
Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

author:The Legend of Ah Lang 00
Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!


In this era of mobile Internet, mobile phones have undoubtedly become an indispensable digital terminal in modern life. However, even a small mobile phone holder design can make the two mobile phone giants break out into a war of words. What kind of wonderful chapter will be performed in this brand contest? Let's continue to see!

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

01. Cause of the dispute

As a veteran powerhouse in the mobile phone industry, the competition between Huawei and Xiaomi can be described as a mutual match. Just recently, the two companies started a new war of words over a seemingly trivial design detail.

The fuse that triggered all this came from the remarks of Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei Device Co., Ltd. When he commented on Xiaomi's new pure electric SUV model SU7 just released on social media, he deliberately brought out the design of the car's mobile phone holder to comment.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

Although Yu Chengdong did not directly target a certain company, the wording of "innocuous and insignificant" has already revealed the questioning and scrutiny of this design concept. In this regard, many netizens also smiled, thinking that his implication had been frankly and unmistakably designed the mobile phone holder of Xiaomi's new car in the firepower.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

In the face of this "gluttonous rain" of its peers, Xiaomi naturally can't sit still. The company was quick to talk and immediately launched a public opinion survey through the official social account of its boss Lei Jun. The results show that as many as 70% of netizens agree with the mobile phone holder in the SU7 model, regarding it as a big humane plus.

Obviously, Huawei's comments on the design of the mobile phone holder have completely woken up Xiaomi, the lion that is ready to go. Next, how will the two sides repeatedly take the opportunity to parry? Let's move on!

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

02. Lei Jun's confident response

In this war of words about the design of the mobile phone holder, Xiaomi naturally does not want to lose. Immediately afterwards, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Group, personally stood up and strategized and faced difficulties.

Lei Jun first launched a poll on his personal social platform about the design of the SU7 mobile phone holder, and the results were unexpected - nearly seventy percent of netizens expressed support for this design concept, believing it to be a big humane plus.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

With such a strong voice, Lei Jun gradually became confident in his next response. He admits that the design of the mobile phone holder of the SU7 model is just a microcosm of the detailed design concept of Xiaomi's products, representing Xiaomi's diligent pursuit of product experience.

However, Lei Jun did not stop at the boasting of a narrow brand, but continued to express his position with a broader mind. He humbly and politely said that the previous comments were just some exchanges and discussions between peers, and there was no need to worry about it.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

Lei Jun's appropriate humble attitude and detached generosity have won wide appreciation from netizens. Many people have praised that compared with the short-lived appearance of Huawei's marketing gaffes, Lei Jun's response is the height and pattern that the industry's predecessors should have.

I wonder how this war of words between mobile phone giants will continue next? Will Lei Jun take the initiative to further attack and choke his opponents? Or will the two sides regain the road of reconciliation and grow together hand in hand? Let us wait and see.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

03. Netizens are divided

In this brand war of words around the design of mobile phone holders, the netizen comments of both camps are also divided into two factions.

On the one hand, it is believed that Yu Chengdong's remarks are already a little too meaningless and boring. After all, as the CEO of a top mobile phone manufacturer, he should be far-sighted and ambitious, not just smiling and generous for a small accessory design. Some netizens jokingly said that this kind of behavior is "out of place" and "out of place".

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

On the other side are netizens with a positive attitude. They believe that although the setup of the mobile phone holder is not necessary, if it is well made, convenient and practical, it is naturally a big plus. This reflects Xiaomi's meticulous approach to the product experience, which is also worthy of recognition.

Whether it is for or against, almost all netizens expressed their appreciation for Lei Jun's response to the challenge. Everyone agreed that this is exactly the calmness and pattern that a business owner should have. Through wise and pragmatic responses, Lei Jun not only successfully resolved the brand PR crisis, but also took the opportunity to further boost Xiaomi's products and corporate image.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

In the camps of both sides, people are even more one-sided that the winners in this war of words are Lei Jun and the Xiaomi brand. They admired Lei Jun's far-sightedness and broad-mindedness in the face of his peers. In the final analysis, whether a product is good or not is still judged by users and the market, rather than being decided through verbal confrontation.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

After this conflict, where will the two sides go? Will they continue to debate the design of mobile phone holders, or will they return to calm and work together for a win-win situation? We will wait and see, looking forward to the next wonderful drama in the industry.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!


Looking at this war of words between mobile phone giants, it is not difficult to find that both sides are actually conveying a brand concept of "attentive service" to users in their own unique ways.

Xiaomi insists on meticulous design of product details, and strives to create a more humanized and intimate experience for users. Huawei, on the other hand, hopes to establish a more honest and trusting relationship with its users through a straightforward and steady approach.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

Whether it is Huawei's frankness or Xiaomi's intentions, it shows a kind of respect and enthusiasm for users. The transmission of this brand concept is far more valuable and valuable than the war of words itself.

Because of this, there is no need to talk too much about it or judge it. Rather than blindly competing for both sides, it is better to calm down and think: as consumers, what kind of experience do we most want to have?

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

The brand war of words can indeed add a lot of excitement to the market, but the real winner can always be decided by the users themselves. It is expected that every brand can humbly listen to the voice of users, and sincerely give back to consumers with better products and services.

Yu Chengdong insinuated that Xiaomi su7 mobile phone holder, Lei Jun: Let netizens answer!

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