to mold faster, do you?

Wrong massage techniques, especially improper strength and wrong direction, can lead to further damage to muscles and tendons. Imagine if the shoulder was a fine piece of fabric, rubbing it like a rude tug on it, not only would it not fix the existing crack, but it might tear a bigger hole.

In addition, rubbing may also exacerbate inflammation. Inflammation itself is the body's response to the damage, repairing the damage by increasing blood flow and the concentration of immune cells. However, if we irritate the area with incorrect rubbing, the inflammatory response can be excessive, leading to more swelling and pain, which is like driving another heavy truck on a road surface that is being repaired, which will only make the situation worse.

So, the next time your shoulder hurts excruciatingly, don't rush to knead it with your "dough theory". The correct approach is to first assess the specific location of the pain point and the nature of the pain, and if the pain persists or intensifies, the smartest thing to do is to seek professional medical help. Not only can they help you diagnose the true cause of your shoulder pain, but they can also provide professional treatment advice to ensure that your shoulder can be restored with the right care.

Don't rub your shoulder with pain, beware of the more you rub your shoulder, the more painful it is, it's important to distinguish the symptoms

Practical management: Not all shoulder pain needs massage

Self-care for mild frozen shoulder

If your shoulder pain is due to mild frozen shoulder, a simple hot and cold compress can provide tremendous relief.

Cold compresses: In the first few days of an injury, using ice packs can reduce inflammation and swelling. Apply a cold compress for 15-20 minutes several times a day.

Warm compresses: A few days after the injury, when the acute symptoms have subsided, switch to warm compresses to help relax the muscles and increase blood circulation. Again, apply a warm compress for 15-20 minutes each time.

Initial management of rotator cuff injuries

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder that are responsible for the stability and movement of the shoulder joint. If the pain is due to a rotator cuff injury, it is important to avoid using weight bearing on the injured shoulder.

Maintain proper activity: Completely immobile can cause stiffness in the shoulder joint, but overuse can worsen the injury. Find the right balance and follow your doctor's advice for a moderate amount of shoulder activity.

Simple stretching: Do some light shoulder stretches, but avoid overstretching or twisting.

Treatment of shoulder pain caused by cervical spine problems

Many times, the pain in the shoulder is actually caused by a problem with the cervical spine. At this point, adjusting your daily posture and doing some neck stretching exercises can bring relief.

Posture adjustment: Make sure to maintain the natural curve of the cervical spine when working or resting, and avoid bowing your head or twisting your neck for long periods of time.

Neck exercises: Regular neck rotation and lateral flexion stretches strengthen the neck muscles and reduce pressure on the cervical spine.

Seek professional medical help

If your shoulder pain persists or gets worse, it's wise to seek professional medical help. A professional doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan, including but not limited to physical therapy, medication, or a more specialized treatment.

Remember, while self-care can provide relief in many situations, it's equally important to know when to turn to a professional. Blind massage or the wrong treatment can exacerbate the problem, but the right treatment can get you back to a healthy life quickly.

Don't rub your shoulder with pain, beware of the more you rub your shoulder, the more painful it is, it's important to distinguish the symptoms

Prevention is better than cure: Shoulder care tips on a daily basis

1. Posture is key

Your mom said, "Stand up straight, don't hunchback," and she's right. Whether standing or sitting, maintaining good posture is essential to avoid shoulder problems. Try to gently pull your shoulders back with your chest slightly up. Imagine a thread carrying you from the top of your head, straightening your entire spine. Not only will this reduce the pressure on your shoulders, but it will also make you look more confident!

2. Small office exercises, shoulders are not stiff

For those who work in front of the computer for a long time, it is very necessary to get up every hour to move. Try a simple shoulder rotation exercise: put your hands on your shoulders and draw a circular motion, clockwise and then counterclockwise, 10 times each. Not only will this relax your shoulders, but it will also allow you to think more clearly.

3. A warm hug warms up your shoulders

Use a warm pack or warm water pack to gently place on your shoulders for 10-15 minutes each time to relieve tension and fatigue in your shoulders. This method is especially useful in cold weather or if you feel uncomfortable after holding the same position for a long time.

4. Stretch simply, away from stiffness

Gently stretching your shoulders can improve blood circulation and prevent stiffness and pain in your shoulders. Try holding one arm across your body and gently pulling your elbow with your other hand, stretching the shoulder muscles on the side for 15 seconds on each side. It's simple, effective, and can be done anytime, anywhere.

5. Take a deep breath and release stress

Sometimes, our shoulder pain is simply due to excessive tension and stress. Try taking a few deep breaths, focusing on allowing your shoulders to relax completely as you exhale. Not only will this help relieve tension in your shoulders, but it will also make your mood calmer.

Remember, prevention is always more effective than cure. With these simple daily habits, we can effectively take care of our shoulders and keep them healthy and energetic. However, if the shoulder pain persists, remember to seek professional medical help in time.