
Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

author:Remembering the sea

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Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

Hey, dear readers, are you ready for an audio-visual feast? Don't worry, let me give you a big news first-the most popular TV series today, if nothing else, is the unstoppable "Walking with the Phoenix"! As soon as this drama was launched, it immediately became the focus of everyone's after-dinner discussion, which was even hotter than ice cream in summer!

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

Speaking of "Walking with the Phoenix", how can you not mention the shining heroine - Zhao Liying? This post-85 Xiaohuadan, but a clear stream in the entertainment industry, not only looks online, but also has first-class acting skills. She starred in "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", which has long become the white moonlight in everyone's hearts, and every time I think about it, it makes people happy. However, Zhao Liying does not plan to stay in the glory of the past, she constantly challenges herself and tries various different types of roles, which can bring new surprises to the audience every time.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

This time in "Walking with the Phoenix", Zhao Liying shined again. The role she played, whether it was emotional fluctuations or personality changes, was handled just right. Especially those delicate and nuanced performances, it is simply fascinating to watch. Moreover, she and Lin Gengxin's CP sense is also bursting! As soon as the two of them appeared, they seemed to have a sweet aura, which made people want to scream. Their tacit cooperation and sparkling rivalry are simply unstoppable.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

In addition to the wonderful performances of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin, the production level of this drama is also first-class. The graphics are exquisite, and the special effects are cool and realistic, making it dazzling to watch. Moreover, the plot is also ups and downs, exciting. Each episode has new surprises and reversals that make it addictive.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

In fact, Zhao Liying's acting career is like an inspirational blockbuster full of legends. She has gone from obscurity at the beginning to today's status step by step, and the hard work and dedication behind it can be imagined. She used her strength and talent to win the love and respect of the audience. Her story tells us that as long as we have dreams, courage and hard work, we will be able to break out of our own world.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

In "Walking with the Phoenix", Zhao Liying not only showed the charm of her acting skills, but also let us see her continuous growth and progress. She treats every role seriously and responsibly, carefully understands the hearts of the characters, and strives to present the most perfect performance. This kind of professionalism and professionalism makes people have to admire her professional attitude.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

Moreover, Zhao Liying is still a super stalk female star. Her performance in the play always sparks heated discussions and discussions among the audience. For example, once, one of her funny expressions in the play was screenshotted by netizens and quickly became popular on social media. Everyone said that Zhao Liying's sense of humor and self-deprecating spirit are so cute!

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

In addition to Zhao Liying, the other actors of the drama "Walking with the Phoenix" also performed very well. They used their acting skills and talents to add countless highlights to this show. Especially those wonderful group scenes, it is simply exciting to watch.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

Now, whenever "Walking with the Phoenix" is mentioned, everyone can't help but think of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin, the pair of screen CPs. Their sweet interaction and tacit cooperation have become a highlight of this drama. The audience said that watching this drama is to knock this pair of CPs! This kind of sweet atmosphere makes people can't help but want to be sweet together.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

Of course, the success of a good drama is inseparable from the hard work of the entire crew. From the director to the actors to the behind-the-scenes staff, everyone has put a lot of effort into this show. It is this joint effort and team spirit that has made "Walking with the Phoenix" one of the hottest TV series this summer.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

So, dear readers, if you haven't watched "Walking with the Phoenix", it's really out! Hurry up and chase the drama, and feel the sweet crit brought by Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin together! At the same time, I also look forward to them continuing to shine on the road of acting in the future and bring us more wonderful works and roles.

Heated discussion: How popular is Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying (screen CP) in "Walking with the Phoenix".

In this entertainment industry full of competition and pressure, Zhao Liying used her strength and talent to break out of her own world. Her story inspires each of us that as long as we have dreams, courage and hard work, we will be able to create our own glory. So, let's call Zhao Liying and "Walking with the Phoenix" together! Let them know that their efforts and dedication have been recognized and supported by the audience!

Finally, I would like to say that life is like a TV series, full of unknowns and surprises. Each of us is the protagonist of this drama, interpreting our own story in our own way. And the drama "Walking with the Phoenix" is like a mirror, allowing us to see our own shadows and dreams. So, don't be afraid of the unknown and challenges, and be brave enough to pursue your dreams!

Well, dear readers, that's all for today's sharing! I hope you will enjoy this article and feel the enthusiasm and power in it. If you have more topics to talk about "Walking with the Phoenix" or Zhao Liying, then hurry up and leave a message in the comment area! Let's share this joy and emotion together!

Of course, dear readers, just now we walked through the world of "Walking with the Phoenix", appreciated Zhao Liying's incomparable acting charm, and felt the persistence and pursuit of dreams of the characters in the play. In fact, each of us is the protagonist of life, and we are all interpreting our own stories in our own way.

Life is like a TV series full of variables, and every day there is a new plot staged. Sometimes we have setbacks, sometimes we feel lost, but it is these experiences that make us more resilient and more mature. Zhao Liying's story tells us that as long as we have dreams, courage, and perseverance, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve our goals.

"Walking with the Phoenix" is not only a good-looking TV series, but also a work that can touch our hearts. It allows us to see the power of dreams and the meaning of perseverance. Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin's performance in the play makes us believe that love can overcome all obstacles, and as long as there is love in your heart, you can overcome everything.

Dear readers, I hope you can all be like Zhao Liying on the road of life, moving forward bravely and not afraid of difficulties. May you all find the person who fights side by side with you and create your own wonderful story together.

Finally, I would like to say that "Walking with the Phoenix" brings us not only visual enjoyment, but also spiritual touch. It allows us to see the brilliance of humanity and the power of dreams. So, don't hesitate, don't hold back, and pursue your dreams bravely! Because in this world, nothing can stop us from moving forward! Let's cheer for our dreams together, cheer for Zhao Liying, and praise "Walking with the Phoenix"!

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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